Dear Hadi,
Assalamu Alaikum.
I have some concerns and confusion that I would like to bring to your attention respectfully. Please bear with me as I try to express my thoughts.
I am 82 years old, and by the grace of Allah, I embraced Islam on August 25th of last year, when I was 81. I have an immense love for Islam and, of course, a deep love and reverence for Allah. Alhamdulillah.
There is no mosque nearby, and I can only occasionally visit one.
Throughout most of my life, I have had dogs as companions. I have cared for them, loved them, and appreciated the joy they brought into my life. My last canine companion, a small dog, passed away on April 17th at the age of 16. He was my last dog, and I recognize that if I were to get another one, I might not be around to ensure its well-being and provide a stable home for its entire lifespan. It would not be fair to the dog to leave its future uncertain.
Some of my Muslim acquaintances have kindly offered their condolences on the passing of my dog. However, I have noticed that Muslims I connect with online do not make any comments on this matter. I believe I now understand the reason behind this.
I am aware that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated that keeping a dog as a pet is considered haram, while cats and birds are permissible. However, I find it difficult to understand this ruling. To me, cats seem quite messy, with their litter boxes, tendency to kill rodents, and habit of walking on countertops. On the other hand, birds scatter their food from their cages, defecate anywhere, and flap their wings, causing dust and dander to fly.
I am genuinely confused about this matter. I am supposed to be at a disadvantage in reaching Paradise simply because I have had dogs in my life. Yet, dogs are widely recognized for their therapeutic benefits, particularly in nursing homes and hospitals. They provide comfort, companionship, and numerous other advantages.
I acknowledge that circumstances may have been different during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), but I am unable to comprehend the reasons behind this ruling fully.
As a sincere seeker of knowledge and understanding, I humbly request your guidance in clarifying these issues. I firmly believe in the Oneness of Allah as the sole Creator and the only one worthy of worship.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.
Dear Canine Confusion,
Wa’alaikum assalam. Thank you for your thoughtful question.
We believe, and God knows best, that among Muslims, there is some general confusion regarding the issue of keeping dogs as pets. We do not believe that there is a general prohibition against doing so, especially because as you note, dogs do provide companionship, comfort and have proven therapeutic benefits for many.
As we mentioned in response to an earlier question, there have been relatively recent fatwas (in the last 5-10 years) issued by the Grand Muftis of Egypt allowing dogs as household pets providing emotional support and companionship, and saying that this is not a problem in Islam. These fatwas have also pushed back against the notion that dogs are impure or unclean.
In answers to previous questions regarding this same issue, we have provided a good bit more detail – here are the links to those:
We hope that after reading those answers, your heart will be comforted, and you will find that this is not a significant issue. To be extra cautious, we would suggest keeping a space for prayers where your dog does not enter, and re-doing your ablutions before prayers if the dog licks you.
Lastly, since you mentioned your age and concern about getting another dog at this point, we would simply encourage you to make arrangements for the dog in the event you pass before your dog.
May God bless you for your thoughtful consideration of this issue.
In peace.