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The Zionist Game!

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Topic: The Zionist Game!
Posted By: Rehmat
Subject: The Zionist Game!
Date Posted: 10 April 2005 at 5:15pm

The favorite Zionist method for evading criticism is what I call a 'Pantheon of Hatred' tactic. That is, their entire method of "spotting scummy anti-Semites" and "debunking anti-Semitic propaganda" boils down to a ridiculously picayune exercise of building up a list of certain names, websites, authors, historical events, etc. reputed to be anti-Semitic. By making this list as inclusive as possible, they maximize their ability to draw connections between any criticism of Jewish politics and any item on the list. Now, by pointing out the connection, they can launch their stock summary dismissal: "yup, got one here! Scummy anti-Semite!!! Scummy anti-Semite!!! Nothing they say matters!! Scummy anti-Semite!!!" -


Know your enemy!
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Tomorrow it will be too late
What You Don�t Know Can Kill You

Posted By: DavidC
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 5:49am
Picaynue? What part of Louisiana are you from?


Posted By: Rehmat
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 7:42am

Originally posted by DavidC DavidC wrote:

Picaynue? What part of Louisiana are you from?


Whom are U asking - Me or the writer of the article (a 'self-hating Jew', a suppose)?

My hometown is listed under my ID.

Know your enemy!
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Tomorrow it will be too late
What You Don�t Know Can Kill You

Posted By: DavidC
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 9:20am
I thought that you posted that summary of the article.


Posted By: Rehmat
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 11:20am

Originally posted by DavidC DavidC wrote:

I thought that you posted that summary of the article.


That means you're quite okey with the article - because only a Jew is allowed to write and even get published such truths. For example, no Christian writer would have dared to wtite that wounderful book 'Holocaust Industry' without being hounded by ADL, JDL and AIPAC and called 'Jew hater' and 'anti-Semite'. 

Know your enemy!
No time to waste. Act now!
Tomorrow it will be too late
What You Don�t Know Can Kill You

Posted By: DavidC
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 2:06pm
I didn't read the article. Your introduction indicated there was nothing in
it I had not read before.


Posted By: Rehmat
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 3:01pm

Originally posted by DavidC DavidC wrote:

I didn't read the article. Your introduction indicated there was nothing in
it I had not read before.


That's very good attitude to stay in the dark. Both Hitler and Herzl taught his followers this 'gem'.

Know your enemy!
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Tomorrow it will be too late
What You Don�t Know Can Kill You

Posted By: abuayisha
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 6:14pm
Did someone miss the gist?

Posted By: DavidC
Date Posted: 11 April 2005 at 8:51pm
I am here to aid my understanding of Islam. I try to stay focused.


Posted By: Rehmat
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 4:25am

Originally posted by DavidC DavidC wrote:

I am here to aid my understanding of Islam. I try to stay focused.


Don't single out yourself buddy - We all are here for 'some reason'.

Know your enemy!
No time to waste. Act now!
Tomorrow it will be too late
What You Don�t Know Can Kill You

Posted By: DavidC
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 6:42am
It's something I picked up here from one of the non-native english
members. In a discussion of the NT, they suggested the authors may not
have been in wudu when it was written.

I had read in Bukari that Muhummad demonstrated how wudu could be
performed with clean sand when water was not available, so I understood
the act itself was symbolic, but I had not considered wudu referring to a
state of being as well as an action.

As a non-Muslim, it is especially important for me to keep a spiritual
frame of mind here. That is why I try to avoid all political discussions o
this board.


Posted By: jalillah
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 6:50am
guys you all ain't mad are you????

May Allah Bless those who seek the truth......Allah Stands Alone in truth..

Posted By: jalillah
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 7:15am
dicussion discussion..well let me say my discussion this is a muslim discussion forum is'nt? so why the hell is people!? ... no offence to non muslim thats on this site too!!! but why would any one wants to get upset? if any one thinks! that whatever been said in this forum is not agreeable to any individual... prove them wrong... if not keep silent until you know you are right no point upsetting anyone..because since i came on this forum i've notice how people are here...they seem tto me a very peaceful individual... and just be thankful we all can be part of this discussion...keep cool and god all non muslim--- Inshaallah to all the muslim ....... 

May Allah Bless those who seek the truth......Allah Stands Alone in truth..

Posted By: Rehmat
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 7:43am

Originally posted by DavidC DavidC wrote:

It's something I picked up here from one of the non-native english members. In a discussion of the NT, they suggested the authors may not have been in wudu when it was written....

That's interesting - considering that both Jews and consider their womenfolks 'sinful' (OT + NT) and both men and women are not required to have 'Wudu' or even bath before going for prayers. So, why the writers of OT or NT would need to clean them. After having a quick glance at Jewish Talmud - professor Israel Shamir came to the conclusion that it could not have been written by a 'clean person'.

Know your enemy!
No time to waste. Act now!
Tomorrow it will be too late
What You Don�t Know Can Kill You

Posted By: Shams Zaman
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 11:43am


The Jews should have accepted Jesus as their Messiah, but they refused and suffered the consequences. The Jews and the Christians should both have accepted Muhammad as

God's final Messenger. They did not, and as a result, the world is in turmoil. "The seeds of the Zionist movement were sown when the first grieving captive departed from Jerusalem for Babylon in 586 B.C.E. The Psalmist poet's ringing cry - "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning!" - was echoed down the ages by every pious Jew of every generation.

Thenceforth, the thoughts, dreams and prayers of the persecuted ended with the yearning and consoling words: "Next year Jerusalem!" The very concept of the Messiah and the prophetic expectation that his coming would signalize the climactic "ingathering" of all the wanderers of Israel was an intense form of Zionism expressed in terms of the supernatural and the religious. The primal aim of the Zionism was to end the 2000 years old Jewish Diaspora while the subsequent was to establish the supremacy of Jewish race on the world. It was not possible for the Jews to go forth with their plan of world dominance without including main stream people from Muslim and Christian community. To involve them in their Zionist movement a new cadre of non Jewish Zionist was introduced with the name of FREEMASONS. Though it is very difficult to exactly locate the founding date of this cadre, some careful estimates point to 1717 A.D while other claims it to be older than this.

This was the emotional nourishment upon which the bruised consciousness of the Jew fed through the centuries. It was the secularist spirit of the nineteenth century however, seeking social solutions in practical terms, that saw the rise of the modern Zionist movement.

The detailed account of the Zionist and freemasonry movements can be read in the book named 'Satanic Voices - Ancient & Modern' written by David Musa Pidcock, (founder of �Islamic Party of Britain�) which can be downloaded free from : -

Shams Zaman    Pakistan

 [email protected]

[email protected]

Posted By: Rehmat
Date Posted: 12 April 2005 at 12:20pm

Originally posted by Shams Zaman Shams Zaman wrote:

.....The seeds of the Zionist movement were sown when the first grieving captive departed from Jerusalem for Babylon in 586 B.C.E. The Psalmist poet's ringing cry - "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning!" - was echoed down the ages by every pious Jew of every generation.....

Why not let a Jewish Rabbi tell us a little about Zionism! Here is text of a talk delivered by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss at the United Association for Studies and Research Studies (UASR). -



Know your enemy!
No time to waste. Act now!
Tomorrow it will be too late
What You Don�t Know Can Kill You

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