The Anti Christ
It means the days of searching and waiting for one Messiah are over and We must see a living Messiah among Us and within Us. It means We start doing what has to be done in Our lives and in Our communities. It means We must be ready to make a difference. It means We must start feeding the hungry, caring for the poor, sharing Our wealth of knowledge and technology more openly and fairly. It means education must be easier to access for Education is true justice as it prevents the ills of the world from happening.
It means building F.A.I.T.H. = Families and Individuals Investing In Trust Truth and H.O.P.E.= Helping Overcome Poverty, Violence and Ignorance.
Effectively by using W.A.R.S. = World Arising Responsibly and Spiritually.
It means we each create a Spiritual Environment and Economy around us and are affected by the Spiritual Economies and Environments of others. It means We must accept our portion of responsibility when it comes to creating Healthy Spiritual Environments and Economies for ourselves and others. Recognizing that We are both Powerful and Powerless when faced with certain issues in our Spiritual lives, in the everyday issues also.
However regardless of what We are faced with there is hope. We can nurture that hope and that F.A.I.T.H. by seeking out the resource people that can assist us with being more self empowered and confident about our Spiritual lives regardless of the religion we belong to.
We can seek out information via books and internet and other sources to help us formulate Our own expression of Our F.A.I.T.H. For one prophet said investigation of the truth is up to each individual. No one else can find the truth for you. That is, your own truth. The truth you can live with.
F.A.I.T.H. = Families and Individuals Investing in Trust, Truth and H.O.P.E. = Helping Overcome Poverty, Violence and Ignorance Effectively.
Essentially it means each of Us are stake holders in building a Spiritual World to live in and that all of us are key people in the process of building a Spiritually healthy Environment and Economy. Especially within ourselves We must nurture a healthy Spiritual Environment and Spiritual Economy.
We have the power within us to do great things and also not so great things, basically it comes done to choices we make and the will power it takes sometimes not to go against the norm by being good.
You are very valuable to God and do not forget it. You, We are the hands and feet for God We are voice for God, We are ears for God and We are doers for God. You matter to God and are needed by God to be healthy and whole and happy and a participant in building our Spiritual Economies and Environments.
In effect it means We are the A.N.T.I. C = A New Truth In Common with Christ, by this I mean We are the people accepting Our portion of responsibility so no one person must die for Us to be saved. That it is each of Us who must be responsible for our selves and others even more so than before. It means We can no longer turn a blind eye to the ills of the World , the people the animal, plant and sea life matter as well.
An excerpt from a site of mine if interested for the rest email me at:
[email protected]
------------- Judgement day passes in the moment we decide something needs attention & we take positive action. Then there will be a great sorting out of people into groups, Inspired by Surah 99 Ayat 1-8