Can you please clearly explain to me how humans physically building things like buildings/phones does not mean that they created it? How exactly is it that only Allah created it even though we physically built it? As in when we look at it how is it that we didnt create that thing but only Allah created it?
Also how gene editing or humans physically adding, removing or altering the DNA of a living cell or organism does not mean that they are creating something?
Or when we, our own bodies produce sperm, how exactly is it that eventhough we/our bodies produced the sperm we ejaculated it and then when we look at it, it is not we who created it even though our body produced it, but it is only Allah who created it?
Also when after we ejaculate the sperm and cause it to move to the egg and consequently cause the sperm and egg cells to merge and form a diploid cell. Not to mention, that diploid cell then develops into a human. How exactly is it that its only Allah who created that diploid cell, baby human in this way even though we caused it to happen like this (which is something much bigger than when humans add a gene with gene editing)?
Can you please explain to me as in how exactly does this not mean that they are creating something? From what I understand it is because Allah causes everything to happen eventhough we say we have free will but in reality it is only Allah that makes us do what we do and what we build?