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How do I help my husband?

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Topic: How do I help my husband?
Posted By: Mona45
Subject: How do I help my husband?
Date Posted: 01 December 2006 at 2:11pm
My husband and I have been married for nearly 4 years.We love each other deeply,and are VERY happy together.My ONLY complaint is that our intimate life together is pretty horrible.We rarely make love,(he's so tired from work all the time),and when we do,it's straight to intercourse,no warming me up,no preparing me.So sex is short,and painful for me.He feel's it is sin to touch me other than to have intercourse.Is that true?(I reverted to Islam 5 years ago,he was born into Islam)He was a virgin when we were married,I had been married before.But was sexually inactive for 10 year's prior to this marriage(by choice). When we were first married,the intimate act was fine,not great,but fine.Now,it's just awful.I dont even want him to touch me because everytime he does,he only goes straight for intercourse,which end's up hurting me,because my body was not made ready for it. He wont even touch me 'down there'. No foreplay whatsoever.And he get's angrey if I bring up(which I rarely do because he get's angrey)that we could improve this part of our life.He say's that when we move back to the country,and family we love and miss,that our love life will improve.(We plan on doing this in a few months)This difficulty in our marriage has been going on for 3 year's.I've been very patient.We do love each other.So please,no "just divorce him" reply's,thank you. How can I get him to understand,(without hurting him,or angering him)that a woman need's TIME,need's foreplay before "the act"?

A lie get's halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it's pant's on.-Sir Winston Churchill(1874-1965)

Posted By: J.R.
Date Posted: 01 December 2006 at 2:49pm
Assalamu Alaikum Sister,

Your husband must understand that it is his Islamic duty as a husband to
please you sexually. Every Muslim woman deserves to have that and so
does every Muslim husband. It is his obligation to make you happy in
your intimate relations. There are many Islamic traditions (in Hadeeth
and I do believe in the Qur'an if I'm not mistaken) that tell the husband
not to just fall upon his wife and get the act over with. Allah (swt) created
women the way we are and we often need preparation of our bodies and
minds for sex. Husbands in Islam are instructed to do this for their
wives. He has no right to get angry with you when you bring up your
right that he's failing to fulfull for you. This is your right as a woman and
a wife. I don't think there's any other way of saying it. It's a shame he
sees this as sinful because our sexuality is a gift from Allah (swt) that is
meant to be explored and enjoyed within marriage. You can't go through
your life unsatisfied. Since you do love each other so much, then he
should understand and not be angry with you. Please let us know how
things go. May Allah (swt) bless you and help your husband with this.



Posted By: Mona45
Date Posted: 01 December 2006 at 3:50pm
Thank you for responding.Right now I'm at the point of tear's thinking of how deeply unsatisfied I am. I feel awful.I feel ugly.I feel dead. I have NO ONE to talk to regarding this. I stay at home all day,ALONE. I'm just so sad right now.

A lie get's halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it's pant's on.-Sir Winston Churchill(1874-1965)

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 01 December 2006 at 6:19pm
Mona45, I had a friend who had a similar situation and she is now divorced and remarried very happily. Looking back she sees many signs that her ex husband either had a second wife, a girlfriend or was gay and having a relationship with a man. It sounds awful, but as women we must never be naive about anything. YOU have to stand up for YOURSELF in this world. If your husband is not being kind to you in bed then tell him you are no longer interested in any sexual contact until he is ready to change. Maybe you need marital counseling, maybe he is depressed, or maybe he is not in love with you. I am just being honest. I am not going to say divorce him however I will say no sex is better than horrible sex and you should refuse him if he is hurting you and you are not enjoying it. If you are at a last resort and worried about your chastity I have read some scholars say it is acceptable to pleasure yourself, but only as a last result. And for some people in bad marriages this is thier only option.  That is just what I have read, so you have to find out for yourself. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Mona45
Date Posted: 01 December 2006 at 6:46pm
Thanks for responding Jenni.I know my husband love's me.I know he's not gay,or having an outside relationship.I was divorced when I was 29 year's old. I remarried when I was 42 year's old.I'm 46 now. I cant have children,and that's ok with THIS husband,but if I divorce him,will I be able to find another husband? It took me 13 year's to find THIS one! Will I be able to find a husband who is ok with me not being able to bear children? I am NOT happy with my marriage the way it is now.Not happy at all. But,what can I do? He would NEVER go for counseling. I know him too well.He would NEVER go for that. So,right now,if he come's to me in this intimate way,and try's to do his 'normal routine',I'm going to jump up and say no! No more! If he want's to remain married to me,he'd better step up to the plate,and do some BIG improving. I just dont want to die alone in my old age. I have no family of my own. My mother died alone at age 70.They did not find her dead in her apartment for THREE day's. I dont want to end up like her. With my husband,I have a very large and loving family,who adore me,and I,them. This problem with our sex life is very bad,and I may end up losing everything.

