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Who is the Comforter?

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From you: "bmz - so the matter of muhammad being the "comforter" is of no importance to you.  that being so, where exactly is muhammad to be found in the bible? - remember he said that he was in the bible - so if he is not then he is certainly no prophet."

Neither Muhammad said that he was in the Bible nor Qur'aan says that Muhammad was in the Bible.

Qur'aan does not mention the term Bible at all. Qur'aan specifically names only Torah and the Injeel. The entire NT is NOT the Injeel and the entire OT is not the Torah.

Lots of other books have been thrown out under the cover of apocrypha. The words in the four gospels had been forged to suit the Nicene creed. If you read carefully, you will find that it was Muhammad who was to come after Jesus, not the Holy Spirit.

If the Holy Spirit had really come at the pentecost, it would not have taken 365 years of infighting, arguments and philosophies as to who Jesus was, by various famed scholars and priests some of whom were kicked out, to conclude a Nicean Creed.

We can thus say that in reality, that no Holy Spirit came as the Comforter after Jesus. The Holy Spirit according to Christian literature had already filled Jesus and had been there before him and had covered him. It had to be a new Holy Spirit this time and note the word Comforter which does not translate well at all into Holy Spirit.


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From you:"When Jesus Christ spoke about the coming of the Holy Spirit he mentioned a number of very important things. Jesus Christ told his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit and that the Holy Spirit would come in his name (John 14:26; 15:26; 16:7). The Holy Spirit's mission involves testifying on behalf of Jesus Christ and glorifying Jesus Christ (John 15:26; 16:14). Jesus Christ said the Holy Spirit would receive what belongs to Jesus and declare it to believers (John 16:13-14). "

The above suggests and confirms simply the failed or the aborted mission and Jesus in above cofnrims the same. You know well that his ministry hardly lasted for one year and some say it lasted only three years. It was a failed a mission. God knew that. Jesus knew that well too.

Had his mission been successful, he would not have said so.

Regarding your "becasue Jesus Christ is God" series in above post, God has clearly declared in Isaiah that there in no other God and God does not give glory to anyone. God's words do not change and Isaiah stands. Jesus is no God. Do you agree with what God said in Isaiah repeatedly?

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fredifreeloader View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote fredifreeloader Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23 April 2006 at 1:09am
Originally posted by bmzsp bmzsp wrote:


From you: "bmz - so the matter of muhammad being the "comforter" is of no importance to you.  that being so, where exactly is muhammad to be found in the bible? - remember he said that he was in the bible - so if he is not then he is certainly no prophet."

Neither Muhammad said that he was in the Bible nor Qur'aan says that Muhammad was in the Bible.

Qur'aan does not mention the term Bible at all. Qur'aan specifically names only Torah and the Injeel. The entire NT is NOT the Injeel and the entire OT is not the Torah.

Lots of other books have been thrown out under the cover of apocrypha. The words in the four gospels had been forged to suit the Nicene creed. If you read carefully, you will find that it was Muhammad who was to come after Jesus, not the Holy Spirit.

If the Holy Spirit had really come at the pentecost, it would not have taken 365 years of infighting, arguments and philosophies as to who Jesus was, by various famed scholars and priests some of whom were kicked out, to conclude a Nicean Creed.

We can thus say that in reality, that no Holy Spirit came as the Comforter after Jesus. The Holy Spirit according to Christian literature had already filled Jesus and had been there before him and had covered him. It had to be a new Holy Spirit this time and note the word Comforter which does not translate well at all into Holy Spirit.


bmz - the bible does not mention the term "bible" - the Lord Jesus stated categorically that the Comforter is the Holy Spirit.  your assertion that parts of the Word of God have been "thrown out" and "forged" is futile - even the quran says "there is none to change the words of Allah" - you are saying that Allah has not been able to preserve his word.  also, muslims on this forum have been saying that the holy spirit is gabriel, so why are you making out he is muhammad?

for i am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth - romans 1: 16
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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!  Jazzak Allah Khayr Brother bmz for your time and effort in this thread.

Our All-Knowing Lord has chosen when and what to reveal and he chose that the Quran be the book revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing upon him, and that the Messenger Jesus, Issa, be given many miracles, including a blessed miracle birth.

Allah The Most High is our Comforter and our Lord.

Brother bmz, I have seen Islaamic positions stating that Muhammad, pbuh, was the paraclete referred to in the Bible, which they are calling the comforter.

I don't want to take the time at this point in my life to begin studying the Bible again.  I have chosen the Holy Quran as my guidebook and Allah, The Most High as my Comforter.

Al-Hamdulillah (From a Married Muslimah) La Howla Wa La Quwata Illa BiLLah - There is no Effort or Power except with Allah's Will.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote George Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 23 April 2006 at 6:12am


From you: "bmz - so the matter of muhammad being the "comforter" is of no importance to you.  that being so, where exactly is muhammad to be found in the bible? - remember he said that he was in the bible - so if he is not then he is certainly no prophet."

Neither Muhammad said that he was in the Bible nor Qur'aan says that Muhammad was in the Bible.

Qur'aan does not mention the term Bible at all. Qur'aan specifically names only Torah and the Injeel. The entire NT is NOT the Injeel and the entire OT is not the Torah.

Well, I guess the Muslims can stop looking for Muhammad's name in the other books of the Bible, such as Isaiah, Song of Songs, Habakkuk and the like. 

