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More Chinese Embrace Islam In Malaysia

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Topic: More Chinese Embrace Islam In Malaysia
Posted By: abuzuhri
Subject: More Chinese Embrace Islam In Malaysia
Date Posted: 20 October 2006 at 3:51am

Malaysia Chinese Muslims Community Growing Stronger
and Brighter in 2005-2006 !

Dynamic Leadership

We are suppose to be on official duty at Parliament House near Lake Garden that afternoon. Somehow there is a strong urge to visit the office of Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association (Macma) at 250D, Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur about 4 km away. We rang up and Mrs.Maswani Chung who served as da�wah cum executive officer answered my salam. �Please drop by to catch the new muslims activity�. Recently Macma held a successful Da�wa Exhibition plus Chinese Islamic Calligraphy in State of Terengganu inaugurated by Dato� Idris Jusoh. Alhamdulillah , with the dynamic, noble and dedicated leadership of Dato� Hj Mustapha Ma, Dr.Fuad Yeoh, Hj.Redhuan Tee and Ann Wang Seng, in 2005 and 2006, more than 6 chinese muslims declared their syahadah and warmly accepted into the growing unique community.

Branching Off and Expanding It Wings

Macma was established in 1994 with about 100 members under the founder President arwah Dato�Hj.Sulaiman Hon. Now they have branches in Johor, Kedah, Kelantan, Pahang, Selangor, Perak and across the South China Sea into Sarawak with a total of 1,300 members inclusive of associate muslims and non-muslims membership. The Weekly Night Class on Understanding of Islam on Monday in KL was open to public of various races and foreigners interested to know Islam deeper and cultivate a stronger brotherhood. The students consist of young Chinese professionals, Filipinos, Sarawak natives, Indian, French, English, Russian, Hui-Uighurs, Pakistani, American, African and even a Maori and Korean/Japanese students ! .We would like to dedicate this excellenet prayer-doa from the Prophet s.a.w related by Companion Ibn Abbas ( in as-Shifa p.41) to all those who seek knowledge and truth in order to live according to the Divine Command and in the footsteps of Rasul al-Mustafa :

�Oh Allah, I ask You for mercy from You
By which my heart will be guided,
My scattered affairs joined together,
My affairs put straight, my unseen part put right,
And part of me that is visible elevated,
My actions purified, by which I will be inspired
To right guidance, my intimacy will be returned ,
And by which I will be proctected from every evil,
Oh Allah ! I ask You for good outcome (husnul-khatima)
In the Decree (Qadha�), (to gain) the food of Martyrs
The life of the blissful and victory over my enemies!�

Achievement and Recognition of Da�wa Works at State and Federal Level

All praise and thanks to Allah, various individual Macma leadership and active members were being recognized and appreciated by the state and federal government for their active da�wa contribution by organising and giving talks at seminars, mosques, interfaith/intra-muslim groups and at the college-universities. We wish to record and congratulate their recipient awards as follow:

a. Malaysia Maal Hijrah 2005 Recognition Award (Penghargaan) with RM50,000 gift to Dato�Hj.Mustapha Ma (Macma President) by the Majesty King/YDP Agung and he gladly donated the whole sum for da�wa.

b. Federal Territoty Maal Hijrah 1427 Awarad to Hj.Redhuan Tee (Vice President Macma) by JAWI.

c. Hj.Shaharudin Leong of Pahang �State Maal Hijrah Award 2005.
d. Mr.Saiful Choo- Johor State Maal Hijrah 2005 Award.
e. Dato� Hj.Anuar Tan as Exco member of Kelantan State Government
f. Hj.Redhuan Tee as National PERKIM Council Member in 2004-2007.
g. Dr. Fuad Yeoh as IKIM Board of Directors.
h. Dr.Osman Chuah as Senior Lecturer in UIAM/IIUM.
i. Dr.Syukri Yeoh- finishing his Ph.D thesis with UKM on Islamic Studies.

Important Contact/Dialoque and Activity

A delegation of Macma Exco led by Dato� Mustapha Ma had a constructive ongoing dialoques with the current President of International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) ie. Tan Sri Sanusi Junid in 2005. This resulted in IIUM agree to conduct several lectures and courses for30 young Imams from China in 2004-2006, partly organize by Macma and JAKIM/ILIM. A number of China muslim students at the university also regularly helping Macma to give talks, attend seminars,and interact with fellow muslims at Hari Raya gathering. Maintaining websites, give counsels, editing news/magazines
We shall give appreaciation to names as below:

 Hasan Ma Liwu

 Lan Chunlian

 Yusuf Ma Zhan Ming

 Ma Shen Qing

 Isa Ma
 Ilyas yang Fale

 Khalilullah Ma Bin

A joint Ramdahan Iftar Programme in October 2006 were plan at the Gombak campus for about 200 students. A IIUM student Dawud Hai Ping was instrumental in running the Islamic Mandarin class every Wednesday night at Macma office in KL. Hj.Ismail Chong, a lecturer in Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Da�wah Faculty had voluntary take over the Monday Class from Br.Daniel Hakim Boey in Mac 2006.

Chinese Islamic Arts and Architecture

Substantial progress were made by Haji Redhuan Tee to propose the building, usage and design of a Chinese Islamic Cultural Center/Surau/Mosque in the Ampang area west of KL to serve as tourist attraction, da�wah service center and for educational use.
In Sarawak, attempt were also made to apply for a vacant land plot at Kuching for an Chinese-islamic center. Alhamdulillah, the Bintulu Macma Branch had received a government grant of RM150,000 to build a Madrasah/Center for new muslims using Chinese design at cost about RM600,000. New funding has to be raised. Macma also appealed to Penang Government and YB Prime Minister to preserve or create a token Koay Jetty Heritage Center/Building which traced its Muslim-Hui community roots arrival and assimilation of its cultural-economic origins from Hainan/Quangzhou about 100 years ago. Macma received strong personal support from Mufti of Negeri Sembilan to acquire a piece of land in Rahang for islamic da�wa center for new muslims and non-muslims. A Tabung Amanah Pembangunan Macma (Building Trust Fund) was established in 2005 with initial contribution of RM60,000. Any wealthy, kind hearted rich and generous Chinese businessmen/philanthropists can donate to this fund with tax-exempt status to raise the future well being, noble-purity of Chinese Islamic heritage and Divine living transaction of the deen for mankind. � True charity-Righteousness is not to turn you face to East or West. But to believe in Allah, His Rasul, the Angels, the Books and the Last Day, and to Spend in the Path of Allah�.

