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Gorgeous in a dress with hijab

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Topic: Gorgeous in a dress with hijab
Posted By: birizbiz
Subject: Gorgeous in a dress with hijab
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 2:40am

... and who said you won't look gorgeous in a dress with hijab? - from Beril and more... - from Armine and more ... - From Dicle and more... - and what about Turban with Ayse Kuafor in Istanbul - from Isahrs and more

Biriz Biz

Posted By: Muslima
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 4:59am

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 5:02am

A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: Rose
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 5:06am
there are alot aoways on how to put a hijab...I wonder how the do that...its nice to try different styles

A thorn defends the rose,harming only those who would steal the blossom

Posted By: NOORA
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 5:22am

I don't like the way their there scarves.

Their hair style is to far up on their head - and the bump is very unattractive - nonetheless the white suit is very nice. [4th one]

Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 6:23am
Originally posted by NOORA NOORA wrote:

I don't like the way their there scarves.

Their hair style is to far up on their head - and the bump is very unattractive -


Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: fatima
Date Posted: 19 June 2006 at 9:41am

Bismillah irrahman irrahim

Assalamu alaikum

blue number is proper chick flick


Say: (O Muhammad) If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your faults, and Allah is Forgiving, MercifuL

Posted By: schwester
Date Posted: 20 June 2006 at 9:30am
    the scarf is weared differently. how it's done?.. cute. there earings may be added also

and this one i really liked
und das ist coooool

Posted By: Hayfa
Date Posted: 20 June 2006 at 11:24am
Well they better look good.. they sort of are the models aren't they?

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi

Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 20 June 2006 at 11:45am

Do I see a sculpted eyebrow there?????   

I thought the Hijab was so you DIDN'T attract attention and "look good"???? 

Kinda defeats the purpose when a hijab goes High Fashion.


Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 20 June 2006 at 1:01pm
Originally posted by birizbiz birizbiz wrote:

... and who said you won't look gorgeous in a dress?

from Tekbir

and more -


from Dicle

and more... -


I'd need a ball to go to with that blue Cinderlla number.

And those are butt kicking heels in the last photo, aren't they?

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: Muslima
Date Posted: 21 June 2006 at 4:18am

I don't see why fashion cannot go with the Hijab as long as this does not become a must have.

It's up to the sisters what they like to wear and very often, humility is in the attitude and not in the clothes.

You may have a sister very well dresses but who has a lot of humility, and a sister who is dressed very simply but may have a high opinion of herself and may come across as arrogant or unpleasant.

It all comes from the heart!

Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 21 June 2006 at 8:12am

The whole purpose of the Hijab is to protect the woman from the glances of her non relative male?  Or am I wrong?  If you are dressing in bright colors and fashionable clothes, you are doing it to be seen.  So you are attracting the eyes of non relative men.  That's just my outsiders view.  I like Hijabs.  Don't get me wrong, but I find high fashion and hijabs to be incompatible.  Especially considering this fatwa from -


2006-06-08 09:52:03 


if a married women does not observe purdah what is the punishment? 




What is the shariah ruling for Purdah, if a married women does not observe purdah what is the punishment?will his husband will be punished for her disobedience?is covering the face is also necessary for purdah?  


Imam Abu-Hanifa (Rahmatullah alaih)- the face and palms is excluded from hijaab but the condition is there should be no fear of fitna. The Hanafi Jurists have said due to the immorality of times and weakness of resistance, it is compulsory for a female to cover her face which is the focus of her beauty.

Imam Shaf�ie, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmed (Rahmatullah alaih) It is not permissible for a lady to expose her face and palms whether there is danger of fitna or not.

Veil is legitimately defined as the dress that covers the whole body of the woman including her head, face, hands and feet. It should be long, loose and plain not defining her shape. Veil has been prescribed for women to block the road to sin. In short, veiling is a source of covering the face, hands, feet and other parts of the body. Allah Ta�ala states, �And they should draw their veils over their bosoms.� (24:31)

�O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (except eyes to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed.� (33:59)

The Purpose of Veiling

The purpose of veiling is to safeguard woman from the biased looks of men and provide her a pure atmosphere at home so that she can perform her household duties properly and contribute to improve the whole society as Allah states, �And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the former times of ignorance.� (33:33)

History shows that the children, who were brought up by their mothers in observance of the social values and religious obligations, later became the leaders of the nation. They admitted that the credit of their booming career goes to their mothers who bestowed on them the qualities of sincerity, faithfulness, honesty, self-reliance and social service; and encouraged them to continue their education. Veiling gives an esteemed position to woman and protects her from sexual harassment by people. On the other hand, a woman, who displays her beauty and wears tight, short and transparent clothes, attracts men towards her. Consequently, they try to exploit her sexually using all possible techniques. Sometimes, woman also becomes weak and surrenders herself to the lust of men. Veiling provides security to woman and promotes a pure atmosphere in the society. But those who consider themselves as modern people consider it a disgrace and construe it as shackles for the woman. In comparison to the right and wrong, this world and the hereafter, paradise and hell, the observance of veiling is much smaller than that.