A lie get's halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it's pant's on.-Sir Winston Churchill(1874-1965)

Posted By: Jenni
Date Posted: 01 December 2006 at 8:24pm
Mona45, I know you are very sad. Again stand up for yourself and I wish the best for you. We women need to be our own best friends. By the way there are many good men who are divorced or widowed that allready have children looking for good women. Just in case your situation does not improve. There is no rule in Islam that women sacrifice thier happiness and well being for a man that is just st**id to her needs.  Most men in thier late 40's and early 50's don't want to have more children so there are men out there. Just know that you allways have options and while being alone may seem bad, sometimes being lonely with a man is worse. Peace

You cant be a good muslim if you are not decent and have a cold heart. Be a decent and kind person and care for women and children and the elderly.

Posted By: Mona45
Date Posted: 02 December 2006 at 1:08pm
Thank you Jenni. I can see that you have a good,and kind heart.This morning,my husband and I talked well into the afternoon. He apologized deeply for my unhappiness. His job that has been making him so tired,is ending tomarrow.Really it has come down to him,all this time,being just so incredibly tired from working 13-16 hour day's. Having no engery to even THINK about our romantic life together.He plan's on taking a week off to get some good rest,then we plan on doing some nice things together before he start's working again. We are working so hard so we will have the money to build our home in Jordan.That is where we were truely happy.I guess what our problem has been is exhaustion the last three years since we came to America.Working,working,working.No time for fun or romance. The best thing,is that my husband and I have had a good heart to heart talk.The air is cleared.I still feel a sense of saddness,but I think that is just the last three year's of struggle catching up to me. Soon,Inshalallah,I will be back to my normal happy self again.  With him working so hard,I just stay at home,alone,and I guess that get's to a person after awhile.  I want to thank all my forum sister's for caring about me,and my situation,and caring enough to help me.  With BIG LOVE,your sister,Mona

A lie get's halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it's pant's on.-Sir Winston Churchill(1874-1965)

Posted By: Mona45
Date Posted: 04 December 2006 at 9:50am
Things are not good right now.I dont think I'll be going back to Jordan with my husband.

A lie get's halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it's pant's on.-Sir Winston Churchill(1874-1965)

Posted By: Hanan
Date Posted: 04 December 2006 at 10:35am


Posted By: Hayfa
Date Posted: 04 December 2006 at 11:03am

Hi Mona,

I think it is common to think of being alone as we age. We can NEVER predict the future. Continue to ask for guidance from Allah. You are never alone. Things can be hard and painful but remember Allah is there always. And we are here to support you.


When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi

Posted By: Muslimah07
Date Posted: 04 December 2006 at 5:41pm

[Mona45 wrote]Things are not good right now.I dont think I'll be going back to Jordan with my husband.


 Oh My Goodness Mona, what happened?!?!?

Please tell us!!!!



Posted By: lulu7
Date Posted: 04 December 2006 at 6:26pm
I know that you are hurting--we all do in our own way.  You must be strong as I too have my hurting right now of my husband being cold to me, not intimately, that was fine, but not talking to me.  Yes, I know he is not cheating or stuff like that, but don't try to push him if he doesnt want to talk, this always seems to push men further away from us.  But know that we are here to listen to you and try to give our opinions even though we have not lived your life with him and might not know what has happened, only Allah can give you the strength and never give up in his love for you.  I know--I have been feeling like why this would happen?  I can;t come up with the answer and know Allah doesnt make things like this happen.  Trust your inner self, look deep into your heart and mind, the answer will be there.

Posted By: UmmAminata
Date Posted: 05 December 2006 at 8:24am


Salaam O Alaikum Mona

Before I respond, I just wanted you to know that I'm a very down to earth, no  b/s person when it comes to marriage and family.  The stakes are just too high for silly games. Sister, I'm not a " just follow tweleve steps" and your life will be perfect! I live on planet earth, and believe in reality. You are so right that sex is rarely talked about concerning marriage. People are so legalistic, and materialistic, that they don't talk about how to actually sustain a marriage. And I must be very blunt that it appears that many Muslim men especially those from overseas, believe that sex is something they give us and we should be grateful. It's almost like having sex with a dead person, it seems to be their mentality.

I love the book "Reliance Of The Traveller" translated by Sheik Nuh Ham Mim Keller. In it, he explains that it is both spouses obligation to keep each other chaste and to fulfill each others needs until that goal is accomplished. The problem with the Muslim community world wide is that Muslim scholars are always focusing on our obligations as women instead of our rights; many men do not know our rights and many Muslima's are opressed not for the reasons the west says we are but because our own brothers in Islam refuse to give us our rights. This situation will never change unless some women preferrably psychologists, and gynecologists who are Muslim take a firm stand and start educating sisters prior to marriage.

Regarding your situation, I said in a previous thread that if some one isn't fulfilling their Islamic obligations or commands, they are refusing to do so. If one does not pray they are refusing to pray, if one does not fulfill his wife needs on purpose, he is refusing to fulfill his wife's needs. That's the bottom line. If you two have discussed this issue, and you have been patient, than he just refuses to do it, bottom line.

