tag surrounding the title, as is.
// $the_permalink='/ramadan-prayer-times/'; $the_thumbnail='/wp-content/themes/plain-child/images/ramadan-prayer-times.jpg'; $the_title='Ramadan Prayer Times ';
$the_permalink='/PrayerTimes/?hp'; $the_title='PRAYER TIMES';
$the_permalink='/quran/'; $the_title='QURAN';
$the_permalink='/hadith/'; $the_title='HADITH';
$the_permalink='/covers/whatisislam/'; $the_title='WHAT IS ISLAM?';
$the_permalink='/chatilm/'; $the_title='ChatILM'; // this gets fixed by index.php and functions.php passing sysler here does not work from the home.php
$the_permalink='/dearhadi/'; $the_title='Dear Hadi';
$the_permalink='/dua/'; $the_title='DUA';
$the_permalink='https://www.islamicity.org/topics/islamicity-apps/'; $the_title='APPS';
$the_permalink='https://events.islamicity.org/'; $the_title='EVENTS';
$the_permalink='https://bazar.islamicity.org/'; $the_title='BAZAR';
[blp id="display-meta-include-1" function='diy_include' ignore="0"]
$term_slug='blp-home'; // you do not need to do this on blp_taxonomy_archives.php cause it already knows the term_slug
$title=''; // when you do not want to show a title but do want to enjoy the wrapper normally, use this trick
// look the new kwywird: alternate-next. this is new. if you supply this , then the blp_wrap function skips to the next one as sopposed to the current alternate. this allows us to go around the back-to-back same color sections displays
[blp id="display-meta-related-facets-1" function='diy_include' ignore="0"]
$data='term-meta::term-related-facets::process_related_facets()'; // see the last arg in the chain. That's a function in display-meta.php which does the inclusion of the mentioned facets in terms of cell_rows UI
$term_slug='blp-home'; // you do not need to do this on blp_taxonomy_archives.php cause it already knows the term_slug
[blp id="home-page-verse-of-the-day" function='diy_include' ignore='0']
[blp id="home-page-highlights" base="query-wordpress-ROWS.txt" ignore="1"]
$shortcode_location='_home.php'; // this is a must if you want paging!
$more_href=''; #/Ex: /prayerTimes
$wrap_style='padding-bottom:0px;background-color:alternate'; // this removes the extra 75px padding below so the bazar banner get closer
$category='faith or life or world-affairs or nature';
[blp id="home-page-news-around-the-web" function="diy_include" ignore="0" ]
$include='display-news.php'; // grabs the news from the hardcoded site and outputs in the built in UI, uses thw wraps for content wrapping only!
$cell_cell='cell-cell-plain.php'; // look for this at the /shortcode-output/cell-cell/ folder!
$wrap='1'; // if 0, there is no wrap, so all the vars below means nothing
$wrap_background='alternate'; // could be a color, jpg url or movie
$container='1'; // if 1, it forces the textual content in bootstap's container. so the news start exactlt at the logo line. if fluid, then it would have started about 15px from the chrome line. due to the 15px here .vc_column_container>.vc_column-inner {padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; } AND .vc_row {margin-left: -15px;margin-right: -15px;} -- if you make those 15 pxes 0, you get your news items exactly at the chrome line! And I adjusted blp_wrap function, when it detects container fluid it outputs the this
$container_background=''; // pass color or a jpg url. overwritten by container_css below.
$title='News Around the World';
$title_css=' class="section-title section-title-with-underline" ';
$small_devices='1'; //if set to 0, this blp competely collapses in small devices. also if set to 0, the small_devices_count value is ignored
$small_devices_count='same-as-desktop'; // enter an integer or enter same-as-post-count. note: if $small_devices is set to 0, then this variable value is ignored.
[blp id="display-meta-include-2" function='diy_include' ignore="0"]
$term_slug='blp-home'; // you do not need to do this on blp_taxonomy_archives.php cause it already knows the term_slug
$title=' '; // when you do not want to show a title but do want to enjoy the wrapper normally, use this trick
// look the new kwywird: alternate-next. this is new. if you supply this , then the blp_wrap function skips to the next one as sopposed to the current alternate. this allows us to go around the back-to-back same color sections displays
[blp id="display-meta-related-facets-2" function='diy_include' ignore="0"]
$data='term-meta::term-related-facets-2::process_related_facets()'; // see the last arg in the chain. That's a function in display-meta.php which does the inclusion of the mentioned facets in terms of cell_rows UI
$term_slug='blp-home'; // you do not need to do this on blp_taxonomy_archives.php cause it already knows the term_slug
[blp id="home-page-bazar-banner-ad" function="diy_include" ignore="1"]
$include='system/standalone.php'; // this is empty, everything is managed off of container or wrapper onClick and the background passed to it!
