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Riyad as-Salihin 1420 (Book 15, Hadith 13) #37909
The Power of Reciting Tasbih, Tahmid and Takbir After Prayers

SUMMARY: This hadith encourages Muslims to recite certain phrases after every prescribed prayer in order to gain the pleasure of Allah.

Ka'b bin 'Ujrah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said, "There are some words, the reciters of which will never be disappointed. These are: Tasbih saying 'Subhan-Allah' (Allah is free from imperfection), thirty-three times, Tahmid saying 'Al-hamdu lillah' (praise be to Allah) thirty-three times and Takbir saying 'Allahu Akbar' (Allah is Greatest) thirty-four times; and these should be recited after the conclusion of every prescribed prayer". Muslim
وعن كعب بن عجرة رضي الله عنه عن رسول الله قال‏:‏ ‏ "‏معقبات لا يخيب قائلهن -أو فاعلهن- دبر كل صلاة مكتوبة‏:‏ ثلاثًا وثلاثين تسبيحة وثلاثًا وثلاثين تحميدة، وأربعًا وثلاثين تكبيرة‏"‏ ‏(‏‏(‏رواه مسلم‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏

prayer  *  recitation  *  tasbih  *  tahmid  *  takbir

Recite certain phrases such as 'Subhanallah', 'Alhamdulilliah' & 'Allahu Akbar' after each prescribed prayer .

This hadith encourages Muslims to recite certain phrases after every prescribed prayer in order to gain the pleasure of Allah. These phrases are known as tasbeeh, takbeer and tahmeed. Tasbeeh is saying ‘Subhan-Allah’ which means ‘Glory be to God’, thirty-three times. Tahmeed is saying ‘Al-hamdu lillah’ which means ‘Praise be to God’ thirty-three times and Takbeer is saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ which means ‘God is Greatest’ thirty-four times. By reciting these words after each prayer, we can show our appreciation for all that God has done for us and ask for His mercy and blessings upon us. It also serves as a reminder that He is always watching over us and will reward us for our good deeds if we remain faithful in our worship of Him.

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