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Being a Muslim

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Hayfa View Drop Down
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    Posted: 13 September 2007 at 3:18am


yes they "accepted" it. My family is made up of very indepent folk. So we live and let live. My mom really is the only one who is Catholic  truly. Not sure what my siblings are.. lol We actually don't really talk about it..  For me faith is a very private matter. I am a private person.

There are two issues marriage and Islam. yes they are intertwined. And it is most important that you know you own motivations for becoming a Moslem.  Many of us meet other Moslems who are men, not for any other reason than they are the ones who are public. They are out and about. So sometimes it is hard to differentiate. Always do it for yourself. Always. 



When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi
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seekshidayath View Drop Down
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Yes Abuayisha, its Allah swt who bestows his hidayah.Neither me nor you can do any. But yes, i feel we need to help her here.Just it. You seem to be very angry. If i had hurted u intentionally or unintentional, pls forgive me.

Safiya - just move on postively. Success shall be yours

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
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abuayisha View Drop Down
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Originally posted by seekshidayath seekshidayath wrote:

Abuayisha - We are not here to win a point or any debate.

Well if we are intent on being myopic in our desire that she embraces our faith and not address what's clearly a larger issue, you should know that who becomes a Muslim is made from above the seven heavens and not on islamicity.  Intercultural marriages are very difficult and I would hope advice that she receives has the support of her family going into this marriage.  Also I have seen a troubling trend with Arab Muslim men marrying out of convenience, only to later leave these women for girls from their home countries.  I would therefore never risk my mom's love and support for their sake.

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abuayisha View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Safiya Safiya wrote:

... it's not like that among christians ...

Help and assistance has little to do with whether Christian, Muslim, atheist or otherwise, but a willingness to aide a fellow human and indeed it is a trait of Christians.

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Thank you all sooo much for the support.

Even since i was a kid, i had a lot of muslim friends, they were always very supportive . That's one of the many things i like about muslims ... They are always ready to help if they can , they are standing by their brothers & sisters in faith ... it's not like that among christians ...


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seekshidayath View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote seekshidayath Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 September 2007 at 6:19pm

Sister Hayfa, JazakAllah for the moral booost up of Sayfa.

Abuayisha - We are not here to win a point or any debate. Please lets remember that its a  matter of  turning point of a life. If you have noticed my posts, i said its not necessary that we hide or reveal but to be at safer side as her mother is a strict person, let her hide it. If she has a stronger faith , let her announce her shahadah louder. Lets become her moral support .

Safiya - These unknown fears are abstaining you to embrace Islam. Its not that am forcing you, As you already said that you are contended with Islam, these whisperings of satan are obstructing the way towards. Be brave and move ahead.

You keep introducing them to Islam. Explain your mother that even Muslims believe in Jesus but as a messenger. We shall help then.  Islam doesn't teach to be dis-obedient to our parents be it a muslim or non-muslim. If you say it now, she will naturally object to it. And if you don't listen her, it may then be dis-obedience. Is n't it? You can still love her. Be in touch with her. Infact make calls more than frequent. As Hayfa says, its true that you are not lost. Be bold and confident in every work you do.

You must not have realised the worth of being a muslim. As i said above this fear is mere a whispering from satan. Its your very first trial. So please move boldly. When once you realise the beauty of Islam while, implementing in your life, you shall then feel to invite your mother too. In this process, we members of Islamicity shall stand by you.

Please read out the stories in this section as it shall help you realise and gain faith.

Edited by seekshidayath
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: �All the descendants of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent."
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Safiya View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Hayfa Hayfa wrote:

t can be a hrd thing. I did not tell my family or friends for three years.

And when you eventually told them....did they accept it ? ...was there any negative reaction from them ?

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Welome to the Forum Safiya..

It can be a hard thing. I did not tell my family or friends for three years. It is less about fear of being "disowned." Mostly I am a very private person. And well I am not into big annoucements, gaining attention etc.

And you know.. becoming a Moslem, saying one's Shahada is between you and Allah. None of knows where life will take us. And really, no one can lead your life. You'll tell them when you are ready. Not before.

Your life is your life. It is your relationship with Allah. The ONLY thing you have to do is beleive their is no God but Allah, And Mohammed is his Messenger.

It is most important that you add onto your life what you can. No two people are alike. I don't think that just because you cannot tell your mom about Islam that you are not ready to begin.  I do karate. I"ve done it for 15+ years. And a beginner- white belt is not a black belt. Not in skill level, not in understanding etc. Each step is just a step. When you do your Shahada you are just getting your uniform and signing up for classes. You cannot possibly do it all. As a couple of good friends said to me and still do, go slow. Focus on the basics. You belief in Allah, the Prayers, Fasting in Ramadan.  And slowly add onto it. Start with parts that you can do, not eat pork etc.

If I kept a list of all the things I was told I "have" to do.. honestly I would have lost my mind.. lol  I know that I have more knowledge and information to deal with anything that comes my way. That is just me. Others can take on the "public" aspects of Islam right away. Great!

The Quran was revealed over a period of, I believe, 23 years. People were given things and other aspects were revealed later.. We are only but human.

Even though I did not tell my mother and everyone for a few years. I became a better person. That was my goal, was I a better daughter, sister and friend? Islam greatly influenced me in that regard. And interestingly when I told them, 3 years later, they could then see, I had not "changed" in any negative way. I was still the person I was, although inshallah, a better one.

I don't think you are lost at all. I would ask you, if you believe in the Shahada, that is what you start with. That and only that. One step at a time.

and again, welcome 


Edited by Hayfa
When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi
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