How Well Do You Know the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W?


What year was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) born, and in which city?

Correct! Wrong!

Who was the first person to accept Islam after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the revelation?

Correct! Wrong!

Which cave was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) meditating in when he received the first revelation from the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel)?

Correct! Wrong!

What was the name of the miraculous night journey that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to the heavens?

Correct! Wrong!

Which significant battle was fought in 624 CE where a small Muslim army triumphed over the Quraysh despite being outnumbered?

Correct! Wrong!

What treaty did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sign with the Quraysh in 628 CE, which allowed Muslims to peacefully perform Umrah a year later?

Correct! Wrong!

What was the name of the foster mother who cared for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his early childhood?

Correct! Wrong!

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