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The ANTI Christ |
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Shams Zaman ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male Joined: 20 March 2005 Status: Offline Points: 135 |
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DAJJAL-THE ANTI CHRIST I would like to share with you some of the information I have come across during my 3-4 years study of DAJJAL. You can also have much about DAJJAL - THE ANTI-CHRIST Christian and Jewish sources. But what did The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) say about DAJJAL (The greatest Fitnah (Evil, test)) that will ever befall mankind. 1. Who is Dajjal? Dajjal has come from the Arabic word Dajjl, meaning to deceive or deception, or even falsehood. In fact Dajjal is a system, form of governance, way of living and also a personality. A system that shall promote mass immorality (Homosexuality, Adultery, Fornication), Atheism, Devil-worship, use of USURY, Intoxication, (Alcohol & Drug abuse), Crime, Injustice, Oppression, Fitnah of the Pen (understood as the means of communications like Pornography, nudity, magazines etc.), wars, Famine, Massacres/genocide, Rape and suffering etc, etc on an immeasurable scale. Once this system will reach its climax the Dajjal will emerge first to claim himself as the Messiah and then GOD. The Dajjal as a system is of course very much linked to FREEMASONRY AND ILLUMINISM about which in detail can be read at (www.allaahuakbar.net/free-masons/index.htm). Majority of the official positions in the United Nations, The EEC and every in the British Parliament is held by people who are or are linked to Freemasons. Freemasonry has deeply penetrated in all the world regions and continents (including the Islamic world), yet most people do not know about it or acknowledge it. Freemasons secretly worship Devil-god, known as JAHBULON, and illuminatis openly worship the LUCIFER (Iblees or the satan). The details can be read in these International best selling books on Freemasonry �The Global Freemasonry� by Haroon Yahya �The Brotherhood�, by Stephen Knight and �Satanic Voices�, by David Musa Pidcock (can be free downloaded from www.islamicparty.com). David Musa (converted British Muslim) says, �If we are talking about Dajjal, representing a system of disbelief clearly visible to anybody as such, be he literate or not, irrespective of the fact that it is being proclaimed in the name of Trinitarian Christianity, then this Dajjal is alive and kicking amongst us, no longer tied down since he mastered the art of using iron, throwing off his chains and restrictions, making everything fancy from computer hardware to destructive weapons. He is one-eyed, materialistic, deprived of spirituality, his promised paradise is hell and his hell is paradise, and he is followed by an army of Jews, women and Bedouins. He controls the resources of the world through his interest banking system, and has indeed mountains of bread, and people will suffer hunger unless they follow him. Whilst the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, would have argued with him on our behalf, were he still around, now everybody will have to argue with him on his own behalf. Yet, Dajjal, the system, is not sufficient an explanation for all the descriptions given of him in the prophetic traditions. Many of them speak of Dajjal as an ordinary, short man of Jewish extraction (like Ibn Sayyad), with curly and coarse hair and a beak of a nose, and biting teeth. He commands armies and, ultimately, he will be slain. Dajjal the person is the leader who will ultimately lead the forces of evil on this earth, the system of Dajjal.� Another converted Muslim Muhammad Asad (ex Laopold Weiss) wrote in the chapter of Dajjal in his book �Road to 2. Why Dajjal is not mentioned in Quran? This can never be known that why Allah has not mentioned Dajjal in Quran. Surely its only known to Allah. However there can be numerous assumptions to this. I would say this, there are various major signs before the doomsday which are not mentioned in Quran. Prophet enumerated these major signs that once they will appear no one�s repentance will be accepted as also indicated in Quran(Ch-47, verse-18) These are : (1) Emergence of fire in Arabia (Hijaz) which happened in 654 A.D (2) Great land fall in West (3) In Middle East and (4) In Asia/SE Asia (5) Dajjal (6) Jesus (7) Gog and Magog (8) Smoke from sky (9) Sun rising from West (10) Beast of the earth and (11) Fire of Yemen. Out of these 11 only 4 are mentioned in Quran: Beast of earth(Ch-27, verse-82), Return of Jesus(Ch-43, verse-61), Gog and Magog(Ch-18, verse 92-99 & Ch-21, verse 96-97), and Smoke from Sky (Ch-44, verses 10-11). This is because Prophet should not be undermined and there are people who out rightly deny the validity of Hadith. Imraan Bin Hussain (RA) relates that, Prophet (SAWS) said: �Since the birth of Adam till the day of Judgment (Qiyamah), there is no bigger an event (Fitnah/test) than DAJJAL� (MUSLIM). So anyone who denies Prophet�s Hadith and Dajjal he definitely will fall for Dajjal, meaning that this is as a punishment for those who deny the Hadith. So as to let them bewilder in their, so called world of �rationalist intellectual philosophy.