The Shining Light of Iman� Oldest Lady/Grandma To Embrace Islam

If we truly reflect in our life journey and after reading tons of newspapers and magazines, where do you find this piece of news ? In East Coast Kota Bharu, Kelantan- a grand old lady aged 97 years (born in 1909 from China ?) Maryam Goe embrace Islam in 9 February 2006. To appreciate and honor her great trust and certainty and the iman put in her deep being by Allah Tabaraka wa Taala, Dato� Mustapha Ma on behalf of Macma proudly donated a humble wheel chair for her use and mobility. May Allah also bless all her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren with strong iman and islam to survive into the next generations.� Keep your ancient and noble Chinese surname together with Muslim names, so that our grandchildren may remember our great struggle and sacrifice in discovering and entering Islam despite differences and many obstacles in language, cultural and historical backgrounds�. Do we know that Admiral Muhammad Zheng He is the 27 th generation of Sayyid prophetic family descendants that entered China and intermarry there several hundred years earlier than Islam reach the Malay Archipelago or Nusantara. There are several Mosques in China built more 1,000 years ago ! In Imperial City of Beijing alone, there are more than 20 mosques ! and a muslim population of more than 200,000 !. ( Puny figure of one masjid per 10,000 people). May be some of us young intellectual can submit this rare unique syahada of Islam by Madam Goe aged 97 into the official Malaysian Book of Record ! Find me another old man/woman aged 98 years to break this record�anywhere in the world. � And call people to the Way of Allah by His permission (Decree/Mercy) and become a Shining-Guiding Light to others�-Quran.

The Never Ending Story of Embracing Islam and Blessed Marriages

Macma Johor successfully conducted a Syahadah Ceremony for Miss Gladys Tan Siok Ling and Mr.Loh Wei Hon on the blessed historical day of 1 st February 2005 at No.37,Jalan Beladau11, Taman Puteri wangsa, Johor Bharu. Witnessed by over 25 fellow Chinese muslims and followed by lunch.

On 5 Mei 2005 (triple five), another double celebration or blessings/baraka of Allah be upon them for this gathering hosted by Johor Macma such listed as below;

 Mr.Alim Lam
Park Keong (syahadah of Islam)
 Mr.Ariff Loh Wei Hon (akad nikah-getting

 Br.Izuan Koh William (marriage ceremony on 2 June 2006)

Marriage of Br.Redzuan Ong Chain Choon (31 August 2006 �Happy Merdeka!)

Syahadah of Br.Adam Lau Sie Kiat (31 August 2006-good company)
visit of 50 New Muslims from Penang on 25 December 2005.

All those great events and good news will not be smooth or possible and by Allah Will and guidance upon the whole leadership of Macma of Johor State as listed below:

 Haji Johari Chang � Chairman (Longest serving since 1998)

Adam Koay � Dep.Chairman ( Senior engineer)
 Mohammad Saiful Bahri Choo (
Secretary )
 Norhayati Eng ( Ass. Sec)

 Muhammad Firdaus Onn (Treasurer
 Haji Azman Lim ( veteran member and ustaz )

 M.Sharul Lai, Mohd
Ilham Tiong Tai Seng, Azlin Lee, Yusof Bu.

Last and not least, thanks for Hj.Johari Chang for hardwork and support to host the 12 th Macma annual General Meeting at Hotel Puteri pan Pacific of Johor Bharu, a four star hotel at the city centre on 29-30 April 2006 inclusive of Taaruf Night on 29 April and National Chinese Muslim Convention in the morning of 30 th April 2006.

Macma Website and Homepage

We wish to thank Miss Maryam Hee and Isa Ma for their support in creating and maintaining two Macma websites as listed below :

[email protected]

More News of Chinese Become Muslim Elsewhere

Br. Wee Hock Beng embraced Islam on 18 October 2006 Balai Islam Lundang in Kota Bharu witnessed by more than 250 saudara baru. On 23 th February, 2006 was another beautiful day for Br.Ang teck Ann from Wakaf Baru,Tumpat when he uttered infront Ustaz Taufik Tee the double Affirmation-� Ashadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashadu anna Muhammadur RasuluLlah-the Key to iman and its fruits is the Garden.�. He was accompanied by his uncle who still not Muslim and known in the town as Dr.Ang from Chong�s dental surgery and his cousins..presence to give moral support to him ( he is an adult orphan) which rarely happens in the past. Br.Johari Yap had posted several of the photos of Islamic syahadah thru the email groups. Jazaka Llahu. Why such Dates :. Yes, the Chinese had a knack for liking number eight (fatt-ong-blessed) and number six (luk-precious), but talking about Feng Shui is just an extra dimension to our iman and Tawhid in Allah who created everything in this universe for man. But forgot our root from the Realm of Unseen- the arwah/spirit which affirmed Allah as our Master-Lord in the ayat Quran �� Alastu bi-Rabbikum ? Qala bala- Syahidna�

Every number has hidden meanings and wisdom in it. One upon a time, we just joked with a china man, why not choose seven ( chat-7). It is close to meaning � Chi/Knowledge/Wisdom and another meaning � Being Straitgh / Siratal Mustaqim and being Fast/Forward. We as muslim need all this Fast to acquire Iman, fast/quick to Pray 5 Times a day, quick to get Married. Qucik to pay Zakat and perform Hajj if ready and have money. Don�t wait, then you will miss the chance and the World/dunia will engulf us, make us forgot the rules of Sharia. Being istiqamah also meaning being Firm and Steadfast.

In fact, Sayyidina Ibnu Abbas, a great Companion, alim and savant of Islam as quoted in the book- Hilyatul awliya wa Tabaqat as-sufiyya mentioning 10 virtues or honors that Allah dealing and using the seven numbers in His Creation. Surah fatihah � 7 verse. One week got 7 days etc. The Garden-Jannah has 7 degrees.. Anyway, at the end of the shining iman ceremony, the Hui in China called Islam _Qing Zhen Jiao ( Religion of Shining Truth and Most Pure), Br. Muhammad Rafi Ong provided light lunch and drinks for those who witnessed the growing brotherhood of Islam in the East Coast of Malaysia. Marhaban ya Marhaban. SalatuLlah .. salamuLlah ala Thaha Rasulillah. Wa alihi wa ashabihi wa li-kulli daiyyan li�Llahi Rabbil-alamin.