The rationale of veiling

Woman is Allah�s beautiful creation. On one hand, she satisfies man�s sexual desires and on the other hand, she plays a significant role in the growth of the human generations. No doubt, woman has a great attraction for a man. Due to this attraction, it is feared he will indulge in sins. Therefore, Allah has forbidden man strictly from fornication and adultery. He has also forbidden woman from exhibiting her charm. Regarding make-up and perfume, it is permissible for woman to wear them in front of her husband and closely related members of the family as Allah states, �They will not reveal their adornment except to their husband or their fathers, or their husband�s fathers, or their sons, or their husband�s sons, or their brothers or their brother�s sons, or their sister�s sons, or their (Muslim) women.� (24:31)

The first verse regarding veil was revealed in al-Madina when Umar ibn al-Khattaab admonished the prophet�s wife, Sawdah bint Zam�ah, while going outside without a veil. Allah Ta�ala states, �O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (except eyes to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed.� (33:59)

Generally, the veiling covers the whole body including head, face, hair, bosom, hands and feet. But in the absence of men it is permissible for woman to uncover her face as narrated by Aaisha [Radhiallaahu anha], �Some riders passed by us while we were with Allah�s Messenger [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] in the state of ritual consecration. When they came face to face, one of us let down her cloak (veil) from her head on her face and when they preceded us, we uncovered it.� (Abu Dawud)

The Advantages of Veiling

The veiling system contains a number of advantages particularly in a society where the rape, sexual molestation and disrespect of woman are very common. Some of them are listed below:

1. Veiling is a protection for Muslim woman against the behaviour of the wicked;

2. It is an identify of the Muslim that distinguishes her;

3. It gives her an honoured position in the society;

4. It acts as a barrier between men and women to keep them away from sins;

5. It is a means for observing chastity of woman;

6. It awakens the fear of Allah in the heart of man and woman and saves them from falling in the abyss of evil;

7. It teaches man to respect the veiled woman, provide her protection from the curious persons and ensure the uplift of the high morals and social values in the society.

The Disadvantages of Unveiling

Due to mixing up with the non-Muslims, particularly, in the countries where the Muslims are in minority, the practice of unveiling has become a regular feature. But it is very harmful for the Muslim society. Unveiling has a number of disadvantages. Out of them, some are as follows:

1. It is a violation of the Qur�aan and Hadith;

2. It shows woman�s weakness in belief;

3. It is a cause of temptation for men and women;

4. It strips off her modesty that is an integral part of Faith as the Prophet [Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam] said, �Modesty is part of Faith.� (al-Bukhari)

5. It subjects her to sexual harassment;

6. It hurts her dignity and feelings and it stains her chastity;

7. It prompts woman to take part in commercial advertisements and films as a showpiece and a source of enjoyment for the viewers.


Here are some recommendations that must be adhered to by a veiled woman when going out. They are as follows:

Veiling is the tradition of Muslim women. Since its prescription, the prophet�s wives, daughters and other believing Muslim women have strictly observed it. Today also, the Muslim ladies must keep it up. The veiled woman must understand the rationale of veiling and fulfill its requirements.

She must avoid wearing perfume and showing her finery in any way.

She must not be encouraging while dealing with men at the time of need.

She must be harsh in voice and avoid speaking softly, because it can be misconstrued as an invitation to strangers.

She must not stamp her feet letting her anklets tinkle or any other action that calls attention towards her.

She must be careful and reserved in her motions and even in looks while walking outside.

The women who display their beauty are often subjected to sexual exploitation by immoral people.

It is a fact that the life of the world is nothing but superficiality while the actual life is the life if the Hereafter where everyone will be rewarded for their deeds. The righteous will enjoy Allah�s pleasure. All blessings will be at their disposal. While the sinners and transgressors will be doomed to punishment that cannot be imagined. The evidence from the Qur�aan and Hadith confirm that Allah�s punishment will be severe.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon them to be chaste and veiling is a must for woman. However, she can uncover her face in the presence of the people who are closely related to her. She can freely move in front of the men in her common dress that has prescribed in the pleasure and comfort of her home.

It is the face from which the brands of beauty gush forth, passions are stirred up and the lusts are excited. The woman is bound to veil her hair, face, bosom, palms and feet according to the teachings of Islam.

As a matter of fact, the charm of woman is incorporated in her personality and dress. So, Allah has ordered woman to draw cloaks and hide her beauty from the strangers and distant relatives.



