Ramadan Frequently Asked Questions
1What is Sawm (Fasting)?
The Qur'an enjoins Muslims to fast as a means of demonstrating commitment to God in the face of temptation and difficulty. ...More
2Why is Ramadan called Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, and lasts either 29 or 30 days, depending on when the new crescent moon is, or should be, visible. ...More
3What is the significance of Ramadan?
Ramadan is a period of fasting and spiritual growth, and is one of the five “pillars of Islam.” ...More
4Can Ramadan be in winter?
As the timing of Ramadan is based on the lunar calendar, Ramadan falls 11 days earlier annually ...More
5What does Ramadan teach us?
The month of Ramadan teaches us to be more pious, disciplined, and how to maintain self-control, while shielding our souls from greed and immorality. ...More