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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 December 2006 at 11:52am

Here is my advice: Do what I did. I saw a passion to stop injustice at least the injustice that I can prevent or detract so I joined Law enforcement.

Brother, I tried to follow your advice.

Yesterday, they were closed, boxing day or something. And, this morning, they won�t stop laughing when I told them I would be 60 in 24 days and 17 hours.


I have no idea if they were laughing at 24 days or the 17 hours bit. I just left.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 December 2006 at 11:39am
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 December 2006 at 11:30am


you wrote: I'm no blind to say that America is perfect but I be damned if I spend hours at a time on complaining about it without doing a damn thing about it.....

What makes you think that I DON�T do anything about it? Hours on IC?

Here is my advice: Do what I did. I saw a passion to stop injustice at least the injustice that I can prevent or detract so I joined Law enforcement.

What a simple solution � join law enforcement! Why didn�t I think of that? Could have saved myself a lot of verbal abuse and money.

The same goes for anti-war nut jobs.

Who are you calling nut-jobs? Allow me to refer you to Daniel�s post. Although we may not be as courageous as he is, or perhaps we just don�t have a chance to publicly march in protest against the US regime�s �wars against terror,� does that mean that we�re sitting �for hours� in front of our computers? What a limited understanding you have, my friend.

If you hate war so much write your congressman.

What does opposition to unjust military invasions, to constant lies from a regime to its citizens, to killings, tortures, rapes, mistreatment of civilians and soldiers, have to do with hate? Hate is such a waste of time. Seems as if you see things as black OR white - if I don�t LOVE America then I must HATE it. How simple is your understanding of the many components of human emotions.

Get out there and stop picketing and start getting into the Law. There is more power in getting into the law then there is, standing in the cold yelling at veterans who have lost brothers and lost limbs and talking about how "st**id Bush is."

Who is picketing? Do you know that there are thousands of Vietnam- Gulf War- Iraq War- and Afghan War Veterans who are VERY active against the current US regime, not to forget all the retired military generals? What is this �getting into law� reference? Is this the only advice you have for us? I don�t see where it got YOU anywhere. I�m quoting you now: �I'm getting screwed myself by my own state government but you know what, I'm in my supervisors face about the injustice within th system of law enforcement so I'm very active in making changes in that area......But you know what? It doesn't matter what I say because people will do what they want to do anyway.�

Well, my friend, I can tell you that, when I speak, it matters to those who hear me. Perhaps you should get OUT of law enforcement and align yourself with like-minded, peace loving, non-violent people?

I know America has a (stop using foul language) history. I'm black, so I remember what happened to my ancestors and the ancestors of the indigenous people that were here before the Anglos. I'm not blind to America's ugly history nor am I blind to the strife many people across the world endure because of America.

The history of non-white Americans has nothing to do with what is going on right now. What happened to your ancestors happened to your ancestors, not to you. We are not talking about slavery, Jim Crow, the mass-murders of Native Americans etc., on this thread. And you are responsible for your actions, especially since you admit to knowing about �the strife many people across the world endure because of America.�

My point here is, this is an Islamic website not a politics forum where American bashing is the hot topic to discuss.

My friend, you are as responsible for what is discussed on this forum as those who you accuse of making it a political rather than an Islamic website. If your sincere wish is to discuss matters of faith, then I want to know why you insist that we all should join law enforcement, write to our congress person, and other secular matters. I suspect that it is the - what you call - America-bashing, that gets you upset, correct? Let me tell you, Israfil, if another country had invaded America without any justification (is there ever justification to invade a sovereign nation?), I would speak out against this other country, and I am convinced that you and I would then stand in TOTAL agreement here on this Islamic website. What do you think?

If you are so passionate about it, write to Bush or better yet write to your local embassy.

Another simple solution to a complex problem.

One thing I've learned while I did my share of whinning on is nobody here cares about my personal problems.

I have never read anything remotely resembling �whining about personal problems� from those who come here to voice their protest against the many injustices committed by the US regime. We are Muslims, and we have a right to discuss things that concern us. I remember the reason why you left this forum a few months ago and wonder if you still feel the same way about Islam and Muslims?