Ma�ariful-Quran, vol. 7, pgs. 217-219.

Fathul-Bari, vol. 10. pg. 677 Hadith # 4795 Umdatul-Qari. Vol. 19 Fataawa Rahimiya, vol.4 pg. 94-106

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai


Fatwa ID:


Posted By: Hayfa
Date Posted: 21 June 2006 at 10:16am

hmm so if the older married man sees this stylish young, beautiful woman out and about.. and goes home to his wife, a little less stylish, maybe a little plumper, after raising and caring for the kids. Now maybe he compares the two?

It is a question about what are the main purposes of modest dress, hijab, etc. (however you want to term it).

Women tend to have more interesting faces, etc. How many people can have an arresting smile, eyes, etc. To highlight them for the public, would it not be drawing attention to them.

Just pondering..

When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi

Posted By: Angela
Date Posted: 21 June 2006 at 10:28am
Originally posted by Hayfa Hayfa wrote:

hmm so if the older married man sees this stylish young, beautiful woman out and about.. and goes home to his wife, a little less stylish, maybe a little plumper, after raising and caring for the kids. Now maybe he compares the two?

It is a question about what are the main purposes of modest dress, hijab, etc. (however you want to term it).

Women tend to have more interesting faces, etc. How many people can have an arresting smile, eyes, etc. To highlight them for the public, would it not be drawing attention to them.

Just pondering..

I guess this is why in theory every woman is supposed to observe the Hijab for it to work properly.  And Men are supposed to lower their gaze so they aren't comparing the two...however, we know the world is not perfect.

As a Mormon, I'm to dress modestly.  My knees and my elbows are the absolute minimum my clothes can be.  No mini skirts and tank tops.  I actually find it very easy to dress modestly and have little to no attention draw to myself.  Non Mormons would never know.  I wear capri pants in the summer instead of shorts and I never wear revealing shirts, but I look like any other person on the street.  This is also supposed to include no tattoos, extreme hairstyles and piercings.

The purpose of modest dressing is to not flaunt what you got and to maintain respect and decorum.  I really don't see the scarve as beautiful as they are being the central part of the Hijabi.  The heart of a Hijabi is a woman who guards her chasity and preserves her dignity.  The scarf is to help protect her, its not intended to draw MORE attention to her.  I think a conservatively dressed woman would be better off to not attract the roving eyes of the men who don't know how to lower their gazes.

But that's just me. 

Posted By: Mishmish
Date Posted: 21 June 2006 at 10:28am

Assalamu Alaikum:

This is a very strict interpretation of hijab.

Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: Asma, daughter of AbuBakr, entered upon the Apostle of Allah(PBUH)  wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of Allah(PBUH)  turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma', when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands. (Narrated by - Abu Dawood # 4092 ).

Ibn Abbas (ra) is one of the most learned men of the Sahaba (Companions). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) even prayed for him saying "O Allah, make him acquire a deep understanding of the religion of Islam and instruct him in the meaning and interpretation of things." He with reference to Surah An-Nur �except only that which is apparent� as Ibn Kathir narrated with a Sahih (authentic) chain of narrators, said it�s "The hand, the ring, and the face." Abdullah Ibn Omar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) said �the face and the two hands�. Anas Ibn Malik (ra) said �the hand and the ring�. Ibn Hazm said: �all of this (statements) are in the highest of accuracy. And so are statements by Ali (ra), Aisha (ra), and other Tabi�een�.

In addition to this, we may infer from Allah's words, "Tell the believing men that they should lower their gazes", that the faces of the women of the Prophet's time were not veiled. Had the entire body including the face been covered, it would have made no sense to command them to lower their gaze, since there would have been nothing to be seen.

It is only with the heart that one can see clearly, what is essential is invisible to the eye. (The Little Prince)

Posted By: Israfil
Date Posted: 21 June 2006 at 10:43am

If I may allow a man's perspective.....To address sister Hafya's comment a husband has no business comparing hiw "plump" wife to another woman he happens to see on the street. Prior to marriage a man as well as a woman has a choice in his or her mate. Once they consumate they shouldn't later make comparisons and start noticing their own imperfections and then make compare and contrast with others that is simply wrong. Men and women in marriage should love each other regardless and with that said I have to say that I happen to slightly agree with Angela.

The whole point is to dress modestly and to take away the external attraction away from others. Of course it is said that men should lower their gaze but in reality do Muslims do that? I know you Muslimah's talk about how so and so is attractive. I have not heard of a Muslimah not looking at a man and wondering just briefly how so and so is attractive. Or a woman not looking at a man. We are animals for God sake! it is in our primitive nature to not only look but find appealing aspects within each other. In regards to modesty it is a matter of societal interpretation.