� Ubaidah Bin Saamit (RA) says, Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said �I have explained DAJJAL to you, but I fear that you might not have understood. DAJJAL will be of short height with his legs crooked. His hair would be curly. If still any doubt persist in your mind, remember that your Sustainer (ALLAH), is not one eyed.� (AHMAD). In another hadith Imraan Bin Hussain (RA) says the Prophet (SAWS) said ; �Those who hear about DAJJAL should stay far from him. By Allah! A person will approach him thinking himself to be a believer, but on seeing his amazing feats, will become his follower�. (ABU DAWOOD). 3. Why there seems to be some contradictions in Hadith about Dajjal? Most of the Hadiths about Dajjal are in their real sense while some are allegorical. While in some Dajjal is mentioned as a personality and in some as a system of governance. So these appear to be contradictory. Once it is said he is blind from one eye or he has one eye, it refers to our contemporary system of physical and material pleasures with no spiritual dimensions. At other places it is said he has fire and water or he will have hell in one hand and heaven in the other, this also refers to the physical comforts and pleasures as a result of his obedience and the hardships in his denial. The exact parallel can be given if you have to explain a computer to a person 300 years ago, to do this you will sometime have draw parallels with a cupboard or a box or even a cabinet which can talk to you and display pictures. Like in a hadith Prophet told, ��. Animals and non-livings will talk to you, even so your stick and shoe lace will talk to you and your thighs will inform you about the events in your house which had taken place in your absence�. (Thrimdhi). This indicates the computers, telephones, surveillance cameras, radio/TV and mobile phones which we normally keep in pockets close to our thighs. Another Hadith says, ��.. even trees and stones will speak out that a (Freemason/illuminati) Jew is standing behind me �. But the Gharkad tree won�t speak which is of Jews�. (Muslim). This can mean that the latest modes of identifications will be used to identify Jews like ID cards, ATM cards, social security numbers, telephone numbers, Tax returns and identification software�s etc and the software developed by Jews won�t help. Similarly Prophet could not have told his companions that Dajjal will emerge on a Boeing 707, therefore he said: �Dajjal will emerge riding a white donkey whose span of ears would be 70 yards, (Bahaqqi). He also told that �Dajjal will move very fast on the planet, with the speed of clouds he will have one feet in So dear brothers and sisters don�t fall prey to Dajjal or the system of Dajjal which is synonymous to �Geo-Economics, Self Interest, National Interest, Western Capitalism, Slogan of Freedom & Human Rights(in which gay marriages and union without marriage is permissible), Illuminism, Freemasonry, Nationalism, obeying your wishes and whim�s and the Philosophy of Universal Religion (that all religions are right and guide to same straight path, mean worshiping one God, 2 gods, multiple gods or even belief in God is not important. What is important is the construction of a good society). There can be no society without the concept of one God. REMEMBER ONE EYE IS THE SIGN OF FREEMASONRY WITH A TRIANGLE UNDERNEATH AND A THREE WORD SLOGAN (NEW SECULAR ORDER). THIS SIGN IS ALSO PRINTED ON THE BACK SIDE OF ONE DOLLAR NOTE. WE CAN FIND THIS EYE BEING SO POPULAR IN MEDIA, CBS CHANNEL, ARMAGEDDON MOVIE, LORDS OF THE RINGS, TOMB RIDERS, CARTOONS, SONG VIDEOS ETC ETC. (More material available on request). Shams Zaman [email protected] |
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Shams Zaman ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male Joined: 20 March 2005 Status: Offline Points: 135 |
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Brother Ahmed Joya said! However, I still call such examples as human errors and nothing wrong with the science of Hadith collection. Nevertheless, this particular hadith comes from Hz. Umar, which doesn't tell us if such a punishment by Prophet Mohammad was prescribed before or after the relevent verses on Zina were revealed in Quran. Most probably, it was before their revelation in Quran. Well the punishment for Zina "stoning to death" and the "Death" Punishment for a Murtad, (one who deserts Islam in an established Islamic socity) are not mentioned in Quran. Actually Muhammad (PBUH) did not bring a new message to Humanity, these were the teaching and law given to Adam, Noah, Hood,Salah, Abrahim, Shoaib, Moses and Jesus (may peace be upon them all). The punishiments for the deserter in Old testemant is either to face death and for a Adulter is stoning to death. These portions were not corrupted by them so once a Jew unmarried couple was brought to Prophet Prophrt asked to show the Torah and punishment will be given according to the Jewish law. They were stonned to death (mentioned in Quran Sura Maida-5, verses 41-50). The verses of punishment for zina is mentioned in Sura Nisa-4, verse-15, revealed at Mecca, which says to shut them up. Then in Sura Noor-24, verse-2 revealed at Medina (100 lsahes), and then in Sura Maida-5. At that moment Prophet told that the punishment for un-married adulterer is 100 lashes and for married is stoning to death. 