Lots of other books have been thrown out under the cover of apocrypha. The words in the four gospels had been forged to suit the Nicene creed. If you read carefully, you will find that it was Muhammad who was to come after Jesus, not the Holy Spirit.

This is nonsense, BMZ.  The Gospels and other books of the New Testament were already in wide circulation by the AD200's and in many different languages, well before Nicene Creed.

Polycarp (70-155/160). Bishop of Smyrna. Disciple of John the Apostle.
     "O Lord God almighty...I bless you and glorify you through the eternal and heavenly high priest Jesus Christ, your beloved Son, through whom be glory to you, with Him and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever" (n. 14, ed. Funk; PG 5.1040).

Justin Martyr (100?-165?). He was a Christian apologist and martyr.
      "For, in the name of God, the Father and Lord of the universe, and of our Savior Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Spirit, they then receive the washing with water" (First Apol., LXI).

Ignatius of Antioch (died 98/117). Bishop of Antioch. He wrote much in defense of Christianity.
      "In Christ Jesus our Lord, by whom and with whom be glory and power to the Father with the Holy Spirit for ever" (n. 7; PG 5.988).

Irenaeus (115-190). As a boy he listened to Polycarp, the disciple of John. He became Bishop of Lyons.
      "The Church, though dispersed throughout the whole world, even to the ends of the earth, has received from the apostles and their disciples this faith: God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them; and in one Christ Jesus, the Son of God, who became incarnate for our salvation; and in the Holy Spirit, who proclaimed through the prophets the dispensations of God, and the advents, and the birth from a virgin, and the passion, and the resurrection from the dead, and the ascension into heaven in the flesh of the beloved Christ Jesus, our Lord, and His manifestation from heaven in the glory of the Father �to gather all things in one,' and to raise up anew all flesh of the w hole human race, in order that to Christ Jesus, our Lord, and God, and Savior, and King, according to the will of the invisible Father, �every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess; to him, and that He should execute just judgment towards all...'" (Against Heresies X.l)

Tertullian (160-215). African apologist and theologian. He wrote much in defense of Christianity.
      "We define that there are two, the Father and the Son, and three with the Holy Spirit, and this number is made by the pattern of salvation...[which] brings about unity in trinity, interrelating the three, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are three, not in dignity, but in degree, not in substance but in form, not in power but in kind. They are of one substance and power, because there is one God from whom these degrees, forms and kinds devolve in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit." (Adv. Prax. 23; PL 2.156-7).

You know very well why the apocrypha were not considered canon.  You know the criteria for inclusion in the canon.

If the Holy Spirit had really come at the pentecost, it would not have taken 365 years of infighting, arguments and philosophies as to who Jesus was, by various famed scholars and priests some of whom were kicked out, to conclude a Nicean Creed.

More nonsense, BMZ.  Your opinion bears no weight.  Sorry.

We can thus say that in reality, that no Holy Spirit came as the Comforter after Jesus. The Holy Spirit according to Christian literature had already filled Jesus and had been there before him and had covered him. It had to be a new Holy Spirit this time and note the word Comforter which does not translate well at all into Holy Spirit.

I have already addressed this issue.  Please go back and read it.
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Originally posted by herjihad herjihad wrote:

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,

Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!  Allahu Akbar!  Jazzak Allah Khayr Brother bmz for your time and effort in this thread.

Our All-Knowing Lord has chosen when and what to reveal and he chose that the Quran be the book revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing upon him, and that the Messenger Jesus, Issa, be given many miracles, including a blessed miracle birth.

Allah The Most High is our Comforter and our Lord.

Brother bmz, I have seen Islaamic positions stating that Muhammad, pbuh, was the paraclete referred to in the Bible, which they are calling the comforter.

I don't want to take the time at this point in my life to begin studying the Bible again.  I have chosen the Holy Quran as my guidebook and Allah, The Most High as my Comforter.

You do well to consider God your Comforter, since the Holy Spirit Jesus mentioned in this Gospel is God.

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Keeping Islam out of the equation for the moment, and as a reminder of Christian history, it might be borne in mind that the idea that the expected �Paraclete� is a supernatural entity, call it spirit, which works, not of itself, but through an individual to give him or her prophetic and authoritative utterances was apparently widespread in the early days of Christendom.


Consider the case of Montanus who fancied himself the �Paraclete� and took half of 2nd Century Christianity along with him into what is now termed �Montanism.�  I might be off in the percentages, but this includes, by the way, and at least at times, our friend from another thread, the pugnacious Tertullian.  Also, it is interesting to note that this movement, Montanism, is at times compared to certain modern strains of evangelical fundamentalism though usually by its harsher critics.


Anyway, here are the details:




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From you: "More nonsense, BMZ.  Your opinion bears no weight.  Sorry.

I have already addressed this issue.  Please go back and read it.""

George, all of your above message is a Cop-out.

I write what I read in the Christian literature which is a few hundred thousand times more than what really Jesus spoke or taught. People in the Christian history argued, discussed, debated and quarelled on who he was for more than 350 years and you know that well. You cannot deny that.

God is not like a brain mass contained in a huge glass bulb with his Spirit floating free around outside, while the brain is giving instructions. God's spirit or soul has to be within God. Period.

How God communicates with people is another matter. That is via a courier. Call him Gabriel, the holy spirit.

ps: I had made a mistake in quoting back, hence the editing.

Edited by bmzsp
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