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Riyad as-Salihin 962 (Book 7, Hadith 7) #37451
Taking Care of Camels While Travelling

SUMMARY: When travelling, take care of your camels and be mindful of their needs. Be cautious when camping at night and stay away from roads.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said: "When you travel through green and lush land, give the camels their due from the ground, and when you travel through a dry and barren land, make them walk quickly lest their strength falters. When you encamp at night, keep away from the roads, for beasts pass there and they are the resort of insects at night". Muslim.
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال‏:‏ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏:‏ “إذا سافرتم في الخصب فأعطوا الإبل حظها من الأرض وإذا سافرتم في الجدب فأسرعوا عليها السير وبادروا بها نقيها، وإذا عرستم، فاجتنبوا الطريق، فإن طرق الدواب، ومأوي الهوام بالليل” ‏(‏‏(‏رواه مسلم‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏ معنى‏:‏ “أعطوا الإبل حظها من الأرض” أي‏:‏ ارفقوا بها في السير لترعي في حال سيرها وقوله‏:‏ ‏ ‏نقيها‏ ‏ وهو بكسر النون، وإسكان القاف، وبالياء المثناة من تحت وهو‏:‏ المخ، معناه‏:‏ أسرعوا بها حتي تصلوا المقصد قبل أن يذهب مخها من ضنك السير‏.‏ و‏ ‏التعريس‏ ‏ النزول في الليل‏.‏

travel  *  camels  *  safety  *  strength  *  safar  *  jauzah  *  harabah  *  muharibin

Be considerate towards animals; Give your camel its due from the ground; Make them walk quickly lest their strength falters; Stay away from roads when camping at night .

This hadith is about taking care of camels while travelling. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ taught us to be mindful of the needs of our camels when we travel, especially in different terrains. If we are travelling through a green and lush land, we should give the camels their due from the ground so they can rest and regain strength. On the other hand, if we are travelling through a dry and barren land, then it is important to make them walk quickly so that they do not tire out too much. Furthermore, when camping at night it is important to stay away from roads as beasts pass there which can cause danger for us or our animals. This hadith teaches us to be considerate towards animals as well as being aware of our safety while travelling in unfamiliar places.

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