Becoming a Muslim
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Topic: Becoming a Muslim
Posted By: StarGazer
Subject: Becoming a Muslim
Date Posted: 27 March 2007 at 11:32pm
Okay, well I am a first year college student in an upstate New York school, and I have been doing some thinking late. I've read several books (The Autobiography of Malcoln X in particular) that have been making me reposition my stance on religion, and Islam specifically.
I'm of a mixed heritage, southern Native American and English, however I and my older sister were adopted into a white Baptist family and raised in the suburbs of a small city, by my father, a bartender, and my mother, who stayed at home. Religion was very much just something for our Sundays and for the Holdays, and I never really developed a faith. By the time I had entered middle school, I was identifing myself as an atheist and disbelieved anything I perceived as supernatural.
I've been lucky to have never had any trouble with the police. I got in many fights, and hurt many people who probably didn't deserve it. I've experimented with more drugs then I knew existed six years ago. Women, I've known a few, and none of them do I regert, because we did, and some still, love each other. I am telling you all of this so you can understand where I am coming from.
However, things for me now are changing, I'm seeing people who were my friends a few months ago stab me in the back, and others burning out like a candle in a jar. I am reconsidering how greedy I have been for very long, and what that could make me if continue. I recognize now that I've been an optimist, even if I didn't know it, believing that the Universe will throw itself together in such a way that no matter what happens, I'll come out on top. I've been lucky with that mindset, and I don't want to push my luck any further.
I, briefly, considered Christianity. I've been there, and it isn't right for me, and I don't think it, as it is preached, is right for anyone with a thinking mind. Other religions thought of, and knew I could never believe in them, fully.
To me, mankind is lost in a storm. We're fighting each other over nothing, when we should be huddled together for protection and comfort. Oneness of humanity is what I seek, acknowledgement that our differences are purely aesthetic, or can be overcome.
That's what attracts me to Islam. The way Muslims pay honor and respect to each other, and everyone else, is something I do not see in the condescending posture of every other faith. However, it is also my biggest fear from Islam. I'm an individual, I've never had any desire to be anything greater or pretend I'm part of any group but mankind. As an individual, it is justice and freedom I value most.
Slavery is, of course, the exact opposite to freedom, and I when I see Islam I cannot help but see a relation. Islam, I believe, is not just membership of a community and devotion to Allah, but slavery to the community and Allah.
Justice I will not speak much on. We've heard stories of unfair trails and mob rule in Muslim nations. That happens just as much in West.
But I can put my fears aside for now, I can work on those when I have found my faith. Instead I'd like to take a step towards Allah. I've given up smoking and eating pork. What is the next step?
------------- �The truth is permanent, and everything else falls by the wayside.� Dave Chappelle
Posted By: amah
Date Posted: 28 March 2007 at 12:30am
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
Greetings brother StarGazer
Welcome to this forum. I am glad that you are here and I hope we are able to answer your questions and calm your fears. 
You are so young masha allah and seems like Allah has granted you with maturity.
Islam considers all people as brothers in humanity and all muslims as brothers in faith. Regarding slavery... We are not slaves to the community. Slaves of Allah, yes. But you must understand what "slave" means. A muslim is one who submits his will to Allah. You do believe in God. And I am sure you also believe that God created us. Without His permission you and I will not be able to breathe, move a limb, speak a word or type here on IC. We are at His Mercy and He is indeed Most Merciful, providing us with life, health, food and all that we need.
We cannot even count the mercy and blessings of Allah, they are so many. Look at your body, look at your surroundings, everything will look like a miracle, how everything submits to the command of Allah. Your heart beats with His permission. Not a leaf falls off the tree without His knowledge. We can go on and on about His greatness and all His attributes.
Allah has created us, is sustaining us and all this is for a purpose. I am dependent on Him. Shouldn't I obey Him then? He has sent Messengers on earth to guide us through life and sent us many books to follow .
Life is sacred in Islam. Islam stands for peace. Islam stands for submission to Allah, if we submit to him completely , I don't see why our lives will not be better. Islam gives utmost importance to human rights and for the sake of that creator , we treat His other creations with respect. If you study the fundamentals of Islam and the rulings , Insha allah you will understand the justice of our Lord.
Today the name of Islam is tarnished. Not only the media but some muslims are also responsible for this. Do not look at Muslims to know Islam. That doesn't mean all muslims are bad, no. Because they are humans, they err. If you want to know the true Islam, read the Quran and read books about the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). He was the best example of a Muslim.
I suggest you get hold of the translation of the quran. Most of your questions will be answered automatically. If you believe that there is no God except Allah and Muhammad is His messenger, then you are Muslim.
Iam sure other brothers and sisters will be most glad to help you. Feel free to ask questions .
------------- Allah is Sufficient as a Walee (Protector) and Allah is Sufficient as a Naseer (Helper).