The same goes for constantly posting about how bad America is. Dude, I live in America, � remember I'm working in the prison system.

Give me a break! Working in the prison system makes you an expert? You�re looking through ONE small window of a house with many, many windows. You don�t exist on an island far removed from us and we are certainly aware of what is going on in the prison system, and every other system in this country. Unlike you, I believe that every government institution has it�s flaws but that overall, government is necessary, unless you�re an advocate of anarchy. We are NOT discussing law enforcement or the prison system or any other national system. We are discussing the �US system� OUTSIDE of the USA!

I want those who want to take action do something instead of logging online just to vent and constantly post about things they need to do something about it.

The only one constantly venting is YOU. I demand that you finally answer the questions I had posed to you on other threads. It won�t do anymore to post your �opinions� and when challenged you decide not to respond and move on to another thread. I call it �the coward way out.� Let�s see if you actually have something to say!

The reason I'm saying this because I CAN. It would be different if I was at home not doing a damn thing and just posting for no damn reason but I am.

NO YOU CAN�T! You come across as a very frustrated individual who�s life isn�t working out very well, and the reason for this failure always seem lies with OTHERS.

Everday I put my life on the line for all human beings.

That is what you�re getting paid for in the profession you chose, unlike those who�s lives are on the line in ways you refuse to imagine, and who are getting paid only in shrapnel fragments, bomblets (here is THAT cute word again), bullets, the filthy hands and the equally filthy private parts of US soldiers, the daily insults and degradations of fathers and mothers in front of their children, and many other ways. Perhaps you should enlist in the military and REALLY put your life on the line in Iraq or Afghanistan, instead of always talking about how dangerous your job is. Maybe you should switch jobs with one of the thousands of burned-out and war-weary US soldiers and allow him to be a rookie-cop for a while?

I'm getting screwed myself by my own state government but you know what, I'm in my supervisors face about the injustice within th system of law enforcement so I'm very active in making changes in that area......But you know what? It doesn't matter what I say because people will do what they want to do anyway.

These two sentences tell me a lot about you and your frustrated existence.

Again whisper I have nothing against you. But frankly what I love is discussing the intellectual stuff about Islam, not politics.

And why are you not limiting yourself to threads in which Islam �Stuff� is discussed?

Politics is a fickle field because nobody cannot say "they are the victim."

In other words: EVERYBODY can say that they are the victim. Right? Hint: �nobody cannot�

Peace, Hanan

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abuayisha View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 December 2006 at 10:45am

Originally posted by Daniel Dworsky Daniel Dworsky wrote:

  Be still let good things happen.

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Daniel Dworsky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 27 December 2006 at 3:07am
I'm probably more of a realist then both you and Hanan
...Get out there and stop picketing and start getting into the Law. There is
power in getting into the law then there is, standing in the cold yelling at

You are More realistic than Hanan?
And who are you calling a nut Job? Me? I'm against this war. I stand out in
the rain and cold and protest. I take an occasional beating from
policemen and one armed vets. I'm a wounded vet. My wounds ruined my
entire modeling career. So much so that I'm too embarrassed to "get out
there and stop picketing" How does one get out anywhere and
actively not do something? Never mind I won't be refraining from
abstaining on any thing for quite not some time... Truth be told I was
pretty ugly before I was hurt so I'm used to it what ever it is... but I
have failed to not digress....

I think there is not an unlikelyhood that you need to meet a nice girl.

Try going to the mosque more. Hang out. Get involved in your local
community/Islam stuff. Find the sweetest girl there and ask non- "yes or
no" questions. Listen. Don't you dare talk about yourself or express your
rookie opinions. We've been to this movie and it's not pretty. Come
on I'm just messing with you. No really, you are a young man you really
should get your self off the computer and on to a phone. Remember
Denzil in the Malcolm X movie? Did he do well in
mosque or did he not? And? All this capital F followed by azterix stuff?
what's that all about son? Come on. Declare: "Today is be nice to Isralfil
day" and that this was, rather has been announced on the radio ( I heard
it not five minutes ago) and see how your
day goes. Allah is going to despatch a whole team of angles... No.
angels. I meant angels, to look after you. Don't judge. Don't worry. Be
happy. You are young you are employed. You are an F-asterexing cop for
crying out loud. That's terribly cool. Be still let good things happen.