3 persons were executed in the life time of Prophet under the punishment of stoning to death but on self-confession. Because the circumstansial evedince of 4 witnesses in case of Zina can never be met. Hoewer in case of rape only man was convicted and stoned to death. Shams Zaman Pakistan Muhammad Asad, (Laopold Weiss) who reverted to Islam from Judaism gives the explaination. |
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Community ![]() Guest Group ![]() ![]() Joined: 19 May 2005 Status: Offline Points: 1135 |
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The koran does not make a distinction between married and unmarried when it comes to the punishment for Zina, moreover in the koran the prophet is commanded to judge between THEM by what Allah sent down(the torah and injeel) and that is exactly what he did. To say the punishment for zina for a muslim is stoning is wrong because this is not the law from the koran. Jewish law should be based upon the torah and islamic law should be based on the koran. Doubt should be replaced with certainty and this does not mean the use of secondary sources (everything other then the koran and what is confirmed in it) while they clearly contradict the koran or have no basis at all according to the koran. The problems start when either parties give more value to the opinion of their scholars and their written works and the strict adherence to these works instead of the books sent down by Allah. At that point one makes his scholars into gods beside Allah and that is shirk.(association) Edited by Community |
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AhmadJoyia ![]() Senior Member ![]() Joined: 20 March 2005 Status: Offline Points: 1647 |
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Dear Bro, kindly note the underlined highlighted text for which I request you to provide the evidence. Thanks for sharing your views. |
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Shams Zaman ![]() Senior Member ![]() ![]() Male Joined: 20 March 2005 Status: Offline Points: 135 |
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Dear Brother Ahmed, I would first of all share the Hadith with you because my reply to my brother Community will be a little long. (1) Narrated by Hazrat Ubbada bin Samat after the initial verses of Sura Noor were revealed Prophet said, �Learn from me, learn from me, learn from me, Allah has ordained the punishment for the adulterers, that is 100 lashes for the unmarried man and women and stoning to death for the married man and women.� (Sahih Muslim, Chapter of Hadood(limits). Also narrated in Abu Dawood, Ibn e Maja, Thrimdi and Musnad Ahmed). (2) Regarding the people who were executed by stoning to death please also see, Bukhari (vol 2) ch-18, Hadith no-1680, (vol 3) Ch-22, Hadith no 286. These incidents are also mentioned in following books of Hadith: Abu Dawood, Thrimdhi, Nisaai, Ibn-e-Maja, Musnad Ahmed (Vol 1, Hadith no.2212), Mutta Imam Malik, Dharami, Darquthani. A very lengthy and detailed debate of these incidents, their logic and conditions under which they can be given is discussed in Tahfeem-ul-Quran, vol-3 under the tafseer of Sura Noor. All these hadiths and the opinions of Muslim scholars are also given in over 44 pages. And dear brother community! These are not secondary sources of some scholars these are specified Hadiths. You are ambiguous while saying, �Doubt should be replaced with certainty and this does not mean the use of secondary sources (everything other then the koran and what is confirmed in it) while they clearly contradict the koran or have no basis at all according to the koran�. It does not clarify that whether you are among those who totally deny the validity of Hadith or who just deny that which is not acceptable to the west, or you are calling the Fiqa as secondary source or it is Hadith itself which is being undermined by you. And in your opinion all those who follow Hadith, along with Quran are Mushriks?? If that what you mean dear brother its extremely dangerous statements. And actually these statements belong to one of the 2 groups which were formed during the caliphate of Hazrat Ali (the fourth Caliph) and are known as �Kharajis� or the deserters. They deserted Islam by declaring Hazrat Umer, Hazrat Usman, Hazrat Ali and some 200 other companions (including those who fought the battle of Badar) as Kafirs. They refused to accept Hazrat Ali as Caliph and declared themselves as �The people of Quran� (Ahl-e-Quran). They totally denied the validity of Hadith and were recognised as the first victim of the �Fitna-e-Dajjal�. I don�t know to which group you belong. These people could never