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Riyad as-Salihin 1889 (Book 19, Hadith 21) #38378
The Beauty of Jannah

SUMMARY: This hadith speaks of the beauty and loveliness that will be bestowed upon people in Jannah, and how it will increase their beauty when they return to their families.

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah said, "In Jannah there is a market to which the people will come every Friday. The northern wind will blow and shower fragrance on their faces and clothes and, consequently, it will enhance their beauty and loveliness. They will then return to their wives who will also have increased in their beauty and loveliness, and their families will say to them: 'We swear by Allah that you have been increased in beauty and loveliness since leaving us'. Thereupon they will reply: 'We swear by Allah that you have also been increased in beauty and loveliness since we left you"'. Muslim.
وعن أنس رضي الله عنه أن رسول الله قال‏:‏ ‏ "‏إن في الجنة سوقاً يأتونها كل جمعة‏.‏ فتهب ريح الشمال، فتحثوا في وجوههم وثيابهم، فيزدادون حسناً وجمالاً فيرجعون إلى أهليهم، وقد ازدادوا حسناً وجمالاً، فيقول لهم أهلوهم‏:‏ والله لقد ازددتم حسناً وجمالاً‏!‏ فيقولون‏:‏ وأنتم والله لقد ازددتم بعدنا حسناً وجمالاً‏!‏‏"‏ ‏(‏‏(‏رواه مسلم‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏

paradise  *  beauty  *  loveliness  *  fragrance  *  wind

Show gratitude towards Allah's blessings , Appreciate physical and spiritual gifts from Allah .

This hadith speaks about the beauty and loveliness that will be bestowed upon people in Jannah. It is said that every Friday a northern wind will blow which carries with it a fragrance that enhances the beauty and loveliness of those who are present. When these people return to their families after being blessed with this fragrance, they find that even their families have been increased in beauty and loveliness since they left them. This shows us how great the blessings of Allah are for those who enter into His paradise. Not only do they receive physical blessings such as enhanced beauty but also spiritual ones such as increased love between family members.

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