// vars below (wrap.., container.. & title.. ) are all handled by blp_wrap() defined at functions.php. these vars are applicable to all shortcodes.
$wrap='1'; // if 0, there is no wrap, so all the vars below means nothing
$wrap_background=''; // could be a color, jpg url or movie
$container='0'; // if 1, it forces the content in bootstap's container.
$container_background=''; // pass color or a jpg url. overwritten by container_css below.
$content = ''; // works only if this is a diy_include and include is standalone.css
$title=''; // if you do not have a title, title section collapses nicely
$small_devices='1'; //if set to 0, this blp competely collapses in small devices. also if set to 0, the small_devices_count value is ignored
$small_devices_count='same-as-desktop'; // not applicable to standalone.php diy_include. enter an integer or enter same-as-post-count. note: if $small_devices is set to 0, then this variable value is ignored.
[blp id="home-page-slide-show" function="diy_include" ignore="1" ]
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------core variables ( $include & $cell related )
// when you use the biz.php, you do not have to worry about parsing the loop_items so long as you use the common variable names
// supported by the biz.php in your loop items (which are namely, the_thumnail,the_title,the_permalink,the_excerpt ) but, this list may grow. check the docs in the biz.php
$cell='owl'; // yes a diy include can use the common cell-uis such as owl, but it cannot use items like paging, show_once_count they all are good for query_wordpress
// each cell is smart to work with special variables designed for it. for example, if you choose the $cell='owl';, then you my use the $cell_owl_options, the $cell_owl_image_css & the $cell_owl_item_css vars.
$owl_options='autoWidth: false, items: 1, loop:true ';
// autowidth is like bleeding ( partial view true or false ). so autoWidth=true means yes I want partial view of the next carousel item.
// this goes straight into owl intializer: see http://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/docs/api-options.html for more options.
// margin:10,responsiveClass:true,responsive:{0:{items:1,nav:false}, 600:{items:2,nav:false}, 800:{items:3,nav:false,loop:false}, 1000:{items:4,nav:false,loop:false}}
$owl_image_css=' class="owl-large" ';
// this is an as is section. you can also pass in style if you want to. but stick to classes for more global effect. supported classes are owl-large, owl-medium and owl-medium-p ( for portait ) see overwriting styles. css owl section
// see some sample combinations below to achieve various owl effects!
// sample combinations
// single item, full size slide show view:
// $cell_owl_options='autoWidth: false, items: 1,';
// $cell_owl_image_css=' class="owl-large" ';
// multiple item, non-partial, perfect fit view:
// $cell_owl_options='autoWidth: false, items: 2,';
// $cell_owl_image_css=' class="owl-medium" ';
// multiple item, partial, (bleeding ) view:
// $cell_owl_options='margin:10, autoWidth: true, items: 2,';
// $cell_owl_image_css=' class="owl-medium" ';
$owl_item_css=' class="item" '; // I expect 99% of the time, this will stay as class="item". included here cause I was not sure 100%.d id not read owl-2 docs fully.
// if 0, dots do not show!
$owl_style_css=' style="max-height:1402px;"'; // this goes right above the div with the class="owl-carousel".
// you must pass a value for the cell_cell (like $cell_cell="xyx"), and then supply it as ...child-theme/blueprint/shortcode-output/cell-cell/cell-cell-owl.php folder.
// And know that the SOME of the above cell related variable may be ignored by your cell_cell if you pick the wrong kind of cell or one that does not take advntage of it.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------misc variables
// if you pass number, blp will "..." the rest of it
// this title applies to the $the_title ( post or diy_titles ). Not to the Wrap Title if in use.
$the_date_format='M j Y';
// defaults to M j Y. applicable to the $the_date - if your cell-cell uses it
// read loop_items if applicable w limit is 1500, anything bigger is not honored. look when you make changes to thse numbers, blp_cache_mobile_filter is severely effected.
$the_thumbnail_mode = 'archive';
// this helps when/if this shortcode ends up running under an is_singular environment ( single.php that is ),
// in which case, you need to help blp thumbnail engine by passing to run itself in the archive mode.
