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Lettered Arabic

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Category: Culture & Community
Forum Name: Arabic Language
Forum Description: This forum is dedicated for Arabic language learner. Member who master in Arabic can help others who want to learn Arabic.
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Topic: Lettered Arabic
Posted By: Angel
Subject: Lettered Arabic
Date Posted: 17 October 2006 at 3:30am

Allah = God

Islam = Peace

as salamu alaykum = Hello, Peace upon you

Go for it, add more

~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 17 October 2006 at 6:32pm

Salaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatulaahi wa Barakatuhu,

Islaam -- submission.

Ayyyy -- something hurt you and you are letting people know.

YaRub -- My Lord

YaRubbee -- My Lord (more exact but both are said)

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: Cyril
Date Posted: 20 October 2006 at 2:57am
yaa rubb = actually not "my Lord" but "O Lord".

But "my Lord!" can also  be considered as a vocative so it is right too, I think.
There is a shadda on top of the "b" so it must be duplicated as the "m" in Muhammad.
The "a" of yaa is long.

Herjihad is right, islaam means submission, not peace, although both islaam and salaam (peace) derive from the same root.

Posted By: truthseeker100
Date Posted: 20 October 2006 at 9:51am

Originally posted by Cyril Cyril wrote:

yaa rubb = actually not "my Lord" but "O Lord".

But "my Lord!" can also  be considered as a vocative so it is right too, I think.
There is a shadda on top of the "b" so it must be duplicated as the "m" in Muhammad.
The "a" of yaa is long.

Herjihad is right, islaam means submission, not peace, although both islaam and salaam (peace) derive from the same root.

Islam and Muslims

The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is Silm and Salam which means peace. Salam may also mean greeting one another with peace. One of the beautiful names of God is that He is the Peace. It means more than that: submission to the One God, and to live in peace with the Creator, within one's self, with other people and with the environment. Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live in peace and harmony with all these segments; hence, a Muslim is any person anywhere in the world whose obedience, allegiance, and loyalty are to God, the Lord of the Universe. -

Posted By: Cyril
Date Posted: 20 October 2006 at 12:30pm

The root of the word isl�m is not silm or sal�m but the consonants s-l-m which convey an idea of peace or safety.
Arabic roots are made up of mostly three consonants.

Isl�m is derived from the verb aslama which means to submit, to surrender, and other meanings implying a lowering of oneself.
It is of course related to the notion of peace as you can only submit when you are in a peaceful state.

Besides sal�m peace you find also the word sal�ma (in the departure greeting ma3a s-sal�ma for example) which means integrity, health, rightness.

Posted By: herjihad
Date Posted: 20 October 2006 at 12:38pm

Originally posted by Cyril Cyril wrote:


The root of the word isl�m is not silm or sal�m but the consonants s-l-m which convey an idea of peace or safety.
Arabic roots are made up of mostly three consonants.

Isl�m is derived from the verb aslama which means to submit, to surrender, and other meanings implying a lowering of oneself.
It is of course related to the notion of peace as you can only submit when you are in a peaceful state.

Besides sal�m peace you find also the word sal�ma (in the departure greeting ma3a s-sal�ma for example) which means integrity, health, rightness.

Salaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Excellent explanation Cyr.

Ya Rubbee is a wonderful thing to say, and people use different emphasis depending upon our needed or intended urgency.  Sometimes we'll hear Yaaaaa Rabbee!  And I've also heard Yaa Rabbbbeee.

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.

Posted By: Cyril
Date Posted: 20 October 2006 at 1:46pm
shukran jaziilan yaa Herjihad

Posted By: truthseeker100
Date Posted: 21 October 2006 at 6:48am

Thanks Cyril for your explanation that you accept that Islam means submission and peace both.

I would appreciate if you could also provide links that I can refer to increase my knowledge of Arabic language that I am still learning. I have 2 master degrees and a degree in teaching, but don�t have any in Arabic, and as a Muslimah with a mother of 3 little kids, I want command in Arabic too so I could teach my kids, and understand Qur�an better without any translation.