For those living in Afghanistan their intepretation of modesty could be to cover the entire body including hands. In Africa it could be to cover the hair and body leaving the arms free. In the States....Well our ideas of modesty are sub-divided because I have seen Muslimah's in long dresses and some in Skirts but of course these were professional women. I think it depends. How I interpret the Qur'an (which I may be wrong) is that the "ornaments" are that which are the sxual parts of a woman meaning the breast area and the groin area. Perhaps modesty in that time was different than modesty now. It is definitely an interpretation of the people.

Posted By: Abeer23
Date Posted: 21 June 2006 at 9:37pm

Ma sha allah, sis. birizbiz.  I thought all of the clothes were beautiful!!! I would wear them under an abaya or in my house for a sisters party. 

Jazakillahu khairan

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 22 June 2006 at 7:07am
I think these women look sexy, if the point is to be modest. Well I don't think that is achieved. If a woman dressed like this in a Muslim country all the guys would be flirting with her and looking at her. Especially with the make up and high heels. So whats the point??? The hair is covered??? So What?

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Suleyman
Date Posted: 22 June 2006 at 10:47am

Originally posted by Jenni Jenni wrote:

I think these women look sexy, if the point is to be modest. Well I don't think that is achieved. If a woman dressed like this in a Muslim country all the guys would be flirting with her and looking at her. Especially with the make up and high heels. So whats the point??? The hair is covered??? So What?

I agree with Jenni,sometimes i see hijabiis while not they are not covered and sometimes i see unhijabii while covered...the clothe is not enough for being an hijabii,also the heart....

Posted By: ZEA J
Date Posted: 22 June 2006 at 8:04pm

Originally posted by schwester schwester wrote:

and this one i really liked

yea, me too

"You will never attain piety and righteousness,(and eventually paradise)until you
spend of that which you love."(Al-Imran:92)

Posted By: schwester
Date Posted: 22 June 2006 at 9:52pm
Originally posted by Jenni Jenni wrote:

I think these women look sexy, if the point is to be modest. Well I don't think that is achieved. If a woman dressed like this in a Muslim country all the guys would be flirting with her and looking at her. Especially with the make up and high heels. So whats the point??? The hair is covered??? So What?

i think no matter how a girl wears, a man looking for a flirt will find it in any case if the sister gives him a chance. but wearing modest is very important for me. if not to wear that way, guys will now be flirting with nonmuslim girls who look more sexy wearing nothing at all. and also wearing modest attracts girls who are having prejudices about islam by seeing all covered and all in black women. girls anyway like to look beautifull. and men do so. just not everyone has the same taste in wearing. everyone should wear and care and respect themselves not for others to look at her/him, just it's a sign of self-respect and a respect to our religion which nowadays is in most people's interest. so let's try to present it in the highest and modest halal ways.

Posted By: Hayfa
Date Posted: 23 June 2006 at 9:54am

nonmuslim girls who look more sexy wearing nothing..

The scary part is most don't (they dress horribly) and they don't know it


When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi

Posted By: schwester
Date Posted: 24 June 2006 at 10:56am
they dunno that being in a dress is gorgeous.
yea not knowing the bad is worse than doing the bad, and the worst is doing it though you know that it's bad

Posted By: schwester
Date Posted: 27 June 2006 at 9:06am
oh the coat is like mine but without flowers, so i need a scarf and to learn how to do such an african style
again african cooool style
oh thisi see for the first time

Posted By: aysekuafor
Date Posted: 14 December 2006 at 5:00pm , hijab models, turban models , hijab models, turban models , hijab models, turban models


Selamun Aleykum, - These are my design turban models, if you want to see other models please visit my page,...


Ayse Kuafor -

Posted By: niqab_ummi
Date Posted: 14 December 2006 at 5:59pm

Assalamu'Alaikum Sisters,

Insha'Allah lets not forget the great importance our title of muslimah, mother and wife carries.

It's best to leave the high fashion for our homes and for our families to view.

Prevent non-mahram from seeing our zina....


"And say to the believing women...that they should draw their khimars over their bosoms and not display their beauty..."

Surah XXIV, Iyat 31


Umm Abdelkhalek

Posted By: aysekuafor
Date Posted: 20 December 2006 at 12:54am

Ayse Kuafor -

Posted By: AshaNoor
Date Posted: 24 February 2007 at 8:00am

I have to admit, im leaning towards thinking that these are a little too flamboyant to suit their purpose. Style is good, neatness,. you don't have to look ugly. You know, just get nice matching colors and stuff, but glitter and bows kind of draws attention to your physical appearance doesn't it? Looking nice keeps it from being distracting to though.

Posted By: imah77
Date Posted: 08 March 2007 at 6:35am">">

I like these better!

Check them out - here :

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