// for example, related_posts section that uses this carousel benefit from this variable ($the_thumbnail_mode) dearly.
// ( for these related posts display which is in a way a mini-archive ) -
// note that if you do not pass anything, it will be treated as 'archive' unless it happens to be running on a single.php or page.php like is_singular context!
// note that this must be present on all of the _home.php calls, even though they automatically set to be running in archive mode.
// - when copy/paste happens, it is good to have it in front of us
// here is what the content.php's code has to say about this var:
$small_devices='1'; // view-source:http://www.i s lamicity.org/?ft=1 since this var did not work for the slideshow, I manually wrapped it in those special divs
//if set to 0, this blp competely collapses in small devices. also if set to 0, the small_devices_count value is ignored
// enter an integer or enter same-as-desktop. note: if $small_devices is set to 0, then this variable value is ignored. not applicable to diy_includes
// note that in some cell-ui implementations ( such as in owl-carousel ), this var may not be applicable if it is other than same-as-desktop
// if rs-count is below this number, this blp collapses
# not applicable to diy_include $show_once_count='5';
# not applicable to diy_include $show_showns='1';
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wrap related variables
// if 0, there is no wrap, so all the vars below means nothing
// could be a color, jpg url. if you want more control, use the next variable ( wrap_style ), if you want this variable to be in effect, just clear the wrap_style.
$wrap_style=''; // padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;background-color:alternate; ';
// if you want a wrap with a 0 margin top & bottom,
// then pass something like $wrap_style=' padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;background-color:alternate; '
// and make sure your title is '';
// non-empty value on $wrap_style dismisses the wrap_background value above if any to begin with. Therefore, you must also provide the styles a for background color or url in your wrap_style
// if 1, it forces the content in bootstap's container.
// pass color or a jpg url. overwritten by container_css below.
$title=' '; // if wrap is to close to the top, have ' ' for your title so the h1s section title classes kick in to create the margin you want
// this title gets displayed only if blp_wrap=1.
// if you do not have a title, title section will collapse nicely.
// see function.php > blp_wrap to see how the wrap based variables are used!
// note if wrap=1 and title='' then you get no padding-top on the wrap,
// if you want a balanced top / bottom margin even when there are no titles,
// then supply $title=' ';
// that does the trick & gets you a balanced top/bottom margins on title-less wraps
// if you leave it empty, it will default to class="section-title" ( this per functions.php. ).
// Sample usage: $title_css='class="section-title section-title-news-around-web"'; or $title_css='style="color:green;"';.
// Know that what you pass goes into the tag surrounding the title, as is.
// to take advanatage of the ready-to-go, biz.php, use the common variables names (which are $the_thumbnail, $the_title, $the_permalink, $the_excerpt and nothing else ). Since all simple cells know those, you will be able to pass $cell and do no coding at all.
// note: do not pass timthumbed thumbnails ( while having a value in the $timthumb_params above ). cause if you do, that is a conflit & blp will disgard the left of timthumb.php in your thumbnails below and build the new timthumed path using the $timthumb_params above.
// but you keep your $timthumb_params empty, then you can supply a timthumbwed thumbnails below. In that case, blp will honor them as is. so when you supply thumbnails below, consider the value in the $timthumb_params.
$the_thumbnail='/global/images/photo/Ecast/makkah1110111-1500x900__1500x900.JPG'; $the_permalink='/topics/hajj/';
$the_thumbnail='https://media.islamicity.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Zakat.jpg&w=1080&h=458''; $the_permalink='/topics/zakat/';
[blp id="home-page-bazar-selections" function="diy_include" ignore="0"]
$include='system/biz.php'; // this is where the biz logic is prepped. an RS is formed with familiar variables that a normal cell can work with.
$cell='owl'; // yes a diy include can use the common cell-uis such as owl, but it cannot use items like paging, show_once_count they all are good for query_wordpress
// each cell is smart to work with special variables designed for it. for example, if you choose the $cell='owl';, then you my use the $cell_owl_options, the $cell_owl_image_css & the $cell_owl_item_css vars.
$owl_options='autoWidth: true, items: 2, loop:true ';
// autowidth is like bleeding ( partial view true or false ). so autoWidth=true means yes I want partial view of the next carousel item.
// this goes straight into owl intializer: see http://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/docs/api-options.html for more options.