I also searched IC Q/A, and found some information here:

What is Islam?

Dear G. Greetings from Islamicity's Imam. Your question can be answered in one sentence or in five volumes. Due to the nature of this section, we will remain brief but if you need more information, please write us in the future specifying exactly what you need to know. ISLAM is an Arabic term for Submission to the Will of God. The root of the word Islam, is S-L-M, which also means Peace. Muslims are the people who submit to the Will of God. They believe that God is One, He has no partners, no Sons, no Daughters, no Wives, and nothing compares to Him. He is the Creator and He has sent prophets and messengers to human beings to believe in Him, to preach righteousness, and to apply the Divine Law on earth. Among such prophets are Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad (peace be upon all of them). Muslims believe in all of the Books that the Messengers of God have brought to their communities. This includes the original versions of the Psalms, the Torah, and the New Testament. Mohammad, the prophet who was born in the sixth century a.d., also received revelation that is called the Qur'an, and until now, the Qur'an has remained intact from any human intervention or fabrication. This is in brief what Islam is. If you need more information, write us or read the articles in Islamicity ( Thank you for asking and God knows best.


Posted By: Cyril
Date Posted: 23 October 2006 at 2:39am

This specific forum is dedicated to the Arabic language. So we are only discussing the meaning of words.
I never said that the word Islam means submission AND peace, because it means only submission, surrender.
I said that to surrender you have to be in a non-aggressive attitude or mood which can relate to the notion of peace. It is difficult to expect a surrender from someone fighting you. You have to wait that he stops fighting before surrendering.
The Islamicity imam says the same. The "peace" translation is in the Semitic root SLM not in its derivative "islaam".

As for studying Arabic I don't use any links. At the moment I am busy with the Quran in Arabic. So I use Grammar books and translations in different languages. If the understanding is not too difficult English or French will do, otherwise I turn to German too.
When I have a specific question about grammar I ask on a language forum, for example the Arabic section of Wordreference.
In two instances I even had to go to our local university at the Arabic language and civilization department to get an answer from scholars.

Posted By: truthseeker100
Date Posted: 24 October 2006 at 7:32am

Originally posted by Cyril Cyril wrote:


This specific forum is dedicated to the Arabic language. So we are only discussing the meaning of words.
I never said that the word Islam means submission AND peace, because it means only submission, surrender.
I said that to surrender you have to be in a non-aggressive attitude or mood which can relate to the notion of peace. It is difficult to expect a surrender from someone fighting you. You have to wait that he stops fighting before surrendering.
The Islamicity imam says the same. The "peace" translation is in the Semitic root SLM not in its derivative "islaam".

As for studying Arabic I don't use any links. At the moment I am busy with the Quran in Arabic. So I use Grammar books and translations in different languages. If the understanding is not too difficult English or French will do, otherwise I turn to German too.
When I have a specific question about grammar I ask on a language forum, for example the Arabic section of Wordreference.
In two instances I even had to go to our local university at the Arabic language and civilization department to get an answer from scholars.

Thank you, Cyril, to clarify what you actually meant.

I did further research and asked an Arabic teacher in my neighborhood. She told me that the root ( S-L-M ) means peace. Even though derived word, Islam, means submission, the meaning of the root word would still have influence over it. So, that way, Islam means submission with peace. Submission with a notion of peace would, therefore, describe what Islam stands for. Even when you are forced to fight in self-defense, you do it in peace, only for the sake of Allah. In Islam, one submits to Allah at all times, in the times of peace, wars, pain, ease etc. to attain peace.

I understand that this thread shouldn�t have been used for this type of discussion. But, I think, it was important to clear the doubt about what Islam means and stands for.

And, behold, with every hardship comes ease:
Qur'an 94: 5

Posted By: Cyril
Date Posted: 24 October 2006 at 9:23am

I can only tell you what an Arabic dictionary says.
We know that islaam is the name derived from the verb aslama.