Those interested in getting first hand news and pictures of this blessed occasion can contact Kelantan Macma Sec. Br.Johari Yap at :
[email protected] or visited their office at No.4374-B, Tingkat 1, Jalan Kebun Sultan, 15359 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, been declared an Islamic cultural City by Chief Minister YB Dato� Hj Nik Aziz in 2003. There are many �First Achiement� in term of da�wa for and by the Chinese Muslims in Malaysia such as below:

a.  First to appoint a native Chinese
muslim Dato� Hj.Anuar Tan
     as Exco in State Assembly and win the Kota Lama ADUN for second time.
b.  First to engage two Imam from China to lead Ramadhan prayers.
    YB Nik Aziz was known to have Chinese blood/lineage from Yunnan.
c.  First State Government to approve a piece of urban land.
      for da�wa center. Agree to build an Islamic Center/Mosque using Islamic  architecture.
d.  Biggest amount of zakat received RM100,217.(in 9 Mac 2006) from Affin Bank Berhad.
e.  First Macma Branch to organize Free Medical and Dental check-up services in their monthly   programme.
f.   First to organize the 1427 Maal Hijrah Forum with JHEIK,and ABIM .
 g. Largest membership at state level above 200 members and some cannot speak Chinese due to strong local malays dialect and third/second generation inter-marriages.

Not to be dishearten or discriminated, we will publish more pioneering da�wa work by various Macma State brances in future reports especially about Sarawak Macma �the richest branch and got their First Women Chairman and employed a full time Chinese Mubaligh , a graduate of UIA ie. Salman Khan. Owned a four storey building and a First Donation or Waqaf by a non-Muslim local philantrophist.

More will come and as we strive in the Path of Allah.
Maas salama, cai jian.

Translated by abuzuhri shin and based on reports
provided by Mrs.Maswani Chung
Macma Hq 21.9.06


abuzuhri shin

Posted By: BMZ
Date Posted: 20 October 2006 at 8:19am

Salaam Alaikum,

Thanks for the details and the good work you are doing. May Allah bless you all. Ameen

From your brother, just across the Causeway.


Posted By: MOCKBA
Date Posted: 20 October 2006 at 9:52pm


Wa'alaikumu Salaam.


It is ironic however, that while many individuals originating from non-Muslim cultural backgrounds accept Islam, a certaim number of those born into Muslim families turn to ignorance. There are rising cases of Malays (who are constitutionally considered Muslims by birth) turning away from Islam in Malaysia .

One fact is however very clear, the Chinese (as in the above example) embrace Islam through knowledge and understanding, whilst the apostate Malays leave Islam due to complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about its basic and fundamental teachings.

Islam is indeed universal, and you can't be simply born a Muslim if you do not fulfill all the conditions for the acceptance of the Shahada, knowledge, sincerity and adherence.  

There is an interesting observation: although there are some known cases of apostasy in Islam, you will not find amongst them a single Islamic scholar. While there is a vast number of cases where priests and scholars of other religions have come to discover the Truth... and became devout Muslims calling others to good.

Alhamdulillah! All praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds! 

'Eid Sa'eed!


Posted By: abuzuhri
Date Posted: 02 April 2007 at 8:51am
All praise to Allah, yesterday as I briefly reading the list of prominent members of Academy Science of Malaysia who contributed greatly to the advancement of scientific areas, my eyes fall into a illuminated name - Dr.Victor Azman Lim, the Dean of Medical, Phamarcy and Health Sciences of International Medical University IMU of Malaysia. Only a person of proven calibre and endowed with professional experience can reach this train, teach and produce qualiified Dr.Azman Lim may have hundreds if not thousand of passing doctors as his student many years ago.

May be one day, we can dig more jewels and wisdom from him who absorbed and shone the light of Islam in his life journey.
May Allah guide us all and be kind to the new seekers to arrive at His greatest gift of iman, islam and ihsan.

abuzuhri shin

Posted By: Doo-bop
Date Posted: 02 April 2007 at 9:38am
Originally posted by MOCKBA MOCKBA wrote:

One fact is however very clear, the Chinese (as in the above example) embrace Islam through knowledge and understanding, whilst the apostate Malays leave Islam due to complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about its basic and fundamental teachings.

Yes, well, their "complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about the basic and fundamental teachings" of islam is very quickly made up once they repent and turn for salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ!!! - 50340.stm

Posted By: Doo-bop
Date Posted: 02 April 2007 at 3:20pm

This:- - 70329080246/Article/local1_html

is the truth about changing your religion in Malaysia.  You have to apply to a court to do it.  And even then you might not be allowed to!

Now in a plain, old, ordinary country like mine, you tell the court what religion you are, the court does not tell you

Do they also have to go to court to change to islam?

Posted By: Andalus
Date Posted: 02 April 2007 at 10:18pm
Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Originally posted by MOCKBA MOCKBA wrote:

One fact is however very clear, the Chinese (as in the above example) embrace Islam through knowledge and understanding, whilst the apostate Malays leave Islam due to complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about its basic and fundamental teachings.

Yes, well, their "complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about the basic and fundamental teachings" of islam is very quickly made up once they repent and turn for salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ!!! - 50340.stm

How do you "turn for salavation" to Christ?

Prove this statement is theologically sound.

A feeling of discouragement when you slip up is a sure sign that you put your faith in deeds. -Ibn 'Ata'llah

Posted By: usama
Date Posted: 05 April 2007 at 7:50pm

Asalaam alaikum

   Its sounds like this topic has been hijacked by folks proselytizing American Evangelical Christian dogma. 

  Allah (SWT) has essentially stated many times in the Holy Quran that He AWJ does not need anyone for His Plan to succeed in this life.  And when any particular people fail Him, He will raise up another people to carry His Message.

  That being said, Allah (SWT) HAS commanded that Muslims seek knowledge of reality and Islam.  He (SWT) has commanded that Muslims carry His Message to mankind. And knowledge is vital to belief and the ability to carry that Message.

Ignorance of Islam amongst Muslims is an inexcusable negligence and failing by those who lead that society.  Ignorance has spread for several reasons.  Folks need to know how and why and strive to spread knowledge to the best of their ability. 

   As Doo Bop has illustrated, American evangelical imperialism seeks inroads into the hearts and minds of Muslims, and ignorance is such an inroad.  War, famine, and the destruction of law and order are other inroads of criminal gangs, terrorist groups,  and the Christian imperialist groups that masquerade as aid but serve a more diabolical goal.   It is no surprise that the Balkan wars opened the door to Christian groups adopting Muslim orphans and proselytizing amongst refugees as they gave out food and shelter. The success from those ventures emboldened them to further open hospitals within Muslim nations where the Muslim govts were so corrupt to welcome them while the rulers pocketted the people's money for themselves.  And of course Christian imperialists followed the American troops into Afghanistan and Iraq, preying on the most ignorant and the least knowledgeable, and the refugees.