// margin:10,responsiveClass:true,responsive:{0:{items:1,nav:false}, 600:{items:2,nav:false}, 800:{items:3,nav:false,loop:false}, 1000:{items:4,nav:false,loop:false}}
$owl_image_css=' class="owl-medium" ';
// this is an as is section. you can also pass in style if you want to. but stick to classes for more global effect. supported classes are owl-large, owl-medium and owl-medium-p ( for portait ) see overwriting styles. css owl section
// see some sample combinations below to achieve various owl effects!
// sample combinations
// single item, full size slide show view:
// $cell_owl_options='autoWidth: false, items: 1,';
// $cell_owl_image_css=' class="owl-large" ';
// multiple item, non-partial, perfect fit view:
// $cell_owl_options='autoWidth: false, items: 2,';
// $cell_owl_image_css=' class="owl-medium" ';
// multiple item, partial, (bleeding ) view:
// $cell_owl_options='margin:10, autoWidth: true, items: 2,';
// $cell_owl_image_css=' class="owl-medium" ';
$owl_item_css=' class="item" '; // I expect 99% of the time, this will stay as class="item". included here cause I was not sure 100%.d id not read owl-2 docs fully.
// if 0, dots do not show!
$owl_style_css=' style="max-height:401px;overflow: hidden;"'; // this goes right above the div with the class="owl-carousel".
// you must pass a value for the cell_cell (like $cell_cell="xyx"), and then supply it as ...child-theme/blueprint/shortcode-output/cell-cell/cell-cell-owl.php folder.
// And know that the SOME of the above cell related variable may be ignored by your cell_cell if you pick the wrong kind of cell or one that does not take advntage of it.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------misc variables
// if you pass number, blp will "..." the rest of it
// this title applies to the $the_title ( post or diy_titles ). Not to the Wrap Title if in use.
$the_date_format='M j Y';
// defaults to M j Y. applicable to the $the_date - if your cell-cell uses it
// read loop_items if applicable w limit is 1500, anything bigger is not honored. look when you make changes to thse numbers, blp_cache_mobile_filter is severely effected.
// if you supply a vlue, please supply images without any timthumbbing
// or alternatively, keep this param empty and pass your qualified timthubm uris thru the loop_items
$the_thumbnail_mode = 'archive';
// this helps when/if this shortcode ends up running under an is_singular environment ( single.php that is ),
// in which case, you need to help blp thumbnail engine by passing to run itself in the archive mode.
// for example, related_posts section that uses this carousel benefit from this variable ($the_thumbnail_mode) dearly.
// ( for these related posts display which is in a way a mini-archive ) -
// note that if you do not pass anything, it will be treated as 'archive' unless it happens to be running on a single.php or page.php like is_singular context!
// note that this must be present on all of the _home.php calls, even though they automatically set to be running in archive mode.
// - when copy/paste happens, it is good to have it in front of us
// here is what the content.php's code has to say about this var:
// if set to 0, this blp competely collapses in small devices.
// also if set to 0, the small_devices_count value is ignored
// note that for diy_includes, $small_devices_count is not applicable
// enter an integer or enter same-as-desktop. note: if $small_devices is set to 0, then this variable value is ignored. not applicable to diy_includes
// note that in some cell-ui implementations ( such as in owl-carousel ), this var may not be applicable if it is other than same-as-desktop
// if rs-count is below this number, this blp collapses
# not applicable to diy_include $show_once_count='5';
# not applicable to diy_include $show_showns='1';
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wrap related variables
// if 0, there is no wrap, so all the vars below means nothing
// could be a color, jpg url. if you want more control, use the next variable ( wrap_style ), if you want this variable to be in effect, just clear the wrap_style.
// if you want a wrap with a 0 margin top & bottom,
// then pass something like $wrap_style=' padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;background-color:alternate; '
// and make sure your title is '';
// non-empty value on $wrap_style dismisses the wrap_background value above if any to begin with. Therefore, you must also provide the styles a for background color or url in your wrap_style
// if 1, it forces the content in bootstap's container.
// pass color or a jpg url. overwritten by container_css below.
$title='Selections from our Store'; // if wrap is to close to the top, have ' ' for your title so the h1s section title classes kick in to create the margin you want
// this title gets displayed only if blp_wrap=1.
// if you do not have a title, title section will collapse nicely.
// see function.php > blp_wrap to see how the wrap based variables are used!
