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    Posted: 19 April 2015 at 11:30am


It is very much liked
Peace be upon Muhammad and his family
As he enjoins us to its lofty ideal
We return to Allah again and again

When one mentions Allah Azza Wa Jall
He automatically mentions the beloved of Allah Azza Wa Jall
Peace be upon him and his family, he was used to, everyday
Asking Allah�s forgiveness more than 70 times

To repent is neither superficial nor easy
It�s a lifelong commitment
And an admittance of a wrong done to someone
Which is not forgiven except after making peace with him
The small sins as we know from Allah�s beloved
Peace be upon him and his family always
Are cancelled with 3 istighfars
Said in the way appropriate for this purpose
Repentance is greater than istighfar
Muhammad insisted on both but crowned repentance
Peace be upon him and his family at every moment
Strength is not only repentance, but repentance is great strength
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That which is a part of the nature of humans
That therefore is a great attribute of Allah Azza Wa Jall
Which He seems to covetously withhold
And everything He values He withholds, without a doubt

The goal of all and the motivation of each one
The Beloved of God took all under his blessed wings
Peace be upon him and his family
Thanks to whom humans and all species are adorned with beauty

In the Book of him, Allah Azza Wa Jall explained
In the Book of him, peace be upon him and his family
The first words are words of Mercy, The Most Merciful, the Great Merciful
Opening all 114 Surahs of Allah, except one

The only Surah of the Qur�an that does not start with the words of mercy
Is the Surah called Tawba (Repentance), which ends with the praise of Muhammad
The mercy of Allah for all creation, Peace be upon him and his family
A Surah stern in content and obvious in meaning

Look no further for Allah�s greatest Name, it is the words of mercy
About him who is the mercy for all worlds, as written in the Qur�an
Peace be upon him and his family, he only pointed to Yunus
Therefore do we rejoice in the Glory of the words of mercy
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Muslim75 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19 April 2015 at 11:33am
Our predecessors in the past were accustomed to crying
Muhammad raised these men, taught them, guided them
Peace be upon him and his family, there were two lines
Upon the face of his blessed Companion
The affair of it will only be that
A sincere one collecting treasures for a Day that will come
One great treasure is found within it
Within one drop of it, within a single tear

What we say is the dua for the beloved of God
Peace be upon him and his family, he the cousin of whom
Spoke the truth, recited the book of him
So that the priests and their king cried much
Muhammad himself cried before his Lord
Peace be upon him and his family
The Companion recited the Qur�an before him
And noticed that the master was crying, peace be upon him and his family
Great this affair of crying
Water from Allah Azza Wa Jall upon the eye
Allah Azza Wa Jall made from water every living thing
So that the eyes must be fixed firm on The Living, Glory to Him
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Muslim75 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19 April 2015 at 11:35am
Humans seem to be in perpetual need of it
That the Messenger ordered us to greet people while we smile
Peace be upon him and his family, the beloved of Allah Azza Wa Jall
And the warmth and the solace to the seekers of knowedge of Allah Azza Wa Jalla
Some things human beings take for granted
When they come to be deprived of it, they realize its necessity
In this religion one of our weapons is firm will
Beneath that firm will flows the graceful river of warmth
Muhammad has been oft-praised by many men
Peace be upon him and his family, praised by the Companions and other men
He is the one with the most beautiful smile, peace be upon him and his family
And the brilliance of his smile has been mentioned

In a gathering of men for the sake of learning
There are lights, without a doubt
And there is warmth, subtle and unnoticed
Hidden, yet precious, graceful and essential

Good deeds we like to do as Muslims
Is to give warmth to others, blessed with it or deprived
Is there anything one enjoys more than this
We hope for great rewards from Allah Azza Wa Jall

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Let me enjoin you to take caution
For it will come back onto you
With meanness it comes, with mercilessness
It teaches a lesson to some and sets others in bonds

The Messenger warned not to fall to its clutches
Peace be upon him and his family, the Master of all
One can not allow himself to suffer some losses
One must protect his dignity and enjoy life

Some say that failure is the result of heedlessness
I say that Muhammad guided, peace be upon him and his family
If failure is a tragedy mankind can not escape
Muslims are distinguished for the perpetual success

Failure strikes at all ages
Children fail, we have mercy on them
Elderly ones fail, we learn from them
Adults fail, we must not be like them

Allah Azza Wa Jall gave us an unbreakable rope to cling to
O Allah pray on Muhammad and on the Family of Muhammad
The one Allah Azza Wa Jall entrusted every single human being
Up to the Day of Intercession, that most terrible day

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Muslim75 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19 April 2015 at 11:38am
There is the kind of man who makes of it a dress
It is written in the book of Muhammad
Peace be upon him and his family
That we ought to wear our best dresses at every instant

You would say animals in the animal world pay no heed
You would think the inanimate objects are without consciousness
Allah Azza Wa Jall revealed to His Beloved, peace be upon him and his family, that
Those who were admonished but paid no heed are worst than animals,
Heedlessness should not be considered a sin
For a sin is a sin, but heedlessness is more than just a sin
Heedlessness is a chief ill
A strong root of sins and a chief evil

Muhammad will say, peace be upon him and his family
That though they had the book, they paid no heed
For what they thought within them regarding the Book
Their eyes are closed to the sunlight
Warning repeats itself, each for a different issue
Nothing opens his eyes to the Remembrance of Allah Azza Wa Jall
Which is Muhammad , peace be upon him and his family
Thus punishment falls upon the wicked, always
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Muslim75 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19 April 2015 at 11:41am
Vigour is a praiseworthy characteristic
Allah Azza Wa Jall is the Lord of the characteristics and attributes
So that an attribute of Allah is that He is vigorous
Allah Azza Wa Jall whose religion is Islam is vigorous

The religion in Allah�s presence is Islam
He adorned the Messenger with beautiful characteristics
Peace be upon him and his family, the beloved of Allah
Is as the Beloved, vigorous, peace be upon him and his family
Vigour is intelligence and vision of His work
If you believe that all comes from Him then you see Him
For you see His act and you believe He it is that does it
It is the Tawheed, the belief in the unique agent of actions
Those who are devoid of vigour don�t see
They don�t know that there is a unique agent of actions
His act is that Muhammad is His beloved, peace be upon him and his family
The weak ones can never see, it is not permitted
Vigour is that of the angels, like Jibril and Mika�il, peace on them
At Badr, fighting fiercely for the Companion to see
Muhammad guided him, peace be upon and his family
Vigorous men of a religion that demands vigour
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See how beautifully the universe is moulded
The void as it seems is not void, it contains pathways
Scientists of the world know there are hiddens in the void
As to the sky, it is not blue, but your eyes make it blue
He merges the day into the night and the night into the day
As found in the book of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family
In other words the earth is round, though it seems it is flat
Such harmony, when the round and the flat becomes one, to one�s eyes
Just like the universe is moulded in harmony, one must live in harmony
Muhammad the beloved of Allah, peace be upon him and his family insisted on it
Excess of any kind is not only wrong, it is evil
But take from every flower and make honey, like bees
All is harmony, the Qur�an and the Hadiths are harmony
The Qur�an says that the words of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family
The sayings of Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family are revelations
To the Qur�an we add 10 volumes of books of Hadiths
Allah Azza Wa Jall showered His favours on the creation
When He created them, as He decided to create them
For Allah Azza Wa Jall does not create anything imperfect,
But everything is created perfect and balanced by the Perfect Creator
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