If you believe that it is worth toughing this out than I have a few suggestions for you.

Both of you go to a urologist, make sure he doesn't have any birth defects, deformities, or hormonal issues.

See a sex therapist or a marriage counselor who focuses on that area of marriage.

Find sex educational videos, tapes, books etc.

Teach him with out being demanding, and overwhelming.

Go to couples seminars in the moutians.

If you need further suggestions than private message me.

And remeber you are a woman- Your own woman- before you are some one else's woman. You need to pamper your self and invest in your self. I want you to order a Mary K Make over, get a pedicure, buy a new silk dress, have brunch- invest in yourself.

And if you do decide to get divorced you really have to trust that Allah will bless you with some one who will treat you with respect and dignity. I would never accept a husband being cold to me in any way. That's so third gradish! Silent treatment over the age of 30! Are you kidding me?

If you accept behaviour that you know is not right, than that situation is on you. You have to value your self more than anybody else because believe me, nobody else other than your mother will do it.

You do have options. He is not the end all to your sexuality, self-esteem, or life. You can live and love again- that is if you choose to.

And finally just know that you are a Muslim- you are a blessed creature of Allah. You are worth so much more than what you currently have. You are a treasure- you are beautiful, you are intelligent, you are worthy, you are valuable and you do not matter. Anything is possible with sincere reliance on Allah guidance, and patience. If you want something all you have to do is ask Yal-Aziz. Sister, every marriage has it test. For some it is money, for others it is children, for some it weight gain, and yet for others its living with difficult personalities. Sister this is your test. Allah is watching how both of you handle it.

Remeber that the male ego is very fragile. Any questioning of their sexuality is tantamount to an attack on their manhood. Real men, who are in touch with reality, know that they must be tender, compassionate, and flexible with their wife. They know they have to compromise. Only men who are egotistic, ignroant, and stubborn remain in a dysfunctional situation.


Mrs. Dia

Posted By: Muslimah07
Date Posted: 05 December 2006 at 8:59am

UmmAminata wrote:
many Muslim men especially those from overseas, believe that sex is something they give us and we should be grateful. It's almost like having sex with a dead person, it seems to be their mentality.






Posted By: rookaiya
Date Posted: 07 December 2006 at 3:47am

Jenni u said:

"If you are at a last resort and worried about your chastity I have read some scholars say it is acceptable to pleasure yourself, but only as a last result. And for some people in bad marriages this is thier only option.  That is just what I have read, so you have to find out for yourself."

where did u read this. was it not perhaps some of those misleading sites which go against the very teachings of Islam? i only ask cos its the first time i have heard of this. does anyone have clarity on this issue?

Posted By: Mona45
Date Posted: 07 December 2006 at 10:43am
Salaam Alaykum everyone. I'm so sorry for my last post here. My husband and I were basically right in the middle of a misunderstanding when I emotionally wrote my last post here. I can be such a "dope" sometime's!  I guess that since we dont have any family here,or easily call,in my emotional state,I wrote I wasnt going back to Jordan with him. I feel foolish,because we DID make up.And are back to our sweet selves together,and ya know the BEST news?! He has heard all my concern's regarding our intimate life,and has been doing his very best to do much better in this area of our marriage. He's no longer working all those horribly LONG hour's,is feeling much more relaxed,and is feeling very relieved. Please forgive me everyone,for making you concerned for me. I appreciate so much all your heartfelt care of me,and of my husband..,of our marriage. Thank you so much for your love,it came thru loud and clear in your post's! With BIG LOVE,your sister,Mona

A lie get's halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it's pant's on.-Sir Winston Churchill(1874-1965)

Posted By: rookaiya
Date Posted: 07 December 2006 at 11:39pm
mona thats the best news ive heard in a long time. i dont know u but im happy for u. Insha Allah may the love grow between u and hubby and may you both have happier times ahead.

Posted By: niqab_ummi
Date Posted: 09 December 2006 at 12:33pm


It seems to be that your husband is very strong in his Imaan...the best source is the Quran and Sunnah go back to that and re-read it together and Insha'Allah you will work things out. There are some very specific passages and hadith you can go to ....also try - or another fatwah or imam site you can go and look up the Shariah rulings on this subject as well.


Umm Abdelkhalek

Posted By: ak_m_f
Date Posted: 09 December 2006 at 1:27pm
Originally posted by niqab_ummi niqab_ummi wrote:

It seems to be that your husband is very strong in his Imaan

are you trying to say that legal sex is sin?

Posted By: niqab_ummi
Date Posted: 09 December 2006 at 2:09pm

Assalamu'Alaikum Sister ak_m_f,


Insha'Allah, I'm trying to say that anyone who is strong in their Imaan can be guided to the right path with the help of Allah(swt) and that to use the Quran and Sunnah as a starting point for an open dialogue.


Umm Abdelkhalek

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