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Riyad as-Salihin 677 (Book) #39062
The Two Types of Entourage

SUMMARY: Allah has given two types of entourage to every Prophet and ruler, one that encourages good deeds and the other that encourages evil. The one who is protected from the bad entourage is the one whom Allah protects.

Abu Sa'id and Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah said, "Allah neither raised up any Prophet nor did He authorize any person with ruling power but for whom there were two types of entourage: one enjoins upon him to do good and incites him to carry it out, and the other enjoins evil and goads him; and the protected (from the bad entourage) is the one whom Allah protects". Al-Bukhari.
-عن أبي سعيد وأبي هريرة رضي الله عنهما أن رسول الله قال ‏:‏ “ما بعث الله من نبي، ولا استخلف من خليفة إلا كانت له بطانتان بطانة تأمره بالمعروف وتحضه عليه، وبطانة تأمره بالشر وتحضه عليه، والمعصوم من عصم الله” ‏(‏‏(‏رواه البخارى‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏

entourage  *  good  *  evil  *  protection

Seek out people who will help guide you in your journey towards righteousness and piety.

This hadith explains that every Prophet or ruler appointed by God has two types of entourages around them. One type encourages them to do good deeds, while the other type incites them to do evil. It is only those whom God protects from this bad entourage who are safe from doing wrong things. This hadith teaches us about how important it is for us to stay away from people who encourage us to do wrong things, as it can lead us astray from our faith and values. We should instead seek out people who will help guide us in our journey towards righteousness and piety.

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