(Surah An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #45)
Posted By: Neima Abduljeli
Date Posted: 28 March 2007 at 6:19am
Aselamu Aleykum Werahmetulahi Weberkatuh
Bismilah Alhamdulilah Aselatu Weselamu Ala Seyidina Wenebiyina Muhamedin We Ala Alihi Wesehbihi Weselim. In the name of Allah, praise be to him and his peace and blessings be up on his prophet, his families and the ones who follow his path.
As it is already said If you just utter the words believing in the meaning of the word you will just become a Muslim. Ash-Hadu Ala Ilahe Ilelah We Ash-Hadu Ane Muhammeden Resululah. There is no God But the Almihghty God Allah and Muahmmed is his messenger.
Comparing your age of a first year collage student Masha-Allah, God Bless you are very matured.
LET THE BLESSING AND PEACE OF ALLAH BE UP ON YOU. You started the road to the right path and there will be no earthly power to stop you. Go ahead, Insha-Allah(God willing) it will not be long that we will hear the Great news. News of your being Muslim.
If you have any doubts please just write to us and we will help each other. Inshallah, lets pray to Allah to show us the right path.
Weselamu Aleykum werahmetulahi weberkatuh. Peace, blessings and his bounty be up on you.
------------- a-semedu
Posted By: on1on5
Date Posted: 28 March 2007 at 12:39pm
Every person faces at least once in life these questions : who am I, why am I here, what is the meaning of life? Thinking, which is unique to human being necessitates it. In a way Allah opens a door in mind for every human. Some live in a Muslim family but bypass the questions and take religion as a ritual. Some refuse to believe anything unless proven scientifically. Some others take another drink and try to forget all.
I think what you did is this; you dared to climb the first step. You faced the question and you went one step ahead. This worths congratulating. Realizing the need for a change in life towards its real meaning is a diffiult job especially when you are very young. But it is this much valuable in Islam.
What you are afraid of is not �slam but probably is the Muslim community. You are not alone. Every western is full of horrible strories about Muslims. One who defines himself as a Muslim can do wrong but this shouldnt be attributed to the doctrine of Islam itself. This is injustice isn't it? So as the other friends say I offer you to search for the answers of your questions directly from the source; that is Quran and the life of the prophet. Details may mix you up but for the beggining you'd better focus on the main idea. Little problems will be solved one by one afterwards.
You say you are just an individual and dont want to be something greater. An individual is the greatest in the world. You are already great and very much valuable for the creator that Allah takes your hand and helps you stand on your feet and start walking on the right path. A poem says" look at yourself kindly since you are the pupil- stands for the beloved and most protected-of the universe." So you are.
Posted By: senekerk
Date Posted: 28 March 2007 at 4:03pm
As Salaam
i have been on the path to islam for several months now. Reading the Qur'an is important. you can get a free Qur'an from this site. I also read a book entitled Understanding Islam, A guide for the Judaeo Christain Reader. it is excellent. visit a local mosque/majiid. Find a brother willing to help you with questions, etc. These are some of the things I did and soon I will take Shahada. May Allah guide your heart
------------- Kay
Posted By: StarGazer
Date Posted: 28 March 2007 at 5:36pm
I already have a copy of the Quran, though it is buried beneath a pile of books at the moment. I picked it up at the beginning of last Summer from a Barnes & Noble. I'll retrieve it later and start studying it, and when I do so I'll tell you whose translation it is (it also has the Arabic, but that at the moment isn't too useful for me).
------------- �The truth is permanent, and everything else falls by the wayside.� Dave Chappelle
Posted By: Mulamelec
Date Posted: 29 March 2007 at 3:34am
buy a digital Quran player, help to listening and receiting Holly Quran anytime and anywhere.
If you are interested in them,please feel free to contact us.
Mail/MSN:[email protected]
Skype:annyzhang1999 -
1.full Holy Quran:114 Surahs,6236 verses;16 languages translations 5 times prayer alarm; |
2.Hadith of Riyadh As-Saliheen; |
3. Tafseer of Al-Jalalian; 4. Salat Time: |
5. Qibla Direction: setup direction worldwide |
6. Duaa of Shaikh Abdul Rahman Al-Hudhaify; |
7. Calendar: Gregorian calendar and hijri |
8.automatically identify Qibla direction |
------------- Lisa
Mail/MSN:[email protected]
Posted By: Arab
Date Posted: 29 March 2007 at 3:40am
a good site is - also if u would like to speak to a scholar at some point you have - which is a chat dedicated for ppl interested in islam and or new muslims so its also good! As sister kay, senekerk, said, its best to start with the Quran but also before that you should know the basics of the religion. Salvation is by your deeds, not by simply accepting Islam, Allah is Mercifull He forgives you your sins if u truly mean it when you ask for His forgiveness and so on. Keep us updated! 
Posted By: Arab
Date Posted: 29 March 2007 at 3:43am
And dont be afraid no matter what, seeking the truth has to be done, with fear, you will never arive to the truth. As prophet Mohammed said "I have been sent to perfect the high moral standards" and thats of the reasons Muslims act the way they do as you said. Also the Quran says that mankind is one, all from Adam and Eve, no diff between anyone, exept in piety, rightousness and manners.