justify the following verses of Quran, I think you should also try, if in your opinion, Hadith is no more a source of explanation of the Quran. (1) There is no mention as to how many prayers (Sala�s) we have to offer in a day. How to find this in Quran? Quran just say in Sura-e-Nisa (Ch-4) that Prayers have been made obligatory on specified times. But what are those timmings. (2) Quran does not specify as to how the prayers have to be offered? So can you offer them the way you want and can you recite whatever you want? (3) Quran says that �Whether man or women, both the hands of a thief should be chopped off, this is the reward for their earnings and an exemplary punishment for them from Allah, and indeed Allah is mighty the most wise� (Sura Maida-5, verse 38). By this principle we are suppose to chop both the hands of a thief. But Hadith specifies that the punishment of chopping the hand is to be given once the value of theft items cross 10 Dirhams (in those times) now its equal to approx 180 dollars. Moreover, it is not to be given on the theft of food items (vegetables, fruit and wheat), to a person who is needy had nothing to eat for 3 days. By your formula anyone who steals an item of 50 cents and one who robs Bank worth 10 million dollar, their both hands should be chopped off. (4) Quran does not tells us about the exact details of Hajj as to how it is to be performed? What to do, just perform 3-4 steps mentioned in Quran and fall back? (5) Quran does not tells us how to do Gusal-e-janabat (bath for purification), so what to do? (6) Quran tells us make witness someone once you do business or sell/ buy something. So does this mean that all the oral deals, selling and buying are invalid? (7) Quran only tells not to marry 2 or more sisters at a time. Does this mean that a person can marry a lady and her niece (sister�s daughter or brother�s daughter) at the same time? There are so many other details which are not mentioned in Quran. Why? I have already mentioned in the 60th post with the heading of Dajjal in the same forum. The authority of Prophet should not be undermined and Quran should not become so voluminous that a few who still actually recite (to act) on it shouldn�t forgive it. Shams Zaman |
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amlhabibi2000 ![]() Guest Group ![]() ![]() Joined: 08 December 2004 Location: Canada Status: Offline Points: 447 |
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Salam Alaikoam Please remember to leave a space or two after every couple of sentences as it makes the passages easier to read. Though we could call these ayats because who knows where the writting from any work you do will end up maybe in a new Quran, Katab, Book of Scriptures. LOL
Anne Marie Elderkin Habibi
Judgement day passes in the moment we decide something needs attention & we take positive action. Then there will be a great sorting out of people into groups, Inspired by Surah 99 Ayat 1-8
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amlhabibi2000 ![]() Guest Group ![]() ![]() Joined: 08 December 2004 Location: Canada Status: Offline Points: 447 |
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There is no distinction in the Quran yet many hundreds of thousands of woman have perished due to false accusations or imprisonment. Woman have been treated by men as door mats, sex toys and their lives and their childrens lives hung by a thread because some men, some people deem themselves more important. It is hoped that society will evolve and arise to their Station as Gaurdians of this World and each other and set aside old behaviors of abusing or being abusive for new behaviors of Service to Allah and Mankind including ourselves and our families. We are capable and able to rise to this (High) though it is not that high really as it is simply learning better more caring ways to cope with stress, resolve our challenges and the challenges of our Families and Nations in peaceful caring ways. We have a change to turn back the clock and save the world and Mankind from certain doom and dispair due to environmental issues and safe gaurd us from old style wars of Mankind and start new W.A.R.S.= World Arising Responsibly and Spiritually and renewing the World and Islam though it is more than you can believe. We can have Jannah in this life though some call it Heaven in this life and it begins with ourselves accepting responsibility for ourselves and reaching out to community agencies for guidance and support while we learn new behaviors and skills for employment and parenting skills, relationship skills, healthy boundaries, good communication skills, good conflict resolution skills. The World needs us to take action on her behalf, we are part of her, we are her trust and Mankind is our Trust and so is the World! Salam Anne Marie Elderkin Habibi Edited by amlhabibi2000 |
Judgement day passes in the moment we decide something needs attention & we take positive action. Then there will be a great sorting out of people into groups, Inspired by Surah 99 Ayat 1-8
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