// note if wrap=1 and title='' then you get no padding-top on the wrap,
// if you want a balanced top / bottom margin even when there are no titles,
// then supply $title=' ';
// that does the trick & gets you a balanced top/bottom margins on title-less wraps
// if you leave it empty, it will default to class="section-title" ( this per functions.php. ).
// Sample usage: $title_css='class="section-title section-title-news-around-web"'; or $title_css='style="color:green;"';.
// Know that what you pass goes into the tag surrounding the title, as is.
[blp id="most-recent" base="query-wordpress-FILTER.txt" ignore="0"]
$shortcode_location='_home.php'; // this is a must if you want paging!
$title='MOST RECENT';
$more_href=''; #/Ex: /prayerTimes
$unwanted_terms='{uncategorized}{africa}{americas}{asia}{australia}{europe}{middle-east}'; // if any of these slugs make it to the sidebar, they vanish.
// these vars like filters, topbar_taxonomies, showsotyby applies only to the immediate output NOT to the paging cell-filter, paging cell-filter vars are hardcoded in the cell-paging-filte.php and the same for all paging archives - if top bar tax, it is smart to notto scroll the page
// WATCH! this is a double value variable one for the immediatee operation and one for the paging state. When not paging, blp uses the left of the ~~. and when paging, the right of it. if it des not happen to have a ~~ in it, it means both states use the same value. 1 is the same as 1~~1. The default value is 1~~1. first implementation was by the cell_filter. when it is used on the home page, we use it as 0~~1 . 0 allows the home page to not have the scroll up effect while the subsequent ( paging ) operations which is triggered first by the "more" and then the "[next] links, use its value 1 part of it to apply the scroll up event. When scrroll up is 1, clicking on the filter list items cause the page to scroll up.
// clicking on filter-items causes the browser to scroll up - this is applicable only if the placement is vertical. horizontal placement do not suffer from the problem this var is solving. if it contains ~~, then right of it is for when paging. this is new convention
// in order for a variable to use ~~, it must be treated at the recevinng end ALWAYS with the new blp_getarg function. applying the ~~ conveneince to older variables may break them unless care is taken.
$category='faith or life or world-affairs or nature';
[blp id="display-meta-term-includeat-blp-topics-php" function='diy_include' ignore="0"]
$term_slug='blp-home'; // you do not need to do this on blp_taxonomy_archives.php cause it already knows the term_slug
$title=''; // when you do not want to show a title but do want to enjoy the wrapper normally, use this trick
// look the new kwywird: alternate-next. this is new. if you supply this , then the blp_wrap function skips to the next one as sopposed to the current alternate. this allows us to go around the back-to-back same color sections displays
[blp id="display-meta-term-includeat-blp-topics-php" function='diy_include' ignore="0"]
$data='term-meta::term-related-facets-3::process_related_facets()'; // see the last arg in the chain. That's a function in display-meta.php which does the inclusion of the mentioned facets in terms of cell_rows UI
$term_slug='blp-home'; // you do not need to do this on blp_taxonomy_archives.php cause it already knows the term_slug
[blp id="generate-page-summary-for_home" function="diy_include"]
$include='system/generate-page-summary.php'; # like any system file, this is a BLP system file.
And Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing. And
He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts that you might give thanks (to Allah). "
Quran 16:78
Faith & Spirituality
World Affairs
Middle East
Life & Society
Nature & Science
islamic culture and civilization
islamic finance
Selections from our Store
tag surrounding the title, as is. {/args} {loop_items} // to take advanatage of the ready-to-go, biz.php, use the common variables names (which are $the_thumbnail, $the_title, $the_permalink, $the_excerpt and nothing else ). Since all simple cells know those, you will be able to pass $cell and do no coding at all. // note: do not pass timthumbed thumbnails ( while having a value in the $timthumb_params above ). cause if you do, that is a conflit & blp will disgard the left of timthumb.php in your thumbnails below and build the new timthumed path using the $timthumb_params above. // but you keep your $timthumb_params empty, then you can supply a timthumbwed thumbnails below. In that case, blp will honor them as is. so when you supply thumbnails below, consider the value in the $timthumb_params. $the_thumbnail='/global/images/photo/Ecast/makkah1110111-1500x900__1500x900.JPG'; $the_permalink='/topics/hajj/'; $the_thumbnail='https://media.islamicity.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Zakat.jpg&w=1080&h=458''; $the_permalink='/topics/zakat/'; {/loop_items} [/blp]
Quran 16:78