most-recent Why Palestinians in Gaza have Suffered for Decades Why Palestinians in Gaza have Suffered for Decades 91445 386 0 Oct 29 2023 October 28, 2023 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Vox    Source: Vox Vox Featured, Highlights, Middle East, Videos, World Affairs Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Palestine featured highlights middle-east videos world-affairs gaza hamas israel palestine On 7th October 2023, Hamas, a militant group based in the Gaza Strip, launched a deadly attack on Israel, killing over 1,400 Israelis and kidnapping over 200. In retaliation, Israeli airstrikes have killed, as of this video, over 8,000 Palestinians in Gaza, where Palestinians have lived for decades under an occupation and blockade.  Since 1967,… 1 Gaza Gaza 16 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 1 1 1 9 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
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most-recent The Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Brief History The Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Brief History 90201 980 0 Oct 10 2023 October 10, 2023 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Vox    Source: Vox Vox Featured, Videos, World Affairs Israel, Palestine featured videos world-affairs israel palestine One of the biggest myths about the Israel-Palestine conflict is that it's been going on for centuries and that this is all about ancient religious hatred. In fact, while religion is involved, the conflict is mostly about two groups of people who claim the same land. And it really only goes back about a century,… 1 Israel Israel 11 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 2 1 9 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent 6 things most Non-Muslims don't know about Jesus in Islam 6 things most Non-Muslims don't know about Jesus in Islam 9799 11831 0 Dec 22 2022 December 24, 2015 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Jennifer Williams By: Jennifer Williams   Source: Vox Jennifer Williams Vox Faith & Spirituality, Featured Christmas, Mary (Mother Of Jesus), Prophet Jesus (Isa) faith featured christmas mary-mother-of-jesus prophet-jesus Christmas, as everyone knows, commemorates the birth of Jesus and is a major religious celebration for Christians around the world. But what many people don't know is that Jesus is an important figure in Islam, too, even though Muslims don't celebrate Christmas. In honor of the holiday, here are six things you may not know… 1 Christmas Christmas 5 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 3 1 9 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
most-recent History of U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan, from the Cold War to 9/11 History of U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan, from the Cold War to 9/11 78972 1863 0 Aug 22 2021 August 22, 2021 {wpcf-soft-date engaged} A chinook lands in southeastern Afghanistan, Dec 2019 (photo: Army Master Sgt Alejandro Licea/US Dept of Defense via The Lowy Institute). <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-BEGIN--><a href=""><img src='' class="thumbnailpostcontent" ></a> <!--BLP-SHORTCODE-END--> Vox    Source: Vox Vox Americas, Asia, Featured, Highlights, World Affairs 9/11, Afghanistan, Cold War, Conflicts And War, History, Russia, United States Of America americas asia featured highlights world-affairs 911 afghanistan cold-war conflicts-and-war history russia united-states-of-america The United States’ decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan closes a 20-year chapter between the two countries. But US intervention in Afghanistan far predates the 21st century, stretching back decades. In the weeks and months ahead, there are going to be a lot of questions about what’s next for Afghanistan, including how the US approaches… 1 9/11 9/11 6 Warning: Array to string conversion in F:\inetpub\wwwroot\Accounts\\wp-content\themes\plain-child\blueprint\shortcode-output\query\system-parts\cell-part-1.php on line 1040 Array 4 1 9 cell-cell-owl.php filter 1 same-as-desktop 1
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