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Suleyman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 October 2006 at 9:16am

What about babies?, their family bear depressions?...


Mother: Eat it!,Eat it!!!

Baby:what the hell is this?, very bad?,if i could speak...


Mother: Piss Piss!!!

Baby: what?,where i am ?,why i am hanged on the toilet?,if i could speak...


35 centigrate degrees in the city,

Mother: Wear it,wear it!!

Baby:does she my mother?,if i could speak...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 October 2006 at 9:25am
Again another Brother Suleyman replic,no connection with the thread,he will never change...all blessings to the members of the IC...wa salaam...
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najamsahar View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 October 2006 at 1:29pm



Four women that I know on a personal basis, thus being very sure of what I am saying apostasted. I dont know what you mean by references, do you want their names?


I live in Saudi Arabia. Just few months ago a Phillipino lady rang the doorbell, obviously she had come to the wrong place. She said she was working at the local grocery store and had come to drop off someones goods.  I started speaking to her as I was on the lookout for a maid. She said she would come by to help with the chores and some instinct made me ask "are you a muslim" and she replied "I was, but now I am a christian" The picture of her saying those words is still fresh in my mind, it gave me a disgusting feeling. And I asked her why. She replied "Islam is good, but it is more important to have a good heart"....whatever that means.

In India, it is becoming very common to hear these stories especially from educated young muslimas. I could tell you 4 in India and one in the heartland of Islam. This is a growing phenomenon and its just that nobody talks about it. Havent you heard about the famous seminar in Mumbai where 50 odd women andconverted to christianity in an hours time, Bridges TV had carried a report on this too, this was in  feb or march 2005.

The point about the scholars. Well, the sheikh in Australia to start with who made the comment about non-hijabi women. Have you not heard innmuerable things about women being impure, deficient, weak, her testimony being equal to half of the mans? There has been no  effort to publisize the priviliges that Islam has given women. How many muslims know that household chores are not the womens responsibility, that the wife has obligations towards her family, that daughters have a particular share in the inheritance?

"We also have another breed of muslim women who have picked out from Islam what they wanted, modified it and started a religion named Islam too but in that they have what they did not get from mainstream Islam."

Have you heard about Amina Wadood and Asra Nomani? What they stand for?


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peacemaker View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 October 2006 at 5:18pm

Assalamu Alaikum,


"Four women that I know on a personal basis, thus being very sure of what I am saying apostasted. I dont know what you mean by references, do you want their names?"

By references I meant links to reliable sources such as web site links where I could study further on the matter. Well, I will believe what you say, but the numbers by any measures are nowhere even close to the numbers related to reverts, those coming into Islam. By that I don�t mean that we can overlook those leaving Islam.

"I live in Saudi Arabia. Just few months ago a Phillipino lady rang the doorbell, obviously she had come to the wrong place. She said she was working at the local grocery store and had come to drop off someones goods. I started speaking to her as I was on the lookout for a maid. She said she would come by to help with the chores and some instinct made me ask "are you a muslim" and she replied "I was, but now I am a christian" The picture of her saying those words is still fresh in my mind, it gave me a disgusting feeling. And I asked her why. She replied "Islam is good, but it is more important to have a good heart"....whatever that means.

In India, it is becoming very common to hear these stories especially from educated young muslimas. I could tell you 4 in India and one in the heartland of Islam. This is a growing phenomenon and its just that nobody talks about it. Havent you heard about the famous seminar in Mumbai where 50 odd women andconverted to christianity in an hours time, Bridges TV had carried a report on this too, this was in feb or march 2005."

The Philipino you spoke to had no idea what she was talking. That means, according to her, Islam didn�t have heart, and Christianity had. The problem here is not Islam, but the people she might have dealt with who didn�t convey the true Message of Islam. Likewise, Christian missionaries visit ruler places in the developing countries such as Asia and Africa, and offer food, medicine, money etc to poor and uneducated class to convert them who have no idea about the beauty of Islam. That is how many Muslims in those places are changing their faith. With that said, there is not an example of any Scholar of Islam who left Islam.


"The point about the scholars. Well, the sheikh in Australia to start with who made the comment about non-hijabi women. Have you not heard innmuerable things about women being impure, deficient, weak, her testimony being equal to half of the mans? There has been no effort to publisize the priviliges that Islam has given women. How many muslims know that household chores are not the womens responsibility, that the wife has obligations towards her family, that daughters have a particular share in the inheritance?"

