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Jami at-Tirmidhi 956 (Book 9, Hadith 150) #26523
The Significance of Talbiyah

SUMMARY: The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked Ali why he was reciting the Talbiyah and Ali replied that it was for what the Prophet had announced. The Prophet then said that if he did not have a Hadi with him, he would have exited Ihram.

Anas bin Malik narrated: "When Ali returned to the Messenger of Allah from Yemen he said: 'For what did you intended the Talbiyah?' He replied: 'I intended the Talbiyah for what the Messenger of Allah announced it'. So he (pbuh) said: 'If I did not have the Hadi with me then I would exit Ihram'."
حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْوَارِثِ بْنُ عَبْدِ الصَّمَدِ بْنِ عَبْدِ الْوَارِثِ، حَدَّثَنِي أَبِي، حَدَّثَنَا سَلِيمُ بْنُ حَيَّانَ، قَالَ سَمِعْتُ مَرْوَانَ الأَصْفَرَ، عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ، أَنَّ عَلِيًّا، قَدِمَ عَلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ مِنَ الْيَمَنِ فَقَالَ ‏"‏ بِمَ أَهْلَلْتَ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ أَهْلَلْتُ بِمَا أَهَلَّ بِهِ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ لَوْلاَ أَنَّ مَعِي هَدْيًا لأَحْلَلْتُ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ قَالَ أَبُو عِيسَى هَذَا حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ غَرِيبٌ مِنْ هَذَا الْوَجْهِ

intention  *  talbiyah  *  ihram  *  hadi

Have pure intentions while performing religious acts; Follow instructions from prophets; Respect prophets and obey their commands.

This hadith highlights the importance of intention when performing religious acts such as reciting the Talbiyah. It is narrated by Anas bin Malik that when Ali returned from Yemen to meet with the Messenger of Allah, he asked him why he was reciting the Talbiyah. To this question, Ali replied that it was for what the Messenger of Allah announced it for. Upon hearing this answer, the Prophet praised his intention and said that if he did not have a Hadi with him then he would exit Ihram. This shows us how important intention is in our religious acts and how we should always strive to make sure our intentions are pure before we perform any act of worship or service to God Almighty.

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