So here is what for example the online Sakhr dictionary says of the different meanings of aslama:

become a Muslim, - follow , <>splitString("lout","Ar"); - lout <>splitString("lower oneself before","Ar");<>splitString("be or become submissive","Ar"); , lower oneself before , be or become submissive , <>splitString("acquiesce","Ar"); - acquiesce <>splitString("surrender to","Ar"); , surrender to , <>splitString("repress","Ar"); - repress , <>splitString("takedown","Ar"); - takedown , <>splitString("surrender","Ar"); - surrender , <>splitString("submit","Ar"); - submit , <>splitString("succumb","Ar"); - succumb , <>splitString("yield","Ar"); - yield , <>splitString("conquer","Ar"); - conquer <>splitString("act in abjectness before","Ar");<>splitString("give in","Ar");<>splitString("cringe before","Ar");<>splitString("degrade oneself before","Ar");<>splitString("give oneself over to","Ar");<>splitString("give in to","Ar");<>splitString("defer to","Ar");<>splitString("grovel before","Ar");<>splitString("bow to","Ar");<>splitString("be governed by","Ar");<>splitString("accede to(someone's wishes)","Ar");<>splitString("truckle before","Ar");<>splitString("be or become yielding","Ar");<>splitString("yield to","Ar");<>splitString("stoop to","Ar");<>splitString("succumb to","Ar");<>splitString("submit to","Ar"); , act in abjectness before , give in , cringe before , degrade oneself before , give oneself over to , give in to , defer to , grovel before , bow to , be governed by , accede to(someone's wishes) , truckle before , be or become yielding , yield to , stoop to , succumb to , submit to, betray.

You notice there is no mention of peace.

We can try the same with another derivative from the root SLM, salaama(t), you find in "ma3a s-salaama", a kind of "good bye".

Here is what the Sakhr says: - faultlessness , <>splitString("flawlessness","Ar"); - flawlessness , <>splitString("correctness","Ar"); - correctness , <>splitString("healthiness","Ar"); - healthiness , <>splitString("intactness","Ar"); - intactness , <>splitString("validity","Ar"); - validity , <>splitString("health","Ar"); - health , <>splitString("rightness","Ar"); - rightness.

Again no mention of peace.

Posted By: truthseeker100
Date Posted: 24 October 2006 at 10:59am

Originally posted by Cyril Cyril wrote:


I can only tell you what an Arabic dictionary says.
We know that islaam is the name derived from the verb aslama.

So here is what for example the online Sakhr dictionary says of the different meanings of aslama:

become a Muslim, - follow , <>splitString("lout","Ar"); - lout <>splitString("lower oneself before","Ar");<>splitString("be or become submissive","Ar"); , lower oneself before , be or become submissive , <>splitString("acquiesce","Ar"); - acquiesce <>splitString("surrender to","Ar"); , surrender to , <>splitString("repress","Ar"); - repress , <>splitString("takedown","Ar"); - takedown , <>splitString("surrender","Ar"); - surrender , <>splitString("submit","Ar"); - submit , <>splitString("succumb","Ar"); - succumb , <>splitString("yield","Ar"); - yield , <>splitString("conquer","Ar"); - conquer <>splitString("act in abjectness before","Ar");<>splitString("give in","Ar");<>splitString("cringe before","Ar");<>splitString("degrade oneself before","Ar");<>splitString("give oneself over to","Ar");<>splitString("give in to","Ar");<>splitString("defer to","Ar");<>splitString("grovel before","Ar");<>splitString("bow to","Ar");<>splitString("be governed by","Ar");<>splitString("accede to(someone's wishes)","Ar");<>splitString("truckle before","Ar");<>splitString("be or become yielding","Ar");<>splitString("yield to","Ar");<>splitString("stoop to","Ar");<>splitString("succumb to","Ar");<>splitString("submit to","Ar"); , act in abjectness before , give in , cringe before , degrade oneself before , give oneself over to , give in to , defer to , grovel before , bow to , be governed by , accede to(someone's wishes) , truckle before , be or become yielding , yield to , stoop to , succumb to , submit to, betray.