The Sheikh in Australia apologized for his mistake. The moment someone realizes his mistake and apologizes, the door of Islamic heart should open to accept the apology. Media will go on attacking him, but I think , as Muslims, we should understand better our responsibilities. Should we keep blaming him for what he did? Look what will happen. We will do exactly what media is doing. Therefore, we have to be careful. Yes, if he doesn�t realize his mistake or refuses to apologize, we must speak against him, but that is not the case here.

Islamic Scholars that I have studied so far such as Dr. Zakir Naik ( India ), Dr. Jamal Badawi ( Canada ), Imam Zaid Shakir and Hamza Yusuf ( USA ), Dr Bilal Philips ( I think he is in Saudi Arabia now ), to name a few, explain very well the rights of women in Islam. There are many highly learned Scholars in Saudi Arabia where you are now. Most of the Scholars in Islam are very knowledgeable, Masha Allah. Yes, you might have come across Maulvis, found in places such as India/ Pakistan ( they could also be found in other continents ), many of them are uneducated, and therefore, should not be referred to as Scholars.

"We also have another breed of muslim women who have picked out from Islam what they wanted, modified it and started a religion named Islam too but in that they have what they did not get from mainstream Islam."

"Have you heard about Amina Wadood and Asra Nomani? What they stand for?"

There are many sects. And everyone will be held accountable for his/her deeds on the day of judgement. Islam gave rights to women 1400 years back that no system on Earth could ever match that. Just see the quote, "Heaven lies under mother�s feet". I am content with my faith that I would not compromise at any cost, insha Allah.

I understand your frustration. But, there should be proper way to change the status quo. The gradual transformation is the best way out. Sudden changes don�t normally have positive outcomes. And yes, we all are responsible to bring out change, that what each of us could do to achieve necessary revival in the ummah. 

If I made any mistake, I apologize for that.

Allah knows best.


Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?
Qur'an 55:13
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UmmAminata View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 October 2006 at 7:59pm


-Many young and educated muslimas somehow find and follow those precepts of Islam that are contrary to womens interests and well being. For eg, I have had vehement discussions with women who will say that men/husbands have the status next to God (based on the Hadith). I do not disagree with this. However, we have enough information about the husbands rights and mens status etc from our male dominated societies.

In all honesty sister, I believe Muslim women of all ages, educational levels, and economic backgrounds fall into this trap, although, it's easier for those who are young, nieve, and don't use common sense. Also, according to what I have studied, not all hadiths in Imam Buhkari's manual are "sahih"- and recently some scholar wrote a book about commonly used hadiths that were fabricated! When it comes to hadith, I'm very, very, very cautious. I only take the hadith that deal directly with prayer, fasting, zakkat, hajj, aqidah, death and funnerals. Just the basics. I also know that people use hadiths to justify their behaviour. Some use hadiths to justify homosexuallity, others use it to justify domestic violence, and others use it to justify jihad.

Even if we were to step into any gender discussion on many of the forums online, and take an objective look at whats going, its striking that not only men but also women are talking about mens rights.

You know sister... I believe that men's rights are talked about soo much, that they really don't know, and worse yet, don't care about the rights of women and CHILDREN. Women do this because they have been led to believe that marriage is about pleasing the man, and all members of the family become subordinate to that goal, despite their own needs.

-Muslim women have failed to come into their own and have failed to come together as a sisterhood. The one single place that I felt this sisterhood was in a small town in Texas. MashaAllah the sisters are wonderful in supporting each other and their husbands and families have fallen in sync with them. To me the reason was that the women were very united eventhough they came from varied backgrounds. Women in my local mosque and some mosques I came across in Canda and NY divided up on the basis of every reason that could be found.

