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Riyad as-Salihin 188 (Book) #38573
Approving and Disapproving Rulers

SUMMARY: This hadith explains that people will have rulers who they may or may not approve of, and it is okay to express disapproval but one should not follow them if they are displeasing. It also states that as long as the rulers establish prayer, then there should be no fighting against them.

Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: The Prophet said, "You will have rulers some of whom you approve and some of whom you will disapprove. He who dislikes them will be safe, and he who expresses disapproval will be safe, but he who is pleased and follows them (will be indeed sinful)". His audience asked: "Shall we not fight them?" He replied, "No, as long as they establish Salat amongst you". Muslim.
الخامس‏:‏ عن أم المؤمنين أم سلمة هند بنت أبي أمية حذيفة رضي الله عنها، عن النبي أنه قال‏:‏ ‏"‏ إنه يستعمل عليكم أمراءُ فتعرفون وتنكرون فمن كره فقد برئ، ومن أنكر فقد سلم، ولكن من رضي وتابع” قالوا‏:‏ يا رسول الله ألا نقاتلهم‏؟‏ قال‏:‏ ‏"‏لا ، الإمام أقاموا فيكم الصلاة‏"‏ ‏(‏‏(‏رواه مسلم‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏

ruler  *  approve  *  disapprove  *  fight  *  hakim  *  tasdiq  *  radda  *  qital  *  alsalat  *  salat

Respect for authority, expressing disapproval without violence .

This hadith talks about how people will have rulers who they may or may not agree with. It is okay to express disapproval of these rulers but one should not fight against them unless they stop establishing prayer. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was teaching his followers that it is important to respect authority even if you don't agree with it, and to only take action when necessary. He was also teaching us the importance of prayer in our lives and how it can help us stay on the right path even when faced with difficult situations.

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