   So Muslims must continue to struggle on for the sake of Allah and spread knowledge of Islam and reality for His pleasure, and Allah knows best.


Let there arise from amongst you a group inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and they are the successful ones. Al Imran:104

Posted By: ana_solehah
Date Posted: 05 April 2007 at 10:34pm


Posted By: Doo-bop
Date Posted: 06 April 2007 at 11:26am
Originally posted by usama usama wrote:

Asalaam alaikum

   Its sounds like this topic has been hijacked by folks proselytizing American Evangelical Christian dogma. 

  Allah (SWT) has essentially stated many times in the Holy Quran that He AWJ does not need anyone for His Plan to succeed in this life.  And when any particular people fail Him, He will raise up another people to carry His Message.

  That being said, Allah (SWT) HAS commanded that Muslims seek knowledge of reality and Islam.  He (SWT) has commanded that Muslims carry His Message to mankind. And knowledge is vital to belief and the ability to carry that Message.

Ignorance of Islam amongst Muslims is an inexcusable negligence and failing by those who lead that society.  Ignorance has spread for several reasons.  Folks need to know how and why and strive to spread knowledge to the best of their ability. 

   As Doo Bop has illustrated, American evangelical imperialism seeks inroads into the hearts and minds of Muslims, and ignorance is such an inroad.  War, famine, and the destruction of law and order are other inroads of criminal gangs, terrorist groups,  and the Christian imperialist groups that masquerade as aid but serve a more diabolical goal.   It is no surprise that the Balkan wars opened the door to Christian groups adopting Muslim orphans and proselytizing amongst refugees as they gave out food and shelter. The success from those ventures emboldened them to further open hospitals within Muslim nations where the Muslim govts were so corrupt to welcome them while the rulers pocketted the people's money for themselves.  And of course Christian imperialists followed the American troops into Afghanistan and Iraq, preying on the most ignorant and the least knowledgeable, and the refugees.


   So Muslims must continue to struggle on for the sake of Allah and spread knowledge of Islam and reality for His pleasure, and Allah knows best.


Sorry to disappoint you, Usama, but I am neither American, evangelical nor imperialist!  And let me remind you that muslims are openly preaching islam in western countries, and that they are not giving out "food and shelter", or helping refugees, or setting up hospitals, to do so, they are simply claiming their basic rights of freedom of speech to do so!  (Something christians simply do not have in many muslim majority lands).  As for imperialism, it is not christians who are colonising muslim lands in their millions, but it is muslims who are doing so in the west!

Posted By: Doo-bop
Date Posted: 06 April 2007 at 1:03pm
Originally posted by Andalus Andalus wrote:

Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Originally posted by MOCKBA MOCKBA wrote:

One fact is however very clear, the Chinese (as in the above example) embrace Islam through knowledge and understanding, whilst the apostate Malays leave Islam due to complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about its basic and fundamental teachings.

Yes, well, their "complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about the basic and fundamental teachings" of islam is very quickly made up once they repent and turn for salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ!!! - 50340.stm

How do you "turn for salavation" to Christ?

Prove this statement is theologically sound.

Well, Christ is the Saviour - see John 4: 42, and x number of other verses.  Since he is the saviour, you go to him for salvation.  And since you are a sinner, in need of salvation, and as such going in the opposite direction, you need to turn in order to go to him


Posted By: abuzuhri
Date Posted: 07 April 2007 at 1:01am
Beware do not spoils the teahut of poor abuzuhri
we only serve the tea of real knowledge and wisdom
to those who see a glimpse of light,thirsty of islam
create and post your own pure righteous opinions

let see, test and wonder, who will enter your forum
to drink and savor decadent corrupted bitter teas
perhap the jealous hatred manipulative self rejoices
forgetting the generosity of all merciful lord of all wolrds

Every breath we take in and exhale out are from
His blessed Names al-Hayyu al-Qayyum beyond forms
words and imaginations..subhana rabbika rabbi izzati
amma yasifun wa salamun alal mursalin wal
hamdu lillahi rabbil-alamin.

To end, we put our prayer with wings :
Fasalamun ala man tabaal-huda. Rabbi habli hukman
wa ahiqni bis-salihin.

This is prayer of Prophet Joseph alaihi salam
if you not knew not the arabic language and from which
chapter of Divine Revelation and who recorded it 1450
years of Hijra long ago. We recite it before morning tea.

abuzuhri shin

Posted By: abuzuhri
Date Posted: 20 April 2007 at 9:15am

Two prominent Chinese muslim scholars namely Imam Wang Daiyue and Shaykh Liu Chi completed this da�wah mission to the future Chinese generation by writing several Islamic books and comparative religion/sufic texts drawing heavily from Confucian, Buddhism and Tao principles. Here, a Chinese seeker take a relook at two chapter of Tao Te Ching with some sufic insights after several hundred years.


And Today 27 Mac 2007. to fill my precious time while traveling from Putrajaya on the ERL-KLIA Transit to KL Sentral, I opened an old book titled Lectures on The Tao The Ching by Professor Cheng Man Jan. Published in 1981 North Atlantic Books, California. Out the window, I could see the beautiful fields, lakes and orchards of University Putra, Serdang in the morning sun. Here are the tit bits for your cup of tea :


Page 157, Chapter 47 of Lao Tzu Sayings


�Without leaving his door, one can understand the world.

Without glancing out the window

One can see the Tao of Heaven.

The further one travels the less one knows.


That is why the Sage (a Sufi or Wali in Islamic tradition)

Does not travel and yet understands,

Does not look and yet (can) names (things)

Does not act and yet completes (the affairs).


Page 159 ,Chapter 48


In pursuing knowledge, one accumulates daily.

In practicing Tao, one loses daily.

Lose, lose and lose, until one reaches Wu-wei(Non-action)

Non-action, yet there is nothing left undone.

To win the world one must not act for gain.

If one acts for gain, one will able to win the world.


( a little commentary : in constrast, practitioners of Tao

Desire to reduce desire,� lose and lose and lose�, until

They reach the state of Non-action..those who act

Rebel against the Tao. Those rebels against Tao

Lack the means to win over the world.


Wu wei can also means complete surrender or submission

of the self before the Overpowering Reality.