I personally have given up the idea of sisterhood. I just try building a community of like minded families around my family, and just move forward. Some times I wonder if the Muslim communities here in the West will ever make it! I notice that classism even more than racism is a major issue for many people. Muslim organizations create standards and cultures that are so exclusive many beneficial people can't join these groups. I have never met a group of people in all my life that are so concerned with what you do or dont have; I have never met a group of people who talk to middle class and working class persons as if they are social workers interrogating their worth and value. Big problem. Also, many sisters only want to associate with some one from their ethnic group or nation. There excuse always is "language" - mind you, they have been here 20 years plus, or have a degree in English studies!!! The truth is, they don't like people outside their ethnicity. Also, comming from a Catholic background, I'm used to walking in a faith enviournment where people treat each other with common courtsey, and are sensitive to differences. I'm still after seven years, trying to adjust to the many ill mannered, sanctimonious, self- righteous, nosey, and disrespectful Muslimas. I have never experienced what I have in my former faith experience. These Muslims make the KKK look like the good guys, that's how bad my experiences have been. So I have given up and just focus on the multicultural, multigenerational, and class diversity of the individuals I choose to be around.

-There has been no substantial voice against domestic violence and abuse. I was was close to a victim of domestic violence and I found no help from ISNA or ICNA. ISNA has a website but I guess that this is it. There is no one to answer the phone on most of the extensions. There are only two muslim shelters where the counsellors are extremely overbooked. My experience with ISNA has been dissappointing. they have high and lofty goals to try to propagate Islam and all that stuff, but there are many problems to be dealt within the muslim homes that wont go away unless there is sustained action.

Sister... I have nothing nice to say about those organizations. So I better keep my mouth shut!

-Muslim women have a great capacity to feel happy by comparing Islam to other religions. Again, visit a few forums and see for yourself. I dont understand how talking about christianity or any other religion is going to help us!

Very true sister. I think comparsions can be healthy, but if it interferes with your ability to move forward and progress, that's a big problem. I also believe this is a defensive mechanism to protect against Islamaphobia, institutional Islamiaphobia, and self deprecaiting thinking. Problem is, we look like fools!

-There is an pathetic lack of knowledge among Asian women about their status ordained by God. For eg: most Indian pakistani women assume that the man is always in control and the duties of the wife are principally to "take care of the husband" from pressing his clothes to having perfect meals ready even when she is sick.

I believe that if a woman willingly chooses to be devoted to just her husband and family, that should be respected. If a woman has not been properly educated, is being restricted, and has not been exposed to other options, she is making a premature decision.

-restricting her from activities based on the arguments such as "you wont have enough time to spend with me if you do such and such"

This is one of the biggest reasons why man Muslima's are unable to create and maintain healthy friendships with other Muslimas to even get to a point to build a sisterhood. Their husband have created a situation where they can't have any relationship other than with them.

-restricting her from pursuing higher studies, getting a drivers license, getting her a car so that she can move about by herself

It's such a shame that many men both Muslim and non-Muslim don't get that the better educated the mother is, the better she will be able to parent. The more experienced, interdepedent, and self actualized a mother is the more confidence and skill she will apply to her children. The status of the mother is directly related to the status of the child, and one day, when men get that, perhaps, they can stop creating parent child relationships with another adult, and move on up to a higher level of interpersonal relationships.

-Not providing some amount of money that she can spend freely of her own will.

You know.. I have to laugh here... I have met so many "elite" Muslim sisters married to wealthy and well educated brothers who refuse to give them any money, but will give the children money? One brother only buys his wife clothes from Wallmart. I wonder if they ascertained their college degree from a land mine?

-Expecting an unusual amount of housework which is unnecessary. Not helping wiht household chores when she has extra demands of prayer esp during ramadhan.

I have to laugh again too.. Many of these men claim " it's the sunnah of the Prophet" {sws} I guess they haven't read the Seerah? The Prophet pbh, helped not only in his own homes, but along side his companions he build masjids with his own hands, fought in war, and when he first arrived to Medinah slept on the bottom floor a Muslim family home, they were so worried that they begged him to take the highest floor in the house. They had to coerece him into doing it. What sunnah are they talking about? The Abuser's Manifesto?


-Expecting the wife to be very particular in matters of religion like wearing an abaya and not speaking to mahrams. The husbands of many of these women are without beards and they interact freely with women.

Not suprised!

-Routinely women are not given anything in inheritance. The reasoning is that the parents spent money on them for the wedding and thats how they equate it.

Shame on the parents.

The three results of this disease within our communities is already visible and all of them hurt.

1)Many women are leaving Islam. We talk about women who enter Islam but the numbers of women who are leaving are staggering. The reasons are disillusionment and logically they refuse to accept that God could be unfair to women (the potrayal by most of the scholars of women is unfair)

It makes no sense to worship a god who despies it's own creation, who didn't ask to be here?

