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Riyad as-Salihin 1427 (Book 15, Hadith 20) #37916
Glorifying Allah in Prayer

SUMMARY: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us to glorify Allah and make supplications in bowing and prostration for our prayers to be accepted.

Ibn 'Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah said: "Glorify your Lord in Ruku' (bowing posture) and exert yourself in supplication in prostration. Thus your supplications are liable to be accepted". Muslim.
وعن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما أن رسول الله قال‏:‏ ‏ "‏ فأما الركوع فعظموا فيه الرب، وأما السجود فاجتهدوا في الدعاء، فقمن أن يستجاب لكم‏"‏ ‏(‏‏(‏رواه مسلم‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏

prayer  *  supplication  *  bowing  *  prostration

Glorify your Lord in Ruku' and exert yourself in supplication in prostration .

This hadith teaches us the importance of glorifying Allah when we pray. We should remember that prayer is a time for us to connect with our Lord, so it is important that we take this time seriously and put effort into it. When we bow or prostrate, we should make sure to say words of praise and gratitude towards Him, as this will increase the chances of our prayers being accepted. Additionally, making supplications during these postures can also help ensure that our requests are heard by God. By following these teachings from the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, we can ensure that our prayers are more likely to be answered by God Almighty.

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