Total annihilation or fana and

After this event, came illumination of the spirit and

Divine unveilings to the blessed seeker. The nafs, lower desire,

The rebel force, nafs ammara and nafs lawwama had crushed.

What emerge is the light and wisdom of the serene self.

The seeker in another sense was being honored and elevated

To the alam malakut where he sees wonders of Unseen. He leaves

His body, intellect, will, power, opinions etc and fly without wings ! )


abuzuhri shin

Posted By: abuzuhri
Date Posted: 06 May 2007 at 8:06am

Two Japanese Women Journey To Islam


Monica's Story : "I was guided to Islam by my heart and emotions"

I was raised in the technologically-advanced atmosphere of Japan. I lived a peaceful, sedentary life and was blessed with a caring family and the tools to succeed in my studies and work. All avenues were open for me to enjoy an easy and fulfilling life.

� Speech is like blossom. One hopes for fruit, and because of that, it is accepted and not rejected as the poem said: The secret of Allah is in the sincerity of the quest. How many a one is thrown into wonder by its compnions�.

My family was religiously Buddhist like many Japanese people, however my connection to Buddhism had been poor since my early childhood, and my parents were unconcerned with my devotion. Nevertheless, since my earliest days, many questions regarding the universe, existence, and life circled in my mind. They would remain with me until I reached the age of twenty when I finished my collegiate studies and began to work amongst the clouds as a flight attendant for a Japanese airline. I hoped to find peace and meaning through work but rather a great emptiness in my life persisted. There was something missing from my life and I desperately hoped to find out what it was.

Allah, the Controller of all affairs, willed that in 1988 I would work as a translator for a Japanese delegation to a tourism agency in Egypt for the duration of one year. Through my new colleagues, I came to learn about Islam. After completing the year abroad, I returned to Japan and decided to study Islam in the hopes that I might find the answers to my lifelong questions.

The information that I had previously gathered about Islam from school and television was not only extremely limited but also severely distorted. Such is the same with most Japanese people who read and hear about nothing but violence coming from the Muslim word.

When I returned to Japan, I went to the Islamic Center in Tokyo and asked for a translation of the Holy Qur'an in Japanese. I would visit the center repeated over a period of three years as I studied Islam with the local scholars. With the passage of time, my understanding and appreciation of Islam increased remarkably. I found the answers to the philosophical questions that had been hounding me for so many years in this beautiful religion.

I was impressed by the status of women in Islam. The Muslim woman is protected and honored, and her feelings, mind, and decency are respected much more so than I had previously imagined. I began to seclude myself and ask Allah to guide me to the Truth and educate me about it. I began to meditate upon the created world in order to see the Hand of Allah behind it. I would meditate upon the trees, flowers, birds, animals and the carefully crafted design and balance that ruled them. I felt that Allah had in fact two books: the spoken book in the form of the Holy Qur'an and the silent book in the form of the universe and all its miracles and majesties.

Thus, I saw Allah in His creation and I was guided to Islam by my heart and emotions. I felt the Light of Allah fill my heart. An overwhelming happiness overcame me as my imaan (faith) grew and I felt as if Allah was with me at every moment.

Allah, the Controller of all affairs, willed that I would work as a flight attendant on a particular flight to and from Indonesia for the period of a year. I was taken by the Indonesians' temperament and their adherence to the Qur'an in their daily lives. The Indonesians that I befriended helped me to understand Islam better and increase my love towards it.

I faced several difficulties with my family but I had resolved that I must be a Muslim despite all hurdles that lay before me. I began to perform the five prayers in their correct times, and I exerted great effort in memorizing verses of the Qur'an to enable me to do this correctly.

In 1991, I traveled to Egypt to announce publicly my conversion to Islam at the famous al-Azhar University. I found work in Egypt to live on and soon married an Egypt Muslim man. I remained in Egypt and with time, Allah blessed me with a beautiful daughter named Maryam - the only female name specifically mentioned in the Qur'an.

al-Hamdu lilah (all praises be to Allah), I currently live a happy life with my new religion and my new Muslim family. I am spending a lot of time and effort memorizing the Qur'an, and whenever time permits, my husband and I study the Qur'an together and read certain Islamic texts together. I hope to one day guide my family to Islam, in shah Allah (God willing) soon. Generally speaking, the Japanese people are missing a major component of a happy life, despite their technologically-advanced civilization. I believe that great numbers of them would enter Islam in if they had the proper understanding. They are looking for such answers, and there is no doubt that they are in great need of them.

Sunaku's Story :

"The more I read about Islam, the more I increased in faith and understanding"

I lived a calm, secure life and was nurtured by my mother who took to raising me alone after the death of my father. All means of happiness and security were made available to me. However, since my childhood, I was never truly happy, and I was often overwhelmed by a sense of anxiety. I tried to overcome these feelings by working hard at my studies and traveling around the world as a tourist, but my anxieties persisted until I finished my secondary education and traveled to England to study English.

� A goal which you seek by your Lord does not hesitate, and a desire which you seek by yourself is not easy�

During a school holiday, I traveled with one of my Japanese friends to Jordan. My friend had visited the country before, and she arranged for us to stay with a Jordanian Muslim family. I found their lives very practical and organized, while their house was very clean. I was impressed by the strong family bonds that joined them and their sense of civil responsibility. There was sincerity and mutual trust between them that I had not noticed elsewhere. The husband of the family worked to earn the family's income while the wife maintained the house and appeared content and happy with her job. I sensed that this was the happiness that I was missing, and I realized that my image of Islam was inherently wrong.

I had no idea of the reality of Islam as I had never known Muslims before. My image of them was based merely on what I saw on the news, and thus I ignorantly felt that they were a violent people concerned only with money and oil. I judged Muslim women to be victims of gender persecution at the hands of their husbands.

After my trip to Jordan, I decided to study Islam to learn its true message. When I returned to Japan, I visited the Islamic Center of Tokyo and requested a Japanese translation of the Qur'an and a book on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I continued to visit the center and study Islam with scholars of Japanese, Pakistani, and Arab nationalities until I realized that Islam was in fact the Truth.

My belief that Allah is the sole Creator and Sustainer of the universe had become unflinching, and the more I read about Islam, the more I increased in faith and understanding. I discovered that Islam in fact improved the status of women and freed her intellectually from objectification. I soon realized that my previous image of Muslim women was distorted, while in fact Islam offered a lifestyle that I had previously only dreamt of living. After six months of study, I decided that I must become Muslim, thus I declared my conversion and soon became content and resolute in my new faith.

