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Riyad as-Salihin 983 (Book 7, Hadith 28) #37472
Seeking Refuge in Allah from Evils of the Land

SUMMARY: This hadith is about seeking refuge in Allah from the evils of the land and its inhabitants.

Ibn 'Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: Whenever the Messenger of Allah set out on a journey, he would say by nightfall: "Ya ardu, Rabbi wa Rabbuk-illahu, a'udhu billahi min sharriki wa sharri ma fiki, wa sharri ma khuliqa fiki, wa sharri ma yadibbu 'alaiki; a'udhu billahi min sharri asadin wa aswadin, wa minal-hayyati wal-'aqrabi, wa min sakinil-baladi, wa min walidin wa ma walad O land, my Rabb and your Rabb is Allah, I seek refuge in Him from your evils, the evils of what you contain, the evils of what has been created in you, and the evils of what walks upon you. I seek refuge in Allah from lions, black serpents, scorpions and from the inhabitants of the place, and from the parent (ie, Satan) and his offspring who inhabit a settlement (ie, helpers from amongst the devils)". Abu Dawud.
وعن ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما قال‏:‏ كان رسول الله إذا سافر فأقبل الليل قال‏:‏ ‏ "‏ يا أرض ، ربي وربك الله، أعوذ بك من شرك وشر ما فيك ، وشر ما خلق فيك، وشر ما يدب عليك أعوذ بالله من شر أسد وأسود، ومن الحية والعقرب، ومن ساكن البلد، ومن والد وما ولد‏"‏ ‏(‏‏(‏رواه أبو داود‏)‏‏)‏‏ والأسود‏ ‏‏:‏ الشخص، قال الخطابي‏:‏ و‏ ‏ساكن البلد‏ ‏‏:‏ هم الجن الذين هم سكان الأرض ‏.‏ قال‏:‏ والبلد من الأرض‏:‏ ما كان مأوى الحيوان، وإن لم يكن فيه بناء ومنازل ‏.‏ قال‏:‏ ويحتمل أن المراد ‏ ‏ بالوالد‏ ‏ ‏:‏ إبليس ‏ ‏وماولد‏ ‏ ‏:‏ الشياطين

rabbi  *  refuge  *  evils  *  land  *  inhabitants  *  ardu  *  rabbukillah  *  audhubillahi  *  sharrik  *  aswadin  *  aqrabi  *  baladi

Ask for protection against any kind of harm or danger that may come our way while travelling or even when we are at home., Thank God for His blessings no matter where one is or what situation one finds oneself in .

This hadith is narrated by Ibn 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, and it talks about seeking refuge in Allah from the evils of a land and its inhabitants. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ taught us to seek refuge in Allah whenever we set out on a journey or when we are at home. He taught us to say “Ya ardu, Rabbi wa Rabbuk-illahu, a'udhu billahi min sharriki wa sharri ma fiki, wa sharri ma khuliqa fiki, wa sharri ma yadibbu 'alaiki; a'udhu billahi min sharri asadin wa aswadin, wa minal-hayyati wal-'aqrabi, wa min sakinil-baladi” which translates to “O land! My Lord and your Lord is Allāh; I seek refuge with Allāh from your evil and evil of what you contain; I seek refuge with Allāh from evil of what has been created in you; I seek refuge with Allāh from evil that walks upon you; I seek refuge with Allāh from lions and black serpents and scorpions; And I seek protection against all inhabitants of this place”. This hadith teaches us that we should always remember to ask for protection against any kind of harm or danger that may come our way while travelling or even when we are at home. We should also remember to thank God for His blessings no matter where we are or what situation we find ourselves in.

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