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Riyad as-Salihin 1894 (Book 19, Hadith 26) #38383
The Pleasure of Allah

SUMMARY: Allah will ask the inhabitants of Jannah if they are pleased with what He has given them, and they will respond positively. Allah will then bestow His pleasure upon them and never be displeased with them.

Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah said, "Allah, the Rabb of honour and glory, will say to the inhabitants of Jannah: 'O inhabitants of Jannah!' They will respond: 'Here we are! At Your service, O our Rabb. All good is in Your Hand!' He will ask them: 'Are you pleased?' They will reply: 'Why should we not be pleased, O Rabb, when You have given us what You have not given to any of Your creatures?' Allah will say: 'Shall I not give you something better than that?' They will ask: 'O Rabb! What can be better than that?' Allah will say: 'I shall bestow My Pleasure upon you and I shall never be displeased with you"'. Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
وعن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله قال‏:‏ ‏ "‏إن الله عز وجل يقول لأهل الجنة‏:‏ يا أهل الجنة، فيقولون ‏:‏ لبيك ربنا وسعديك، والخير في يديك فيقول‏:‏ هل رضيتم‏؟‏ فيقولون‏:‏ وما لنا لا نرضى يا ربنا وقد أعطيتنا مالم تعط أحداً من خلقك‏!‏ فيقول‏:‏ ألا أعطيكم أفضل من ذلك فيقولون‏:‏ وأي شيء أفضل من ذلك‏؟‏ فيقول‏:‏ أحل عليكم رضواني، فلا أسخط عليكم بعده أبداً‏"‏ ‏(‏‏(‏متفق عليه‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏

pleasure  *  inhabitants  *  creatures  *  jannah

Remain contented in whatever situation you find yourself in; Do good deeds; Strive for entry into jannah; Show gratitude towards God's mercy & grace.

This hadith speaks about the immense pleasure that Allah has for those who inhabit Jannah. It is narrated by Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri, who was a companion of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. In this hadith, it is said that when the inhabitants of Jannah are asked if they are pleased with what Allah has given them, they reply positively and say why should we not be pleased when You have given us what You have not given to any other creature? Then Allah says He shall bestow His pleasure upon them and never be displeased with them. This hadith teaches us that we should always remain contented in whatever situation we find ourselves in because ultimately it is only through the mercy and grace of God that we can attain true happiness. We should also strive to do good deeds so as to gain entry into Jannah where our ultimate reward awaits us - the pleasure of God Almighty!

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