I began to pray the daily prayers and fast the month of Ramadan. Allah gave me the ability to memorize some of the smaller chapters of the last part of the Qur'an. I was attracted by the Arabic language when I first heard it, and so I decided to learn this beautiful language. I spent some time learning Arabic in the Islamic Center of Tokyo, and later I would move to Egypt to continue my Islamic studies at an institution affiliated with al-Azhar University and specifically my Arabic studies at a language institute for non-native speakers.

I pray that Allah uses me and my story to guide others to the Light of Islam, the greatest gift that one can ever receive.">

abuzuhri shin

Posted By: crasss
Date Posted: 11 May 2007 at 12:08am
Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Well, Christ is the Saviour - see John 4: 42, and x number of other verses.  Since he is the saviour, you go to him for salvation...

All of which is "mystery" talk for saying that this Philipino farmer must obey to that white, European war - Lord, exactly as instructed in the picture he is supposed to pray to, or else that warlord will un-save him at gunpoint.

Now go to South America. Lather, rince, repeat. Now go to Africa. Lather, rince, repeat.

Now go to Iraq. Probl
em. They'd rather shoot back. Bummer. What now?

I don't know
either. Try something else ...

Posted By: Sign*Reader
Date Posted: 11 May 2007 at 12:57am
Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Originally posted by Andalus Andalus wrote:

Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Originally posted by MOCKBA MOCKBA wrote:

One fact is however very clear, the Chinese (as in the above example) embrace Islam through knowledge and understanding, whilst the apostate Malays leave Islam due to complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about its basic and fundamental teachings.

Yes, well, their "complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about the basic and fundamental teachings" of islam is very quickly made up once they repent and turn for salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ!!! - 50340.stm

How do you "turn for salavation" to Christ?

Prove this statement is theologically sound.

Well, Christ is the Saviour - see John 4: 42, and x number of other verses.  Since he is the saviour, you go to him for salvation.  And since you are a sinner, in need of salvation, and as such going in the opposite direction, you need to turn in order to go to him


The European west had almost the whole Asia and Africa colonized in 19 & 20 centuries,  how come those guys didn't see  salvation through  your European savior? The robed their resources and lost their own souls. No wonder they need a savior!!!

Kismet Domino: Faith/Courage/Liberty/Abundance/Selfishness/Immorality/Apathy/Bondage or extinction.

Posted By: Doo-bop
Date Posted: 11 May 2007 at 2:16pm

Originally posted by crasss crasss wrote:

Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Well, Christ is the Saviour - see John 4: 42, and x number of other verses.  Since he is the saviour, you go to him for salvation...

All of which is "mystery" talk for saying that this Philipino farmer must obey to that white, European war - Lord, exactly as instructed in the picture he is supposed to pray to, or else that warlord will un-save him at gunpoint.

Now go to South America. Lather, rince, repeat. Now go to Africa. Lather, rince, repeat.

Now go to Iraq. Probl
em. They'd rather shoot back. Bummer. What now?

I don't know
either. Try something else ...

What is "mystery" talk? - Please give a definition.  I also note you're still clinging to your fantasy about praying to pictures of white men.  We've been over this.  As for what you say about South America, Africa and Iraq, I've no idea what you're talking about

Posted By: Doo-bop
Date Posted: 11 May 2007 at 2:24pm
Originally posted by Sign*Reader Sign*Reader wrote:

Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Originally posted by Andalus Andalus wrote:

Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Originally posted by MOCKBA MOCKBA wrote:

One fact is however very clear, the Chinese (as in the above example) embrace Islam through knowledge and understanding, whilst the apostate Malays leave Islam due to complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about its basic and fundamental teachings.

Yes, well, their "complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about the basic and fundamental teachings" of islam is very quickly made up once they repent and turn for salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ!!! - 50340.stm

How do you "turn for salavation" to Christ?

Prove this statement is theologically sound.

Well, Christ is the Saviour - see John 4: 42, and x number of other verses.  Since he is the saviour, you go to him for salvation.  And since you are a sinner, in need of salvation, and as such going in the opposite direction, you need to turn in order to go to him


The European west had almost the whole Asia and Africa colonized in 19 & 20 centuries,  how come those guys didn't see  salvation through  your European savior? The robed their resources and lost their own souls. No wonder they need a savior!!!

Yes, and the muslims took over vast tracts of Asia and Europe.  In fact they would have taken over all of Europe had it not been for the battles of Poitiers-Tours and Vienna, when the brutal imperialist aggressors were repulsed.  But the muslims are very clever.  Now they're back, but this time in their millions.  All smiles, of course....  and playing the race card for all their worth....

Now which particular "European saviour" were you referring to? ---You sound like another one with a little axe to grind with Europe

Posted By: Sign*Reader
Date Posted: 11 May 2007 at 4:53pm
Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Originally posted by Sign*Reader Sign*Reader wrote:

Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Originally posted by Andalus Andalus wrote:

Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Originally posted by MOCKBA MOCKBA wrote:

One fact is however very clear, the Chinese (as in the above example) embrace Islam through knowledge and understanding, whilst the apostate Malays leave Islam due to complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about its basic and fundamental teachings.

Yes, well, their "complete ignorance and lack of knowledge about the basic and fundamental teachings" of islam is very quickly made up once they repent and turn for salvation to the Lord Jesus Christ!!! - 50340.stm

How do you "turn for salavation" to Christ?

Prove this statement is theologically sound.

Well, Christ is the Saviour - see John 4: 42, and x number of other verses.  Since he is the saviour, you go to him for salvation.  And since you are a sinner, in need of salvation, and as such going in the opposite direction, you need to turn in order to go to him


The European west had almost the whole Asia and Africa colonized in 19 & 20 centuries,  how come those guys didn't see  salvation through  your European savior? The robed their resources and lost their own souls. No wonder they need a savior!!!

Yes, and the muslims took over vast tracts of Asia and Europe.  In fact they would have taken over all of Europe had it not been for the battles of Poitiers-Tours and Vienna, when the brutal imperialist aggressors were repulsed.  But the muslims are very clever.  Now they're back, but this time in their millions.  All smiles, of course....  and playing the race card for all their worth....

Now which particular "European saviour" were you referring to? ---You sound like another one with a little axe to grind with Europe

Your logic of comparing the intrigues of the European colonists with the chivalrous Muslim princes is like comparing apples and oranges. It is clear proof of your faulty and biased thinking. How can anybody bring the achievement of Prince Abdul Rehman into imperialist category. He escaped the fall of his own dynasty in Syria and landed in Spain to bring order to the turmoil of peninsula and consequently became it's master.