You notice there is no mention of peace.

We can try the same with another derivative from the root SLM, salaama(t), you find in "ma3a s-salaama", a kind of "good bye".

Here is what the Sakhr says: - faultlessness , <>splitString("flawlessness","Ar"); - flawlessness , <>splitString("correctness","Ar"); - correctness , <>splitString("healthiness","Ar"); - healthiness , <>splitString("intactness","Ar"); - intactness , <>splitString("validity","Ar"); - validity , <>splitString("health","Ar"); - health , <>splitString("rightness","Ar"); - rightness.

Again no mention of peace.

Your post is well written, but irrelevant. 

The point is the root, S-L-M, means peace. The influence of "peace" can not be ruled out in the derivative "Islam".

Thank you for your efforts anyway.

And, behold, with every hardship comes ease:
Qur'an 94: 5

Posted By: Cyril
Date Posted: 24 October 2006 at 12:13pm

You must thank not me but the Egyptian Sakhr Company. If you think their Arabic scholarship is "irrelevant", then I wonder what can teach you the meaning of Arabic words.

Posted By: Angel
Date Posted: 24 October 2006 at 8:30pm
Originally posted by truthseeker100 truthseeker100 wrote:

ISLAM is an Arabic term for Submission to the Will of God. The root of the word Islam, is S-L-M, which also means Peace.

Can we stick to this

My time learning islam, the word means peace. And for the fact that muslims say islam (the religion) is/means peace, therefore goes in line with the meaning of the word.  

So can we now get back to the lettered arabic glossy of terms that this thread was kinda intended for

~ Our feet are earthbound, but our hearts and our minds have wings ~

Posted By: Cyril
Date Posted: 25 October 2006 at 2:56am

I did not want to go into theological matters but remain in the linguistic realm.

You and Truthseeker do not seem to accept the linguistic fact that the word "islaam" does not mean peace.

As you keep drawing the discussion to a religious level where Islam as a religion is supposed to mean peace, then I can follow suit and ask you what do you think of the many "jihad" verses in the Quran?
If Islam means peace, does it also mean war?

Posted By: truthseeker100
Date Posted: 25 October 2006 at 5:42am

Originally posted by Cyril Cyril wrote:


I did not want to go into theological matters but remain in the linguistic realm.

You and Truthseeker do not seem to accept the linguistic fact that the word "islaam" does not mean peace.

As you keep drawing the discussion to a religious level where Islam as a religion is supposed to mean peace, then I can follow suit and ask you what do you think of the many "jihad" verses in the Quran?
If Islam means peace, does it also mean war?

Anything one does in Islam is by submission to Allah to attain peace. I have already made it clear in my third post.

I agree with Angel that we should stick to the topic.

And, behold, with every hardship comes ease:
Qur'an 94: 5

Posted By: Cyril
Date Posted: 25 October 2006 at 12:12pm

Anything you do in Islam is to attain eternal life in paradise. Does Islam mean also "eternal life"?

And when Muslims fight for their faith what does Islam mean?

Your position does not make sense. In the end, the meaning of Islam dissolves into thousand meanings and this discussion becomes pointless.

Posted By: truthseeker100
Date Posted: 25 October 2006 at 12:34pm

Originally posted by Cyril Cyril wrote:


Anything you do in Islam is to attain eternal life in paradise. Does Islam mean also "eternal life"?

And when Muslims fight for their faith what does Islam mean?

Your position does not make sense. In the end, the meaning of Islam dissolves into thousand meanings and this discussion becomes pointless.

Read my post no. 3 in this thread. And let me also quote IC Imam when he said, " Your question can be answered in one sentence or in five volumes." 

I am, most of the times, a silent reader here. And I don't want to learn from you if you have so called "Arabic Scholarship" in your mind who are busy to find fault in Qur'an.

Can we stick to the topic now?  

And, behold, with every hardship comes ease:
Qur'an 94: 5

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