2)We also have another breed of muslim women who have picked out from Islam what they wanted, modified it and started a religion named Islam too but in that they have what they did not get from mainstream Islam.

More of these groups are on the way. I say.. give it a good ten years, and you will see a newspaper article titled " The New Hip Hop Islam" Why people go to extremes is beyond me!

3) Thousands of women are suffering in the name of Islam. They suffer in silence and they cry out. No one listens to them. A muslim woman can bring out the Quran, Hadith, anything and everything, but nobody's listening to your one little voice sista!

I'm into a bit of public speaking, and enjoy reading speech's and lectures by Civil Rights activist. In particular Dr. Martin Luther King, who was against violence, said that in order for the African American to attain justice is that they had to go to their opressors and reason with them patiently, positively, and logically. If they were denied justice, than they had to examine themselves and correct what ever was wrong, yet if they corrected it, and still were denied justice, than people had to stand up and protest some way some how and not stop until it's achieved. Like the African American can't change his skin color and features ( accept Micheal Jackson) The Muslim woman can't change her gender ( Accept people undergoing sex changes). Therefore, Muslim women are only left to disobey the structures that are opressive; Muslim women are only left to protest and challenge; Muslim women are only left with each other, and their ability to march for their God Given rights - literaly, unfortunately because people are so concerned about your skin color, marital status, hair type, educational background, what type of car you have, and how many yards of land you own- it aint gonna happen. The truth that the orthodox, conservative, progressive, liberal, and secular Muslim don't want to hear is that, if you don't build a community, sisterhood, on this deen- uncorrupted, you will be just like the other movements, revolutions, and radicals who come and go, and are at best glorified by their supporters and recently written on history books.

Mrs. Dia
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Hayfa View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 October 2006 at 8:15pm

Honestly people are all over the map! It is almost too much to take in at times.

I met Asra Nomani, well went to a talk about her book. Whereas I do not agree with her completely, she is just trying to change certain things, like not allowing women into her mosque or having adequate prayer space for women. She is just reacting to her surroundings... don't we all?

Some people become more "hard-line" in repsonse to US foregn policy or western culture. Others' reject the complete rigidity of others..

As we are shown. .we should all seek balance...




When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Rumi
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UmmAminata View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 October 2006 at 8:26pm

Please quote with references. My wife and I have yet to find any woman that has left Islam. But, that doesn't mean that women may not be leaving Islam. - PeaceMaker

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"We also have another breed of muslim women who have picked out from Islam what they wanted, modified it and started a religion named Islam too but in that they have what they did not get from mainstream Islam."

Please elaborate.

I believe the sister is talking about people who " throw the baby out with the bath water."  When people start dismissing tawheed, salat, sawm, hajj, zakkat, modesty, heterosexuallity, marriage, and the Angel Gabriel Hadith, that get's scary brother. On whose authority are doing so? Did Allah give them permission to speak for him?

Edited by peacemaker
Mrs. Dia
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UmmAminata View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: 29 October 2006 at 8:37pm

What about babies?, their family bear depressions?...


Brother Suleyman you must be a young man...

Post Partum Depression is no joke.  Have ya heard of Andrea Yates? And others who have committed infanctide? Suicide?

The mother is the child's primary care taker, if the mother is not being cared for, the baby isn't going to be cared for. The better the condition that the mother is in, the more able she is able to care for her baby.

Babies and children in general become depressed because their parents are depressed or are exhibiting some type of nuerosis.  Babies automatically want to bond with their mother. They know her smell, and voice before they are even born.

If men like you are so concerned about the welfare of children, hold your leadership and fellow brothers accountable to a higher standard of behaviour, and human functioning. When men stop putting women in bad situations and women stop allowing men to put them in bad situations than the possibility for a family to form can take place. Intelligent men understand that shared parenting, shared domestic work,  respect and love, as well the desire to see their wife and mother of their own children healthy and happy is crucial to the well being for the family and directly affects the society.  Once that child enters the picture it's not all about him any more, the righteous and mature thing to do would be to step up to the plate and act like a man instead of toddler throwing temper tantrums, and manipulating to get one's way.  Requiring that your wife and children be subordinate to your authority and fulfill your happiness to the detriment of their basic human needs is the slow killing of the mind, the body, and the soul.


Mrs. Dia
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