Can you prove that he shipped the loot of  gold and silver or anything to his home land?
If the Caliphate of Baghdad could assist him against Franks, Charlemagne didn't stand a chance and this discussion wouldn't be happening cuz the Abdul Rehman was Ummayad and the Caliphate  Abbaside, Anyway he defended his kingdom against the invasion of the Franks quite successfully--his dynasty would last for another 3 centuries>>>Don't believe  go back to a good library.

I thought you knew where the Christian savior dogma was established and propagated; isn't it  Euro centric?
They are back, you colonized you broke into their countries, and your thieving forefathers are dead and you in charge of  belly aching? Just grow up!

Kismet Domino: Faith/Courage/Liberty/Abundance/Selfishness/Immorality/Apathy/Bondage or extinction.

Posted By: crasss
Date Posted: 11 May 2007 at 10:00pm
Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Now which particular "European saviour" were you referring to? ---You sound like another one with a little axe to grind with Europe

Look, as long as these "European saviours" keep spreading their filthy brothel propaganda, we won't get along.

Unlike these "European saviours", we do have a sense of honour, and we intend to do whatever it takes to keep our daughters free of sexual diseases and virgin until marriage.

Posted By: Doo-bop
Date Posted: 14 May 2007 at 10:57am

"Your logic of comparing the intrigues of the European colonists with the chivalrous Muslim princes is like comparing apples and oranges. It is clear proof of your faulty and biased thinking"

Oh please!  How do you think the Hindu Kush mountains got their name? - because of the vast numbers of hindus who died crossing them on their way to the slave markets of central Asia.  "Chivalrous muslim princes", indeed.

"Can you prove that he shipped the loot of  gold and silver or anything to his home land?"

Oh dear.  Why would I want to prove that?  Did I say it in the first place?  In any event, you yourself said that he had to escape his home country, so why would he want to send gold and silver there?  And what turmoil did he bring order to?  He was invited there to solve a local difficulty (or so it was hoped), seized his imperialistic opportunity, and proceeded to establish his rule over a country he had no right to.  (But of course you will say he had a right to it, since you muslims think you have a right to everything, no?)

"If the Caliphate of Baghdad could assist him against Franks, Charlemagne didn't stand a chance and this discussion wouldn't be happening cuz the Abdul Rehman was Ummayad and the Caliphate  Abbaside, Anyway he defended his kingdom against the invasion of the Franks quite successfully--his dynasty would last for another 3 centuries>>>Don't believe  go back to a good library."

Well, there you go.  If only the muslims had ben more united then, they would have conquered the whole of Europe much sooner!  Defending his kingdom, indeed.  What were the muslims doing at Poitiers?  A spot of tourism, was it?

"I thought you knew where the Christian savior dogma was established and propagated; isn't it  Euro centric?
They are back, you colonized you broke into their countries, and your thieving forefathers are dead and you in charge of  belly aching? Just grow up!"

You know, I like that little phrase you used "I thought you knew...".  It is so patronising, implying that I am somehow st**id!  the poster minuteman uses a similar tactic, saying things like "oh I didn't think I'd have to give biblical references to a Christian" - this when he is saying something about the bible that is simply not true! - Incidentally he has given no references for his statements about the Holy Word, and yet implies that it is my knowledge that is lacking.  Clever.

But not clever enough!  We are not fools.  The Holy Gospel (to which I assume you are referring when you speak of the christian saviour dogma) is, of course, not Euro-centric, whatever they might have taught you in your madrassa/mosque!

As for my belly-aching, the muslims have broken into other peoples countries since the very start of islam!

Posted By: abuzuhri
Date Posted: 15 May 2007 at 5:10pm

Renaissance and Kota Bharu

Last week by unexpected wind of fortune, I was blown away from my Putrajaya office ( Ministry of XX) to attend Enhancing Networking Skills for 40 senior federal Malaysian PTD officers at Renaissance Hotel from 8 to 11 May 2007. A five star jewel in Kota Bharu, the state city of kelantan about 400km north east of kuala lumpur.

What a shining suprise when our consultant speaker introduced herself as Nor Julia Lai from International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) email: mailto:[email protected] - [email protected] . She first taught us to recognize 4 main human characters before engaging others in social, business, political or spiritual networking duels.

Who is a peaceful, supportive amicable DOVE, who is a wise conservative cool OWL, who is a introvert expressive showy PEACOCK and last who is a fast paced, ruthless, egoistic, leader like a EAGLE ? She broke down our ice, closed mindsets and fears when interacting with other races or world outside our offices. She got a fierce daughter who aims to study in the Beijing University after her MCE/SPM to recover lost ground because her half chinese blood. She also outlined what is EQ versus IQ, what conflict and disaster can arise if you are not balance or sensitive to your surroundings. Hey..are this not about Feng Shui, Yin and Yang , about recognizing Superior man/woman Chuntzi and Hsiao Ren ?

It remind me about the Tao of Relationship by Ray Griggs where my daughter now in Machester University expertly spins out a poem as follow:

My poem is about seeking
what is sought is never defined
Why, bcos words are metaphor.
The experience they create is vicarious.
Words obscure understanding by creating
illuison of understanding'
They confine and limit the deception that
the mystery or truth has been captured.

'Words only represent one's light
where there is naming, the name is
mistaken for what has been named.

Sages have always know this.
They transcend names.

Heaven bless the one who sings the truth

Or keep wispers of secret for the few

There...Syakira Yeoh her friend in Bukit Jalil Sport School now ranked number 10 in Asian Tour Bowling share a common interest..bash any guy who dare ridicule my pure noble chinese lineage ! May be our chulai Adien Yein 30, Suffian Yim 20 and Azlan Yeng 17, children of Medical Professor Dr.Norella Kong Chiew Yong of UKM Hospital able join forces to confront those forbid us to decorate our chinese surnames. Long live our Kong forefathers !

Next posting may be we can reflect the words of Julia Lai : " no one can understand why I marry my hubby 31 years back- a moment of madness if you recall that at the age of 22, we defy all odds !". Now I can take a deep Taichi breathe and look at those bewildered PTD officers with a wry smile...
cai jian.


On Thursday 10 may 2007 after evening lecture at Renaissance Hotel, I phoned Fadzli Ng, Kelantan Macma (Malaysian Chinese Muslim Association) branch new Secretary who replaced Br.Johari Yap leaving for New Zealand soon to accompany her wife Ph.D study. He responded immediately and took me in his old Citroen car to visit Macma office in Jalan Kebun, Kota Baharu. There we met Haji Rafi Ong who operated a Restaurant Islamic Saudara Baru at the ground floor. I signed the guest book and took photos with Fadzli Ng and Rafi Ong, then have drinks at his expense.

