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Al-Baqara (The Cow) 2:247

And their prophet said unto those elders: 'Behold, now God has raised up Saul to be your king.' They said: 'How can he have dominion over us when we have a better claim to dominion than he, and he has not [even] been endowed with abundant wealth?' [The prophet] replied: 'Behold, God has exalted him above you, and endowed him abundantly with knowledge and bodily perfection. And God bestows His dominion upon whom He wills: for God is infinite, all-knowing.' (asad) Audio   

Topics discussed in this verse:
Allah`s attributes: All Embracing (cares for all) (9)   Children of Israel (108)   Samuel (3)   Taluut (3)   Saul (2)