Sa'd inb Waqqas had distinguised role in many of the battles that took place bothe during the time of Prophet Muhammad { Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam} and after. He fought at te battle of Badr together with his brother Umayr who had cried to join the muslims army for he was only in his early teens. Sa'd returned to Madinah alone for Umayr was killed in the battle.
At the Battle of Uhud, Sa'd was chosen as one of the best warriors together with Zayd, saib the son of Uthman ibn Mazun and the others. Sa'd was one of those who fought strongly in defence of the Prophet Muhammad { Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam} , after some muslims deserted their positions . To urge him on, Prophet Muhammad { Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam} said, "shoot, Sa'd -- -- - -- may my mother and father be your ransom"
Sa'd is also known as the first companion to have shot an arrow in defence of islam. And Prophet Muhammad { Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam} once prayed for him saying , "O Lord , direct his shooting and respond to his prayer"
Sa'd was one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad { Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam} who enjoyed great wealth. Just as he is known for his bravery, so he was known for his generosity,
During the farewell pilgrimage with Prophet Muhammad { Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam} , he fell ill. Prophet Muhammad { Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam} came to visit him and said "O Messenger of Allah, i have no wealth and i have only one daughter to inherit from me' Shall i give two thirds of my wealth in charity."
"No," replied Prophet Muhammad { Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam}
Then, shall i give a third?" asked Sa'd
"Yes," said the Prophet Muhammad { Sallal lahu alaihi wasallam} "The third is much. Indeed to leave your heirs well-off' is better than that you shud leave your dependants on others and to beg from people. If you spend anything seeking to gain thereby the pleasure of Allah, you will be rewarded for it, even if it is a morsel which you place in your wife's mouth."
Sa'd did not remain the father of just one child but was blessed thereafter with many children
------------- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."