Before leaving the Macma meagre office my heart jump with joy when saw the blueprint of 3 storey new Macma building at Kubang Kerian land donated by Kelantan Goverment drawn by my architect friend Ridha Luan of University Technology of Malaysia (UTM). He also blessed with a Kelantanese wife and four children, aptly named Elina Lua Meng 9, Muhammad Lua Ming Te 8, Elissa Lua Meng 4 and Ibrahim Lua Ming Te.

We cannot think of their current success but had to mention the support and help given by Macma Kelantan Chairman Dato� Haji Anuar Tan, a first chinese elected State Exco and Assemblyman of Kota Lama in Kelantan unequalled elsewhere where he defeated a BN Malay Umno man in a 95% majority malay area ! He was given royal Dato� by Sultan of Kelantan and very close to Nik Aziz the aging ulama Chief Minister. May Allah bless him in his tireless work for islam and uplifting the chinese muslim community.


This unique political event remind us of Tun Omar Ong Yoke Lin leadership who was well accepted as a former senior Malaysian Chinese Association  Vice President, Federal Minister during Tunku Prime Minister era in 1960-70s and lastly as Senate President of Malaysian Parliament before retired in 1980s. There is another illustrious General Omar Pai of Taiwan or during the Nationalist Kuomintang rule of China in 1930s second in command after supremo Gen. Chiang Khai Shek. It was during this turbulent times Hj Ibrahim Ma and his family decide to migrate and live permanently in Malaysia and contributed greatly to the Islamic da�wa revival works.

abuzuhri shin

Posted By: crasss
Date Posted: 20 May 2007 at 4:20am
Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

The Holy Gospel (to which I assume you are referring when you speak of the christian saviour dogma) is, of course, not Euro-centric

Only the pictures are ...

But then again, it is not the Europeans defending that religion any longer.

The ones interested, seem to live in America, still trying to convert some gullible idiots who fail to notice the humongeous all-state Christian fornication fest, from which they will all be saved!

Posted By: Doo-bop
Date Posted: 20 May 2007 at 6:01am

Originally posted by crasss crasss wrote:

Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

The Holy Gospel (to which I assume you are referring when you speak of the christian saviour dogma) is, of course, not Euro-centric

Only the pictures are ...

But then again, it is not the Europeans defending that religion any longer.

The ones interested, seem to live in America, still trying to convert some gullible idiots who fail to notice the humongeous all-state Christian fornication fest, from which they will all be saved!

You have obviously reached the bottom of the barrel again, crasss.  Having nothing more to say, you say ....well, anything......

Posted By: crasss
Date Posted: 20 May 2007 at 9:33am
Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

You have obviously reached the bottom of the barrel again, crasss.

I think it is Christianity that has obviously reached the bottom of the barrel, for the first time, actually, as they always managed to at least keep the linnen clean somehow. Isn't that the very least one could expect from any religious community? If even that doesn't work, then none of it makes sense, really.

Posted By: crasss
Date Posted: 20 May 2007 at 9:49am
Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Having nothing more to say, you say ....well, anything......

You're absolutely right, because it is game over.

Either the Christians manage to restore state enforcement, for which they have no democratic majority, or else, quickly build communities that will maintain and transmit the religion at the extended family/clan level, and isolate the members and especially the kids from the ongoing fornication fest, which level doesn't exist, however, and for which there is not enough time to create it out of the blue, out of thin air.

There are no other ways known in which one can preserve religious values. So, as I said: game over.

Run as fast as you can, and join Islam. That is the only option left.

Posted By: Doo-bop
Date Posted: 21 May 2007 at 10:05am
Well, I think this feeble invitation to islam just proves my point....

Posted By: crasss
Date Posted: 21 May 2007 at 1:18pm
Originally posted by Doo-bop Doo-bop wrote:

Well, I think this feeble invitation to islam just proves my point....

Somehow you are right. Joining Islam will still not give anybody the extended family needed to transmit religious values to the next generation(s). You'd probably have to be almost as driven as Abraham (pbuh) to do it without.

Posted By: abuzuhri
Date Posted: 27 June 2007 at 7:38am
A Hadith Tradition in Muwatta of Imam Malik says:
Sometime a man utter a word without knowingly will bring him to the Fire and another man utter a word that will make him enter the Garden. So beware of what you going to say. Your own opinions will entrap or enslave you in your own ignorance.

There is a beautiful prophetic doa which
encourage the mumin to ask for Allah's light as follow:
O Allah, give me light in my seeing
light in my hearing
light in my speech
light on my left and right
light above and below me
and make me a light !

Allah guide whomever He wants to His Light.
He has power over everthing.

abuzuhri shin

Posted By: usama
Date Posted: 28 June 2007 at 5:59am

There is another dimension to the West vs. Islam debate: that the Western empires and monarchies claimed to fight on behalf of Christianity but more importantly fought on behalf of their own wealth and power. Christianity was the rallying cry but king's ransoms, power, and prestige were what the Christian monarchies really wanted. How else did the Spanish monarchies wage war for 600 years to reclaim Spain? Call all Muslims black Moors, declare that they are heathens defiling the motherland and haters of Jesus, and you have your War on Terror by rallying the serf masses and the princes.

Today, Europe continues to enjoy the exploits of their imperial heritage. The GDP of the EU is 12.8 trillion, the world's largest GDP. From the 17th century to WWII, Europe was similarly the wealthiest region of the world by far. Today it is again. It was the combined efforts of European empires which enriched and empowered them. Thus Belgium and Holland, tiny nations, shared technology and strategies with the other larger empires.      

Today, America and the EU seek to repress the resurgence of Islam, or more specifically, the resurgence of the Islamic caliphate state. They claim its because of their belief in "democracy", the idea which has replaced Christianity, but in reality its to protect their global monopolization of the world.   It is quite reasonable for Muslims to think about, work towards, and hope for the total reunification of the Muslim world if only for the combined synergy to reshape their circumstances for the betterment of all and the pleasure of Allah (SWT). 

So instead of 53+ Muslim nation states, one unitary state would enable vast resources to be used to reshape trade, infrastructure, finances, etc.  The opportunities would be unimaginable for Muslim people who otherwise see their resources and wealth sent to EU or America.

Let there arise from amongst you a group inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and they are the successful ones. Al Imran:104

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