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Riyad as-Salihin 164 (Book) #38549
Cleanliness and Blessings of Allah

SUMMARY: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us to clean up after ourselves and to not leave food behind, as it is a blessing from Allah.

Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah commanded the licking of fingers (after eating) and the cleaning of the dish, saying: "You do not know in what portion the Blessing (of Allah) lies". Muslim. In another narration, Jabir said: Messenger of Allah said, "When a morsel of any of you falls down, you should pick it up and remove any dirt or dust on it and then eat it; and don't leave it for Satan; and do not wipe your hand with the towel until you have licked your fingers, for you do not know in what portion of the food the Barakah* (of Allah) lies". * Barakah is the abundance of goodness and its continuity.
التاسع‏:‏ عنه أن رسول الله ، أمر بلعق الأصابع والصحفة وقال‏:‏ ‏"‏إنكم لا تدرون في أيها البركة‏"‏ ‏(‏‏(‏رواه مسلم‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏ وفي رواية له‏:‏ ‏"‏ إذا وقعت لقمة أحدكم ‏.‏ فليأخذها فليمط ماكان بها من أذى، وليأكلها، ولا يدعها للشيطان، ولا يمسح يده بالمنديل حتى يلعق أصابعه، فإنه لا يدري في أي طعامه البركة‏"‏‏.‏ وفي رواية له‏:‏ ‏"‏إن الشيطان يحضر أحدكم عند كل شيء من شأنه حتى يحضره عند طعامه، فإذا سقطت من أحدكم اللقمة فليمط ما كان بها من أذى ، فليأكلها، ولا يدعها للشيطان‏"‏‏.‏

cleanliness  *  blessing  *  eating  *  morsel  *  satan  *  istinjaa  *  barakah

Pick up morsels off the ground and remove dirt or dust before eating; Lick your fingers after eating; Be thankful for Allah's gifts.

This hadith teaches us the importance of cleanliness and being mindful of our blessings from Allah. We should take care to pick up any morsels that may have fallen on the ground, remove any dirt or dust on it, and then eat it. We should also lick our fingers after eating in order to make sure we don't miss out on any blessings that may be present in the food. Additionally, we should not wipe our hands with a towel until we have licked our fingers as this could cause us to miss out on some of these blessings. Finally, we must remember that all good things come from Allah so we must always be thankful for His gifts.

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