Edited by Daniel Dworsky
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Servetus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 December 2006 at 4:28pm

Where else, except here at IC and some other places, might we (including myself) spirited, adventurous, and at times arguably politically literate Yanks go for a little counter-conditioning?  I mean, just leaving public school education out of the equation for the moment, not to mention, of course, omnipresent �corporatist� (spit, phew!) media, we�re probably even being subliminally bombarded with party-line propaganda in the Muzak at any given up-against-the-Wall-Mart (but don�t expect me to prove this latter bit)!


I, personally, and speaking now of the judicious use of agitprop and political theatre, would suggest that this ongoing (not a Miss, but) �Dis-America Pageant� would be a complete flop without Whisper here to play Master of Ceremony!


And furthermore, as I have repeatedly said, I like his serious posts as well.





dMccracy rides on the wings of McDonnell McDouglas warplanes


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Duende View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 26 December 2006 at 11:33am
Israfil, I feel Whisper and others who post here 'complaining'- as you
say- are taking action; by drawing to your attention their way of
thinking and their point of view. There is NOTHING a non-American
citizen can do to alter the behaviour of the US administration, yet it
affects practically the whole world.

You say you are faced with reality every day, I don't doubt it. But
what you can not grasp is the way people outside the US see reality.
One way of trying to make a difference is by posting on US sites
where Americans can see and hopefully think about the point of view
of someone who has never been raised to salute your flag, or think
of the president of his country as practically ordained by God.

Within the US it is difficult to read the POVs of non-US citizens, your
country is totally absorbed by itself and anything from outside its
borders is viewed as quaint. As though it were a message written on
papyrus from a long lost age. Thus, when someone consistently
points out the truth, as opposed to the propaganda the entire nation
feeds off, you immediately feel offended and hurt.

You should accept, it's not always about you.
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Israfil View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 25 December 2006 at 2:28pm

Look, I'm probably more of a realist then both you and Hanan together....I see murder all the time in the prisons. I see what happens when you lock a human being up for hours and days at a time and see how this type of isolation can deteriorate your "spirit." Unjustice happens all over the world. I'm no blind to say that America is perfect but I be damned if I spend hours at a time on complaining about it without doing a damn thing about it.....

Here is my advice: Do what I did. I saw a passion to stop injustice at least the injustice that I can prevent or detract so I joined Law enforcement. The same goes for anti-war nut jobs. If you hate war so much write your congressman. Get out there and stop picketing and start getting into the Law. There is more power in getting into the law then there is, standing in the cold yelling at veterans who have lost brothers and lost limbs and talking about how "st**id Bush is."

I know America has a f***** up history. I'm black, so I remember what happened to my ancestors and the ancestors of the indigenous people that were here before the Anglos. I'm not blind to America's ugly history nor am I blind to the strife many people across the world endure because of America. My point here is, this is an Islamic website not a politics forum where American bashing is the hot topic to discuss.

If you are so passionate about it, write to Bush or better yet write to your local embassy. One thing I've learned while I did my share of whinning on is nobody here cares about my personal problems. So, I stop whinning. The same goes for constantly posting about how bad America is. Dude, I live in America, I know how f**** up people can be, remember I'm working in the prison system.

I want those who want to take action do something instead of logging online just to vent and constantly post about things they need to do something about it. The reason I'm saying this because I CAN. It would be different if I was at home not doing a damn thing and just posting for no damn reason but I am. Everday I put my life on the line for all human beings.

I'm getting screwed myself by my own state government but you know what, I'm in my supervisors face about the injustice within th system of law enforcement so I'm very active in making changes in that area......But you know what? It doesn't matter what I say because people will do what they want to do anyway. Again whisper I have nothing against you. But frankly what I love is discussing the intellectual stuff about Islam, not politics. Politics is a fickle field because nobody cannot say "they are the victim."

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